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32. 1997 Economic Census

600. Social Welfare Expenditures by Source of Funds and Public Program

[In millions of dollars (303,167 represents $303,167,000,000).For fiscal years ending in year shown; see text, Section 9, State and Local Government.Represents outlays from trust funds (mostly social insurance fundsbuilt up by earmarked contributions from insured persons, theiremployers, or both) and budgetary outlays from general revenues.Includes administrative expenditures, capital outlay, and someexpenditures and payments outside the United States]

1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
      Total 303,167 450,791 616,639 676,411 749,770 805,336 852,876 888,358 189,060 281,460 432,167 483,072 516,731 561,418 582,944 616,779
Social insurance 191,162 310,175 422,257 453,534 496,075 534,212 557,321 579,804 38,592 59,421 91,565 107,641 122,863 124,998 126,458 125,680
  Old-age, survivors, disability, health 152,110 257,535 355,264 382,290 416,564 449,277 477,340 496,356 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
    Health insurance (medicare) 34,992 71,384 109,709 116,651 132,246 148,094 161,393 164,713 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
  Public employee retirement 1 26,983 40,504 53,541 56,880 58,600 61,632 63,733 67,022 12,507 22,540 36,851 40,391 45,099 50,928 55,520 60,980
  Railroad employee retirement 4,769 6,276 7,230 7,532 7,737 7,921 8,025 8,106 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
  Unemployment insurance and employment services 2 4,408 2,604 3,096 3,613 9,928 12,124 4,972 5,156 13,919 15,740 16,878 24,793 31,238 28,597 26,279 21,146
  Other railroad employee insurance 3 224 189 105 94 95 86 83 78 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
  State temporary disability insurance 4 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 1,377 1,944 3,224 3,879 4,009 3,316 3,201 3,189
  Workers' compensation 5 2,668 3,067 3,021 3,125 3,151 3,173 3,168 3,085 10,789 19,197 34,613 38,578 42,517 42,157 41,458 40,365
    Hospital and medical benefits 130 280 457 506 571 597 688 668 3,596 6,800 13,849 15,503 17,344 17,116 15,512 16,032
Public aid 49,394 63,480 92,858 113,235 138,704 151,850 162,675 170,260 23,309 34,882 53,953 68,104 69,249 69,149 75,351 83,270
  Public assistance 6 23,542 33,523 54,747 69,315 86,747 95,340 100,209 107,599 21,522 32,647 50,347 64,354 65,272 65,285 71,546 79,620
    Medical assistance payments 7 14,550 22,677 40,690 53,393 69,766 77,367 81,192 89,113 13,020 21,182 35,485 48,521 47,856 47,771 53,012 61,756
    Social services 1,757 2,057 2,065 2,117 2,031 2,785 2,734 2,797 586 686 688 706 677 928 911 932
  Supplemental security income 6,440 9,605 13,625 15,896 19,446 22,642 26,281 26,488 1,787 2,235 3,605 3,751 3,978 3,864 3,805 3,650
  Food stamps 9,083 12,513 16,254 19,471 23,233 24,497 25,274 25,319 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
  Other 8 10,329 7,839 8,232 8,553 9,279 9,372 10,911 10,854 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
Health and medical programs 12,840 18,029 27,204 29,700 31,685 33,189 34,770 36,767 13,935 21,024 34,282 35,963 38,456 41,528 45,465 48,740
  Hospital and medical care 6,636 9,877 14,816 17,128 17,566 18,575 18,601 19,373 5,667 6,688 11,155 11,109 11,131 12,042 12,962 12,531
    Civilian programs 2,438 2,455 3,654 4,388 4,797 5,166 5,466 5,951 5,667 6,688 11,155 11,109 11,131 12,042 12,962 12,531
    Defense Department 9 4,198 7,422 11,162 12,740 12,769 13,409 13,134 13,422 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
  Maternal and child health programs 351 422 492 522 580 595 615 612 519 800 1,374 1,459 1,526 1,590 1,657 1,736
  Medical research 4,428 5,992 9,172 9,445 10,641 10,690 11,739 12,544 496 899 1,676 1,867 1,958 2,090 2,249 2,438
  Medical facilities construction 210 339 413 0 -97 166 102 429 1,409 1,336 1,922 2,056 2,632 2,878 3,137 3,369
  School health (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 1,113 1,194 1,228 1,320 1,489 1,667
  Other 1,215 1,399 2,311 2,605 2,995 3,164 3,714 3,809 5,844 11,301 17,043 18,276 19,981 21,608 23,971 26,999
Veterans programs 21,255 26,704 30,428 32,331 35,087 35,806 37,262 38,385 212 338 488 526 555 572 633 687
  Pensions and compensation 11,306 14,333 15,793 16,284 16,539 17,205 17,481 18,070 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
  Health and medical programs 6,204 9,493 12,004 13,222 15,442 15,410 16,231 16,654 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
  Education 2,401 1,171 523 570 772 938 1,098 1,118 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
  Life insurance 10 665 796 1,038 1,039 1,114 905 972 946 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
  Welfare and other 679 912 1,070 1,217 1,220 1,348 1,479 1,596 212 338 488 526 555 572 633 687
Education 11 13,452 13,796 18,374 19,084 20,060 20,455 24,084 23,472 107,597 158,251 240,011 258,063 272,085 311,542 320,007 342,153
  Elementary and secondary 12 7,430 7,278 9,944 11,979 12,891 13,238 15,514 15,301 79,720 113,419 189,333 203,819 214,089 239,268 245,492 262,574
    Construction 13 41 23 23 39 43 5 9 2 6,483 8,335 10,613 12,324 14,638 22,283 19,684 24,808
  Higher 4,468 5,102 6,747 5,339 5,264 5,285 6,577 6,164 21,708 36,028 50,678 54,243 57,996 72,273 74,514 79,580
    Construction 42 32 0 31 30 35 23 29 1,486 2,314 3,953 3,950 4,839 8,955 8,959 10,461
  Vocational and adult 13 1,207 1,087 1,293 1,314 1,452 1,495 1,504 1,508 6,169 8,804 (12) (12) (12) (12) (12) (12)
Housing 6,278 11,059 16,612 18,696 17,483 18,985 24,987 27,276 601 1,540 2,856 2,826 2,668 1,798 2,045 2,085
Other social welfare 8,786 7,549 8,905 9,831 10,677 10,838 11,777 12,394 4,813 6,004 9,012 9,949 10,855 11,832 12,985 14,164
  Vocational rehabilitation 1,006 1,187 1,661 1,751 1,912 1,830 1,963 2,031 245 350 466 485 534 549 597 599
    Medical services and research 237 275 415 438 478 458 491 508 56 85 116 121 134 137 149 150
  Institutional care 14 74 121 143 142 144 143 150 152 408 259 486 523 541 579 633 722
  Child nutrition 15 4,209 4,349 5,470 6,098 6,722 7,139 7,626 7,992 643 960 1,696 1,869 2,054 2,253 2,473 2,661
  Child welfare 16 57 200 253 274 274 295 295 292 743 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
  Special CSA and ACTION programs 17 2,303 504 169 192 194 208 204 222 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
  Welfare, not elsewhere classified 18 1,137 1,188 1,209 1,375 1,431 1,223 1,540 1,704 2,774 4,435 6,365 7,072 7,726 8,451 9,282 10,182

