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31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

865. Advance Comparative Statistics for the United States (1987 Basis): 1997

[162 represents $162,000,000,000. These data are preliminary and are subject to change; they will be superceded by datareleased in later reports. Includes only establishments with payroll.For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see text this section]

Sales/receipts/ Annual payroll Paid employees
1987 Establishments revenue/shipments (bil. dol.) (1,000)
SIC 1 (number) (bil. dol.)
Description code
1992 1997 1992 1997 1992 1997 1992 1997
  Total 30,787 25,251 162 175 24 22 638 550
Metal mining 10 1,023 696 10 12 2 2 53 50
Coal mining 12 3,069 1,820 27 24 5 4 134 96
Oil & gas extraction 13 20,891 17,219 112 122 13 12 345 305
Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels 14 5,804 5,516 14 17 3 4 106 100
  Total 572,851 639,482 539 835 118 170 4,668 5,617
Building construction
operative builders 15 168,407 184,517 220 366 27 39 1,097 1,266
Heavy construction other than buildings
construction   16 37,180 39,542 99 127 24 29 799 858
Construction--special trade contractors 17 367,263 415,423 220 342 67 102 2,772 3,492
  Total 370,912 377,776 3,005 3,958 494 596 16,949 17,634
Food & kindred products 20 20,798 20,878 407 481 37 43 1,503 1,567
Tobacco products 21 114 105 35 36 2 2 38 34
Textile mill products 22 5,886 6,155 71 82 12 14 616 558
Apparel & other textile products 23 23,093 23,411 72 81 15 15 985 840
Lumber & wood products 24 35,807 36,735 82 112 14 19 656 757
Furniture & fixtures 25 11,658 12,095 44 62 10 13 471 523
Paper & allied products 26 6,416 6,496 133 159 20 24 626 624
Printing & publishing 27 65,392 62,355 166 211 41 49 1,492 1,520
Chemicals & allied products 28 12,004 12,371 305 400 33 38 849 843
Petroleum & coal products 29 2,124 2,147 150 176 5 5 114 107
Rubber & miscellaneous plastics products 30 15,842 16,892 114 161 23 30 907 1,031
Leather & leather products 31 2,040 1,839 10 10 2 2 101 84
Stone, clay, & glass products 32 16,254 16,393 63 87 13 17 469 510
Primary metal industries 33 6,501 6,275 138 189 22 27 662 693
Fabricated metal products 34 36,429 37,985 167 232 39 51 1,362 1,556
Industrial machinery & equipment 35 53,956 56,383 259 407 57 75 1,739 2,002
Electronic & other electric equipment 36 16,922 17,104 217 349 44 58 1,439 1,574
Transportation equipment 37 11,287 12,387 399 516 63 68 1,647 1,587
Instruments & related products 38 11,354 11,727 135 157 33 36 907 832
Miscellaneous mfg industries 39 17,035 18,043 39 60 8 10 365 392
  Total 40 252,953 293,575 791 1,145 153 205 4,934 5,823
Railroad transportation
Passenger transportion 41 17,805 19,621 13 19 5 8 355 455
Motor freight transportation & warehousing 42 110,908 133,373 144 197 40 56 1,580 1,964
Water transportation 44 8,147 9,214 29 35 5 6 171 180
Transportation by air 45 9,363 11,455 33 47 7 10 273 360
Pipelines, except natural gas 46 844 861 7 7 0 0 17 15
Transportation services 47 46,593 52,409 24 41 8 13 329 434
Communications 48 39,244 44,319 231 349 47 69 1,294 1,570
Electric, gas, & sanitary services 49 20,049 22,323 311 448 39 42 915 845
  Total 495,457 521,127 3,239 4,235 173 234 5,791 6,507
Durable goods 50 313,464 337,277 1,594 2,300 105 148 3,349 3,880
Nondurable goods 51 181,993 183,850 1,645 1,936 68 87 2,442 2,627
Merchant wholesalers
Total 414,836 444,003 1,847 2,500 128 178 4,588 5,295
Durable goods 50 264,611 288,043 903 1,326 78 114 2,714 3,236
Nondurable goods 51 150,225 155,960 944 1,174 50 64 1,874 2,060
  Total 1,526,215 1,561,195 1,895 2,546 223 294 18,407 21,349
Building materials, hardware, garden supply, &
mobile home dlr 52 69,483 67,469 99 146 12 18 666 855
General merchandise stores 53 34,606 34,899 245 328 25 31 2,079 2,495
Food stores 54 180,568 171,057 369 416 37 43 2,969 3,147
Automotive dealers & gasoline service stations 55 201,707 202,237 530 788 39 56 1,943 2,291
Apparel & accessory stores 56 145,490 126,863 102 117 12 14 1,145 1,122
Home furniture, furnishings, & equipment stores 57 110,073 115,124 93 136 12 16 702 868
Eating & drinking places 58 433,608 475,907 195 249 53 0 6,548 0
Miscellaneous retail 59 350,680 367,639 261 366 33 0 2,357 0
  Total 585,580 661,388 1,832 2,475 212 0 6,510 0
Depository institutions 60 104,505 109,851 532 612 57 77 2,100 2,130
Nondepository credit institutions 61 39,439 52,074 135 216 15 24 446 589
Security & commodity brokers, dealers, exchanges, &
services 62 31,177 45,029 109 255 34 67 406 643
Insurance carriers 63 38,977 40,717 796 997 51 66 1,517 1,587
Insurance agents, brokers, & services 64 121,662 131,582 52 75 19 26 636 720
Real estate 65 229,493 252,292 142 180 26 35 1,231 1,394
Holding & other investment offices, except trusts 67 20,327 29,843 66 139 9 0 174 0
  Total 2,034,346 2,077,666 1,649 1,844 639 922 27,399 34,224
Hotels, rooming houses, camps, & other lodging 0 0 0 0 0
places   70 51,817 55,992 70 98 20 0 1,507 0
Personal services   72 197,101 204,455 43 53 14 18 1,218 1,311
Business services   73 306,551 397,264 275 529 109 215 5,542 8,750
Automotive repair, services, & parking   75 171,970 191,907 70 100 16 23 864 1,110
Miscellaneous repair services   76 71,576 66,607 31 37 10 12 428 427
Motion pictures   78 41,857 46,017 44 68 10 14 478 569
Amusement & recreation services   79 83,871 81,225 58 82 19 30 1,120 1,529
Health services   80 465,356 466,421 623 399 275 347 10,017 11,370
Legal services   81 153,462 165,757 102 123 40 48 945 978
Educational services   82 21,018 21,283 10 13 3 6 196 256
Social services   83 140,849 162,365 67 94 25 34 1,912 2,273
Museums, art galleries, & botanical & zoological
gardens   84 3,553 4,781 3 6 1 2 70 89
Membership organizations   86 72,386 65,075 36 41 10 13 603 597
Eng, acctg, research, mgt, & rel serv (exc noncomm
research org)   87 238,392 3,543 208 15 85 129 2,419 3,139
Services, n e c   89 14,587 (S) 8 0 3 0 81 0
  0 0 0 0 0 0
  AUXILIARIES, total (X) 47,250 (S) 0 0 137 0 3,230 0

1 1987 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC).S Figure does not meet publication standards. X Not applicable.

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1997 Economic Census: Advance SummaryStatistics for the United States, 1997 NAICS Basis.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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