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32. 1997 Economic Census

1063. Railroad Freight--Producer Price Indexes

[Dec. 1984=100. Reflects prices for shipping a fixed set of commodities under specified and unchanging conditions]

Commodity 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
    Total railroad freight 29.1 32.7 33.7 34.5 40.0 45.3 49.8 53.2 56.9 65.0 75.9 87.4 93.7 95.0 99.3 99.9 100.7 100.1 104.8 106.4 107.5 109.3 109.9 110.9 111.8 111.7 111.5 112.1 113.4 113.0
Coal 26.9 30.7 31.9 32.8 38.3 44.0 49.4 52.4 56.5 65.9 75.8 86.9 95.4 96.5 99.9 100.0 100.7 100.1 104.3 105.3 104.2 105.2 105.9 106.6 107.5 107.3 106.7 107.0 108.7 107.3
Farm products 29.7 33.1 33.8 34.3 39.8 45.2 49.8 53.2 56.9 64.6 75.6 86.3 92.4 94.0 98.7 99.0 99.6 99.3 105.5 108.5 110.4 111.4 111.1 113.7 114.5 115.6 115.7 120.4 123.9 121.7
Food products 28.9 32.5 33.5 34.2 39.6 44.8 49.2 51.9 55.8 63.5 75.2 87.4 93.7 94.8 99.1 100.0 99.9 98.6 103.1 103.9 105.4 108.1 108.7 109.0 111.0 111.2 108.5 107.6 107.4 99.7
Metallic ores 26.4 29.9 31.0 32.2 37.5 43.2 47.9 51.2 55.1 63.8 74.5 86.1 93.9 95.9 99.4 100.2 100.5 99.0 103.9 105.8 106.5 106.7 106.6 106.7 104.6 101.9 103.5 103.4 104.4 103.8
Chemicals or allied products 30.0 33.6 34.4 35.2 40.8 46.5 50.7 54.3 57.5 64.9 75.6 87.1 93.5 94.3 98.7 100.1 101.2 100.8 106.9 110.0 111.7 113.5 115.6 116.2 117.6 120.0 119.2 119.6 120.1 119.1
Nonmetallic minerals 25.4 28.4 29.5 30.5 35.4 40.5 45.0 48.3 52.0 60.6 72.2 86.4 93.3 94.6 98.9 100.1 101.6 101.1 106.1 108.3 111.7 115.9 117.6 119.3 119.7 119.5 119.2 120.6 121.5 121.7
Wood or lumber products 28.3 31.1 32.3 33.3 38.5 42.8 46.5 50.1 53.8 61.0 72.7 85.2 91.4 93.3 99.7 100.0 100.9 100.4 105.3 105.9 107.5 108.6 108.8 109.7 110.0 110.0 112.8 111.0 110.3 109.8
Transportation equipment 31.7 35.9 37.0 38.3 44.6 50.3 55.2 59.3 63.1 71.5 81.7 91.6 94.5 95.6 99.8 100.0 100.8 99.3 103.4 106.4 107.5 109.7 110.8 113.1 115.3 112.8 114.0 113.2 113.4 113.3
Pulp, paper, or allied products 31.5 35.4 35.9 36.0 41.5 47.1 51.0 53.9 57.0 64.7 76.7 88.5 94.7 95.6 99.9 100.0 101.0 100.6 104.0 105.1 108.0 111.5 111.8 112.6 111.1 108.7 (NA) 111.2 113.7 115.5
Primary metal products 29.9 34.0 35.1 36.1 41.9 47.8 52.4 56.0 59.5 67.5 77.8 88.5 94.3 95.4 99.7 99.7 100.2 99.7 108.8 112.3 113.1 116.1 117.5 116.3 115.6 115.6 115.4 114.0 116.1 118.4
Clay, concrete, glass, or stone products 26.9 30.2 31.2 32.3 37.7 43.0 47.3 50.9 55.0 62.8 74.2 86.5 93.4 94.4 98.8 100.0 102.2 102.2 107.5 110.5 114.1 117.1 116.5 117.9 120.1 121.4 121.1 119.8 121.8 122.6

NA Not available.Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Producer PriceIndexes, monthly and annual. PRICE INDEX

Data available

The Producer Price Index (PPI) measures the average change in selling prices received by domestic producers for theiroutput. The prices included in the PPI are from the first commercial transaction. The PPI collects price data fromproducers in the mining, manufacturing, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and service sectors of the economy.

There are three primary systems of producer price indexes:

Over 3,200 commodity price indexes organized by type of product and end use. Over 500 industry price indexes, including price indexes for approximately 9,750 specific industry products andproduct categories. Several major aggregate price indexes organized by both commodity-based and industry-based stage of process.

Other data include: Annual average indexes for all groupings and items. Regional indexes for electric power, bituminous coal, and a few others. Special commodity grouping indexes, for example: Fabricated metal products and Construction materials. Seasonally adjusted stage of processing indexes.


Price change for the entire output of the domestic goods-producing sectors: Agriculture, forestry, fisheries, mining,scrap, and manufacturing industries.

Price change for a growing portion of the output of the domestic services sector, e.g., transportation, help supplyservices, and health services.

Source of data

The PPI sample includes approximately 34,000 establishments that provide close to 119,000 price quotations. Participating establishments report price data primarily through the mail. Goods and services included in the PPI are weighted by value-of-shipments data based on the 1987 economiccensuses.

Industries and products are systematically resampled as needed.

Reference date

For most items, establishments report their selling price as of Tuesday of the week containing the 13th of each month.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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