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32. 1997 Economic Census

1114. Indexes of Prices Received and Paid by Farmers

[1990-92=100, except as noted]

ITEM 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Prices received, all products 98 100 94 98 101 91 87 89 99 104 104 100 98 101 100 102 112 107 101 96
  Crops 107 111 98 108 111 98 87 86 104 109 103 101 101 102 105 112 127 115 106 96
    Food grains 136 138 119 120 117 108 89 83 113 127 100 94 113 105 119 134 157 128 103 91
    Feed grains and hay 115 122 103 125 127 105 84 72 102 109 105 101 98 99 106 112 146 117 100 86
    Cotton 114 111 92 104 108 93 91 98 95 98 107 108 88 89 109 127 122 112 107 85
    Tobacco 80 94 99 96 98 92 82 83 86 96 97 102 101 101 101 103 105 104 104 103
    Oil-bearing crops 118 122 103 118 125 96 89 90 126 118 105 99 100 108 110 104 128 131 107 83
    Fruits and nuts 73 76 78 71 85 84 83 93 96 99 97 112 99 93 90 97 118 109 111 114
    Commercial vegetables 1 80 99 92 96 97 95 92 105 104 103 102 100 111 117 109 121 111 118 121 108
    Potatoes & dry beans 93 126 88 89 111 87 81 89 88 131 133 99 88 107 110 107 114 90 99 101
  Livestock and products 89 89 90 88 91 86 88 91 93 100 105 99 97 100 95 92 99 98 97 95
    Meat animals 84 82 86 81 83 78 80 90 91 94 105 101 96 100 90 85 87 92 79 83
    Dairy products 100 105 104 104 103 97 96 96 93 104 105 94 100 98 99 98 114 102 119 110
    Poultry and eggs 91 94 89 95 109 97 105 87 98 111 105 99 97 105 106 107 120 113 117 111
Prices paid, total 2 75 83 86 86 89 86 85 87 91 96 99 100 101 104 106 109 115 118 115 115
  Production 85 92 95 93 94 91 86 87 90 95 99 100 101 104 106 108 115 119 113 112
    Feed 98 110 99 107 112 95 88 83 104 110 103 98 99 102 106 103 129 125 110 100
    Livestock & poultry 85 80 78 76 73 74 73 85 91 93 102 102 96 104 94 82 75 94 88 95
    Seed 74 87 89 89 95 95 92 93 94 104 102 99 99 101 108 110 115 119 122 121
    Fertilizer 96 104 105 100 103 98 90 86 94 99 97 103 100 96 105 121 125 121 112 105
    Agricultural chemicals 71 77 83 87 90 90 89 87 89 93 95 101 103 109 112 116 119 121 122 121
    Fuels 86 98 97 94 93 93 76 76 77 83 100 104 96 93 89 89 102 106 84 93
    Supplies & repairs 82 91 94 94 92 88 88 88 90 94 96 100 104 107 109 112 115 118 119 121
    Autos and trucks 55 64 72 76 82 87 90 94 97 101 97 100 102 107 111 115 118 119 119 119
    Farm machinery 63 70 76 81 85 85 83 84 88 93 96 100 104 107 113 120 125 128 132 136
    Building materials 86 91 92 94 94 93 92 93 94 96 99 100 101 106 109 114 115 118 118 120
    Farm services 82 89 96 82 86 85 84 85 85 92 96 98 103 110 110 115 116 116 115 115
    Rent (NA) 100 104 100 108 117 128 136 120 117
  Interest 109 126 132 125 124 106 98 96 100 106 107 100 93 87 94 102 106 105 104 106
  Taxes 69 74 75 78 80 80 81 87 89 91 95 101 104 108 106 109 112 115 119 120
  Wage rates 65 70 74 76 77 78 81 85 87 95 96 100 105 108 111 114 117 123 129 135
Parity ratio (1910-14=100) 3 64 59 53 55 55 51 50 49 53 53 51 48 47 47 45 45 47 43 38 36

NA Not available.
1 Excludes potatoes and dry beans.
2 Includes production items, interest, taxes, wage rates,and a family living component. The family living component is theConsumer Price Index for all urban consumers from the Bureau ofLabor Statistics. See text, Section 15, Prices, and Table 768.
3 Ratio of prices received by farmers to prices paid.

Source: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, National Agricultural StatisticsService, Agricultural Prices: Annual Summary.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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