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32. 1997 Economic Census

901. Manufacturing Corporations--Selected Finances

In billions of dollars(250 represents $250,000,000,000). Data are not not necessarily comparable from year to year due to changes in accounting procedures, industry classifications, sampling procedures, etc.; for detail, see source.For description of methodology, see summary below table]

All manufacturing corps. Durable goods industries Nondurable goods industries
Year Profits 1 Profits 1 Profits 1
Sales Before After Stockholders' Sales Before After Stockholders' Sales Before After Stockholders'
(net) taxes taxes equity Debt 2 (net) taxes taxes equity Debt 2 (net) taxes taxes equity Debt 2
1952 250 23 11 104 (NA) 122 13 6 50 (NA) 128 10 5 54 (NA)
1953 266 24 11 108 (NA) 138 14 6 52 (NA) 128 10 6 56 (NA)
1954 249 21 11 113 (NA) 123 11 6 55 (NA) 126 10 6 58 (NA)
1955 278 29 15 120 (NA) 142 17 8 59 (NA) 136 12 7 61 (NA)
1956 307 30 16 132 (NA) 160 17 8 65 (NA) 148 13 8 66 (NA)
1957 320 28 15 141 (NA) 166 16 8 71 (NA) 154 12 8 71 (NA)
1958 305 23 13 147 (NA) 149 11 6 73 (NA) 157 11 7 75 (NA)
1959 338 30 16 157 (NA) 169 16 8 78 (NA) 169 14 8 79 (NA)
1960 346 28 15 165 41 174 14 7 82 21 172 14 8 83 20
1961 356 28 15 173 (NA) 175 14 7 85 (NA) 181 14 9 88 (NA)
1962 389 32 18 181 (NA) 195 17 9 89 (NA) 194 15 9 92 (NA)
1963 413 35 20 190 (NA) 209 19 10 93 (NA) 204 16 10 96 (NA)
1964 443 40 23 200 (NA) 226 21 12 99 (NA) 217 18 12 101 (NA)
1965 492 47 28 212 (NA) 257 26 15 105 (NA) 235 20 13 106 (NA)
1966 554 52 31 230 (NA) 292 29 16 115 (NA) 262 23 15 115 (NA)
1967 575 48 29 248 (NA) 301 26 15 125 (NA) 275 22 14 123 (NA)
1968 632 55 32 266 (NA) 336 31 17 136 (NA) 296 25 16 130 (NA)
1969 695 58 33 290 (NA) 367 32 17 148 (NA) 328 27 16 142 (NA)
1970 709 48 29 307 134 363 23 13 155 71 346 25 16 152 63
1971 751 53 31 321 143 382 27 15 160 74 369 27 17 161 68
1972 850 63 37 343 149 436 34 18 171 77 414 30 18 172 72
1973 1,017 81 48 374 164 527 44 25 189 86 490 38 23 185 78
1974 1,061 92 59 395 167 529 41 25 196 87 532 51 34 199 80
1975 1,065 80 49 423 222 521 35 21 208 106 544 45 28 215 117
1976 1,203 105 65 463 252 590 51 31 224 123 614 54 34 238 129
1977 1,328 115 70 497 (NA) 657 58 35 240 (NA) 671 57 36 257 149
1978 1,496 133 81 541 (NA) 761 70 42 263 (NA) 736 63 39 278 176
1979 1,742 154 99 601 (NA) 866 72 45 293 (NA) 876 82 54 308
1980 1,913 146 93 668 292 889 57 36 318 143 1,024 88 57 350 149
1981 2,145 159 101 743 335 980 67 42 350 159 1,165 91 60 393 176
1982 2,039 108 71 770 371 913 35 22 356 177 1,126 74 49 415 193
1983 2,114 133 86 813 368 974 49 30 372 168 1,141 84 56 440 200
1984 2,335 166 108 864 405 1,108 76 49 396 166 1,228 90 59 469 239
1985 2,331 137 88 866 454 1,143 62 39 421 167 1,189 76 49 445 267
1986 2,221 129 83 875 501 1,126 52 33 436 168 1,095 77 51 438 298
1987 2,378 173 116 901 553 1,178 78 53 444 229 1,200 95 63 457 324
1988 2,596 215 154 958 622 1,285 92 67 469 265 1,312 124 87 489 357
1989 2,745 188 135 999 733 1,357 75 56 501 308 1,389 113 80 498 425
1990 2,811 158 110 1,044 782 1,357 57 41 515 328 1,454 101 69 529 453
1991 2,761 99 66 1,064 814 1,304 14 7 507 338 1,457 85 59 557 476
1992 3 2,890 31 22 1,035 819 1,390 -34 -24 474 335 1,500 65 46 561 485
1993 3,015 118 83 1,040 819 1,490 39 27 483 327 1,525 79 56 557 492
1994 3,256 244 175 1,110 815 1,658 121 87 533 316 1,598 123 88 577 500
1995 3,528 275 198 1,241 862 1,808 131 94 614 333 1,721 144 104 627 529
1996 3,758 307 225 1,348 920 1,942 147 106 674 366 1,816 160 119 674 554
1997 3,922 331 244 1,464 953 2,076 167 121 744 386 1,847 164 123 721 566
1998 3,949 315 234 1,487 1,065 2,169 175 128 794 458 1,781 140 107 694 607
1999 4,137 356 261 1,629 1,179 2,281 200 144 896 524 1,856 156 117 733 656

