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370. State Prisons Expenditures, by State: 1996

[In millions of dollars (22,033.2 represents $22,033,200,000), except as indicated. For fiscal year ending in year indicated]

Operating expenditures Operating
Post 5-DIGIT expenditures
State Office FIPS Total Salaries Other Capital per inmate (dol.)
Abbre- STATE expendi- Total and Benefits operating
viation CODE tures wages costs Per year Per day
      United States .. US 00000 22,033.2 20,737.9 10,774.9 3,060.9 6,902.0 1,295.3 20,142 55.18
Alabama . AL 01000 169.0 165.8 87.5 22.1 56.1 3.2 7,987 21.88
Alaska AK 02000 116.7 112.4 53.6 20.9 37.8 4.3 32,415 88.81
Arizona .. AZ 04000 418.1 409.2 192.2 59.6 157.4 8.9 19,091 52.30
Arkansas AR 05000 133.7 124.5 57.5 16.3 50.7 9.2 13,341 36.55
California . CA 06000 3,031.0 2,918.8 1,588.5 432.4 987.9 112.2 21,385 58.59
Colorado CO 08000 249.8 234.5 124.0 25.7 84.8 15.3 21,020 57.59
Connecticut CT 09000 497.8 475.4 270.8 95.0 109.6 22.5 31,912 87.43
Delaware.. DE 10000 88.0 87.3 40.7 13.1 33.4 0.7 17,987 49.28
District of Columbia DC 11000 213.7 212.1 129.0 20.8 62.3 1.6 21,296 58.34
Florida . FL 12000 1,224.9 1,100.7 535.7 225.0 340.0 124.3 17,327 47.47
Georgia . GA 13000 560.4 547.5 262.9 105.5 179.1 12.9 15,933 43.65
Hawaii . HI 15000 87.4 83.9 38.7 19.9 25.3 3.5 23,318 63.88
Idaho .. ID 16000 57.0 55.0 26.2 9.0 19.8 1.9 16,277 44.60
Illinois.. IL 17000 740.4 732.8 438.9 91.3 202.6 7.6 19,351 53.02
Indiana . IN 18000 338.2 325.7 133.5 51.0 141.2 12.5 20,188 55.31
Iowa .. IA 19000 146.1 143.8 81.4 11.2 51.1 2.3 24,286 66.54
Kansas . KS 20000 170.8 158.5 78.0 13.8 66.6 12.4 22,242 60.94
Kentucky . KY 21000 208.7 198.8 62.5 21.6 114.7 9.9 16,320 44.71
Louisiana LA 22000 316.2 313.5 120.3 21.2 171.9 2.8 12,304 33.71
Maine ME 23000 51.7 48.2 22.7 10.3 15.2 3.5 33,711 92.36
Maryland .. MD 24000 520.3 480.9 235.6 74.7 170.6 39.4 22,247 60.95
Massachusetts.. MA 25000 309.7 304.5 204.9 10.1 89.4 5.2 26,002 71.24
Michigan. MI 26000 1,167.6 1,161.1 682.6 298.2 180.3 6.5 28,067 76.89
Minnesota . MN 27000 186.0 184.4 86.1 28.7 69.6 1.6 37,825 103.63
Mississippi MS 28000 148.9 143.9 60.8 16.7 66.4 4.9 11,156 30.56
Missouri .. MO 29000 262.8 249.4 124.3 39.8 85.4 13.4 12,832 35.16
Montana MT 30000 42.4 41.9 18.6 5.3 17.9 0.6 20,782 56.94
Nebraska NE 31000 69.9 67.9 35.5 8.7 23.8 2.0 22,271 61.02
Nevada .. NV 32000 122.0 119.0 66.7 18.7 33.6 2.9 15,370 42.11
New Hampshire NH 33000 43.0 42.4 24.2 5.9 12.3 0.5 20,839 57.09
New Jersey.. NJ 34000 839.3 827.1 413.2 87.6 326.3 12.2 30,773 84.31
New Mexico .. NM 35000 125.6 123.9 51.6 21.6 50.6 1.7 29,491 80.80
New York. NY 36000 2,220.6 1,948.8 1,174.3 367.2 407.2 271.8 28,426 77.88
North Carolina NC 37000 756.8 733.8 358.1 87.1 288.6 23.1 25,303 69.32
North Dakota ND 38000 10.7 10.6 5.8 1.7 3.1 0.2 17,154 47.00
Ohio .. OH 39000 1,014.9 873.6 394.2 112.3 367.1 141.3 19,613 53.74
Oklahoma .. OK 40000 198.3 193.6 116.6 32.1 44.8 4.7 10,601 29.04
Oregon .. OR 41000 254.3 253.4 83.3 27.2 142.9 0.9 31,837 87.22
Pennsylvania. PA 42000 978.8 902.2 436.2 142.5 323.5 76.5 28,063 76.88
Rhode Island . RI 44000 109.6 108.7 55.6 18.1 35.0 0.9 35,739 97.92
South Carolina . SC 45000 315.5 277.9 143.8 45.1 88.9 37.7 13,977 38.29
South Dakota .. SD 46000 34.2 33.6 13.6 3.4 16.7 0.6 17,787 48.73
Tennessee TN 47000 350.6 349.2 113.8 30.9 204.5 1.4 22,904 62.75
Texas TX 48000 1,713.9 1,565.2 885.2 82.8 597.2 148.7 12,215 33.47
Utah.. UT 49000 113.4 111.8 44.8 22.2 44.9 1.6 32,361 88.66
Vermont.. VT 50000 33.5 33.4 18.2 5.2 10.1 0.1 31,094 85.19
Virginia VA 51000 476.7 452.4 250.7 70.4 131.3 24.4 16,306 44.67
Washington . WA 53000 357.9 311.1 168.9 48.1 94.1 46.7 26,662 73.05
West Virginia . WV 54000 46.9 43.7 20.0 7.4 16.4 3.2 17,245 47.25
Wisconsin.. WI 55000 360.4 313.4 131.5 50.9 131.0 47.1 27,771 76.08
Wyoming WY 56000 29.0 27.0 11.8 4.5 10.8 2.0 19,456 53.30
Source:U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics,
State Prison Expenditures, 1996,
series NCJ 172211, August 1999.
* * * * * *
These estimates come from a study based on the 1996 Survey of
Government Finances, conducted by the U.S. Bureau of the Census.
On behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), government
finance specialists contacted State budget officers and
department of corrections officials and elaborated the survey
data for corrections categories.

What activities and expenditures does the survey cover?

Included* ExcludedAdult prison operations Prisons not holding inmates during FY 1996Wages, salaries, benefits State juvenile justice activitiesFood service Probation and parole servicesMedical care Nonresidential community corrections Transportation and utilitiesInmate programsCapital outlaysFacility construction and renovationMajor repairsLand and building purchases

*Expenditures are net amounts after deductions for revenue from prison farms, industries, and services.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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