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32. 1997 Economic Census

172. Medicaid--Recipients and Payments

[For year ending September 30 (21,605 represents 21,605,000).Includes Puerto Rico and outlying areas. Medical vendor payments are those made directly to suppliers of medical care]

Recipients (1,000) Recipients (1,000) Recipients (1,000) Payments (mil.dol) Payments (mil.dol) Payments (mil.dol)
Basis of eligibilitiy -
and type of service 1980 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1980 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
    Total 1 21,605 21,814 22,515 23,109 22,907 23,511 25,255 28,280 30,926 33,432 35,053 36,282 36,118 34,872 40,649 23,311 37,508 41,005 45,050 48,710 54,500 64,859 77,048 90,814 101,709 108,270 120,141 121,685 124,430 142,318
Age 65 and over 3,440 3,061 3,140 3,224 3,159 3,132 3,202 3,359 3,742 3,863 4,035 4,119 4,285 3,955 3,964 8,739 14,096 15,097 16,037 17,135 18,558 21,508 25,453 29,078 31,554 33,618 36,527 36,947 37,721 40,602
Blindness 92 80 82 85 86 95 83 85 84 84 86 92 95 (NA) (NA) 124 249 277 309 344 409 434 475 530 589 644 848 869 (NA) (NA)
Disabled 2 2,819 2,937 3,100 3,296 3,401 3,496 3,635 3,983 4,378 4,932 5,372 5,767 6,126 6,129 6,638 7,497 13,203 14,635 16,507 18,250 20,476 23,969 27,798 33,326 38,065 41,654 48,570 51,196 54,130 60,375
AFDC 3 program 14,210 15,275 15,676 15,767 15,541 16,036 17,230 20,194 22,058 23,790 24,780 24,767 23,866 22,594 26,872 6,354 9,160 10,015 11,100 11,731 13,788 17,690 22,129 26,676 30,109 30,887 31,487 29,819 29,851 37,639
Other and unknown 1,499 1,214 1,362 1,418 1,343 1,175 1,105 658 664 763 779 1,537 1,746 2,195 3,176 596 798 980 1,097 1,250 1,268 1,257 1,193 1,204 1,391 1,467 2,708 2,853 2,727 3,702
Inpatient services in--
  General hospital 3,680 3,434 3,544 3,767 3,832 4,170 4,593 5,072 5,768 5,894 5,866 5,561 5,362 4,746 4,273 6,412 9,453 10,364 11,302 12,076 13,378 16,674 19,891 23,503 25,734 26,180 26,331 25,176 23,143 21,499
  Mental hospital 66 60 53 57 60 90 92 65 77 75 85 84 93 87 135 775 1,192 1,113 1,409 1,375 1,470 1,714 2,010 2,196 2,161 2,057 2,511 2,040 2,009 2,801
Intermediate care facilities,
mentally retarded 121 147 145 149 145 148 147 146 151 149 159 151 140 136 126 1,989 4,731 5,072 5,591 6,022 6,649 7,354 7,680 8,550 8,831 8,347 10,383 9,555 9,798 9,482
Nursing facility services 4 1,398 1,375 1,399 1,421 1,445 1,452 1,461 1,500 1,573 1,610 1,639 1,667 1,594 1,603 1,646 7,887 11,587 12,433 13,247 14,277 15,531 17,693 20,709 23,544 25,431 27,095 29,052 29,630 30,504 31,892
Physicians 13,765 14,387 14,894 15,373 15,265 15,686 17,078 19,321 21,627 23,746 24,267 23,789 22,861 21,170 18,555 1,875 2,346 2,547 2,776 2,953 3,408 4,018 4,952 6,102 6,952 7,189 7,360 7,238 7,041 6,070
Dental 4,652 4,672 5,161 5,131 5,072 4,214 4,552 5,209 5,700 6,174 6,352 6,383 6,208 5,935 4,965 462 458 531 541 577 498 593 710 851 961 969 1,019 1,028 1,036 901
Other practitioner 3,234 3,357 3,451 3,542 3,480 3,555 3,873 4,282 4,711 5,229 5,409 5,528 5,343 5,142 4,342 198 251 252 263 284 317 372 437 538 937 1,040 986 1,094 979 587
Outpatient hospital 9,705 10,072 10,702 10,978 10,533 11,344 12,370 14,137 15,120 16,436 16,567 16,712 15,905 13,632 12,158 1,101 1,789 1,980 2,226 2,413 2,837 3,324 4,283 5,279 6,215 6,342 6,627 6,504 6,169 5,759
Clinic 1,531 2,121 2,027 2,183 2,256 2,391 2,804 3,511 4,115 4,839 5,258 5,322 5,070 4,713 5,285 320 714 807 963 1,105 1,249 1,688 2,211 2,818 3,457 3,747 4,280 4,222 4,252 3,921
Laboratory 5 3,212 6,354 7,123 7,596 7,579 7,759 8,959 10,505 11,804 12,970 13,412 13,064 12,607 11,074 9,381 121 337 424 475 543 590 721 897 1,035 1,137 1,176 1,180 1,208 1,033 939
Home health 392 535 593 609 569 609 719 813 925 1,067 1,293 1,639 1,727 1,861 1,225 332 1,120 1,352 1,690 2,015 2,572 3,404 4,101 4,886 5,601 7,042 9,406 10,868 12,237 2,702
Prescribed drugs 13,707 13,921 14,704 15,083 15,323 15,916 17,294 19,602 22,030 23,901 24,470 23,723 22,585 20,954 19,338 1,318 2,315 2,692 2,988 3,294 3,689 4,420 5,424 6,765 7,970 8,875 9,791 10,697 11,972 13,522
Family planning 1,129 1,636 1,732 1,652 1,525 1,564 1,752 2,185 2,550 2,538 2,566 2,501 2,366 2,091 2,011 81 195 226 228 206 227 265 359 500 538 516 514 474 418 449
Prepaid health care (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 20,203 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 19,296

NA Not available.
1 Recipient data do not add due to small number of recipients that are reported in more than one category. Includesrecipients of, and payments for, other care not shown separately.
2 Permanently and totally. Beginning 1997, includes blind.
3 Aid to families with dependent children includes children, adults, and foster care.
4 Nursing facility services includes skilled nursingfacility services and intermediate care facility services for all other than the mentally retarded
5 Includes radiological services.Source: U.S. Health Care Financing Administration,Office of Information Systems, Statistical Report on Medical Care: Eligibles, Recipients, Payments,and Services.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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