1 Beginning 1998, profits before and after income taxes reflect inclusion of minority stockholders' interest in net income before and after income taxes.
2 Annual data are average equity for the year (using four end-of-quarter figures).
3 Data for 1992 (most significantly 1992:I) reflect the early adoption of Financial Accounting Standards Board StatementStandards Board Statement 106 (Employer's Accounting for Post-Retirement Benefits Other ThanPensions) by a large number of companies during the fourthquarter of 1992. Data for 1993:I also reflect adoption of Statement 106. Corporations must show the cumulative effect ofa change in accounting principle in the first quarter of the year in which the change is adopted.

Source: Through 1981, U.S. Federal Trade Commission; thereafter, U.S.Bureau of Census, Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining,and Trade Corporations. In U.S. Council of Economic Advisers, Economic Report of the President, annual. FINANCIAL REPORT


To provide current statistics on the financial performance andconditions of domestic manufacturing, mining, and tradecorporations. The United States Code, Title 13, requires thissurvey and provides for mandatory responses.


Corporations that have a plurality of business activity inmanufacturing industries and domestic assets over $250,000;and corporations with a plurality of business activity in themining, retail, or wholesale trade industries and domesticassets over $50 million. These include almost 172,000corporations with estimated assets of over $4.6 trillion.


Corporations provide standard income statement and balancesheet data consolidated for all majority-owned domesticenterprises (except banking, insurance, and finance).Information collected includes sales, depreciation, before-and after-tax income, retained earnings, cash, investments,receivables, inventories, fixed assets, short- and long-termdebt, accounts payable, and stockholders' equity.

Large corporations report additional data that includeseparate reporting of nonoperating income and expenses,earnings from foreign and other nonconsolidated entities andinvestments, extraordinary gains and losses, tradereceivables from the U.S. Government, investments inFederal and other securities, commercial paper issued, andtreasury stock.


Quarterly since 1947, the program was transferred to theCensus Bureau from the Federal Trade Commission in 1982.Data collection begins about 25 days after each quarter andcontinues for about 9 weeks; data are for 3 months ofcompany activities. The survey panel is updated quarterly.


Mail-out/mail-back surveys of some 3,700 largemanufacturing, mining, and trade corporations using a longform, and of some 4,600 selected small- and medium-sizedmanufacturers using a short form; plus periodic reporting bycorporations to determine and update business classification.The sample frame of firms is updated annually from Federalincome tax records. Using the tax data, corporations areselected by stratified random sample, with strata by industryand asset size.

To determine initial and continuing eligibility, selected firmsare asked to complete a Nature of Business Report form toclassify their enterprises and determine their intercorporaterelationships, if any. Data for manufacturing firms with assetsbetween $250,000 and $250 million are estimated from asample panel. Each quarter, one-eighth of the sample panel isreplaced. Replacement firms report for 8 quarters.


Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, andTrade Corporations publications are released 75 days aftereach of the first three quarters, and 95 days after the fourthquarter. The report provides 5 quarters of data, includingestimated statements of income and retained earnings,balance sheets, and related financial and operating ratios byindustry and asset size. Revisions to data for prior quartersare made when necessary and usually result from respondentdata corrections subsequent to publication. Information isprovided, when possible, on material distortions incomparability due to changes in accounting conventions orusers' needs.*

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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