- Represents zero. NA Not available. X Not applicable.
1 Excludes refunds to those leaving service. Federal data includemilitary retirement.
2 Includes compensation for federal employees and ex-servicemen,trade adjustment and cash training allowance, and payments underextended, emergency, disaster, and special unemployment insuranceprograms.
3 Unemployment and temporary disability insurance.
4 Cash and medical benefits in five areas. Includes private planswhere applicable.
5 Benefits paid by private insurance carriers, state funds, andself-insurers. Federal includes black lung benefit programs.
6 Includes payments under state general assistance programs andwork incentive activities, not shown separately.
7 Medicaid payments and state and local general assistance medicalpayments.
8 Refugee assistance, surplus food for the needy, andwork-experience training programs under the ComprehensiveEmployment and Training Act. Beginning 1985, includes low-incomeenergy assistance program.
9 Includes medical care for military dependent families.
10 Excludes servicemen's group life insurance.
11 Federal expenditures include administrative costs (Departmentof Education) and research, not shown separately.
12 Beginning 1986, all state and local vocational education costsincluded with elementary-secondary.
13 Construction costs of vocational and adult education programsincluded under elementary-secondary expenditures.
14 Federal expenditures represent primarily surplus foods fornonprofit institutions.
15 Surplus food for schools and programs under National SchoolLunch and Child Nutrition Acts.
16 Represents primarily child welfare services under Title V ofthe Social Security Act.
17 Includes domestic volunteer programs under ACTION and communityaction and migrant workers programs under Community ServicesAdministration. Beginning 1988, represents ACTION funds only.
18 Federal expenditures include administrative expenses of theSecretary of Health and Human Services; Indian welfare andguidance; and aging and juvenile delinquency activities. State andlocal include antipoverty and manpower programs, child care andadoption services, legal assistance, and other unspecified welfareservices

Source: U.S. Social Security Administration,Social Security Bulletin, Vol. 62, No. 2, 1999; and unpublished data.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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