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32. 1997 Economic Census

1365. Gross Domestic Product, by Country

[23,725 represents $23,725,000,000,000]Except as noted, based on the System of National Accounts, 1993; for details, see source]

COUNTRY EXCHANGE RATES (bil. dol.) AND EXCHANGE RATES 1 (bil. dol.) based on current
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Exchange PPPs 2
OECD, total   23,725 23,947 23,530 23,660 24,880 23,725 24,485 25,252 25,753 26,449 21,436 21,543
OECD Europe 3 9,458 9,659 9,092 9,391 9,358 9,458 9,624 9,876 10,150 10,374 18,332 18,203
European Union 3 8,605 8,771 8,242 8,511 8,496 8,605 8,740 8,954 9,198 9,417 22,604 21,324
Euro zone 3 6,940 7,022 6,397 6,568 6,516 6,940 7,036 7,196 7,391 7,566 22,444 21,422
Major seven 3 19,290 19,302 19,079 19,304 20,331 19,290 19,897 20,473 20,854 21,366 28,129 26,510
Australia 377 418 420 373 404 377 391 409 428 447 19,900 24,192
Austria 236 232 207 211 208 236 240 243 250 255 26,108 23,900
Belgium 276 268 244 250 248 276 279 288 296 304 24,541 23,677
Canada 579 602 624 598 635 579 588 614 634 663 19,779 25,179
Czech Republic 52 58 53 56 54 52 54 54 53 53 5,479 12,997
Denmark 180 183 168 174 174 180 185 191 195 199 32,752 25,459
Finland 129 128 122 129 130 129 135 143 151 157 25,099 21,833
France 4 1,553 1,554 1,406 1,447 1,432 1,553 1,570 1,600 1,649 1,698 23,954 21,132
Germany 2,458 2,383 2,115 2,151 2,112 2,458 2,477 2,513 2,567 2,604 26,217 23,010
Greece 118 124 121 122 125 118 120 125 129 133 11,555 14,171
Hungary 45 45 46 47 49 45 45 47 50 52 4,652 10,470
Iceland 5 7 7 8 8 9 7 7 8 8 9 30,198 25,685
Ireland 66 73 80 86 93 66 72 79 86 94 23,284 23,194
Italy 1,097 1,233 1,165 1,191 1,171 1,097 1,109 1,129 1,147 1,163 20,680 21,531
Japan 5 5,137 4,599 4,212 3,808 4,347 5,137 5,397 5,483 5,345 5,356 30,107 24,075
Korea, South 489 520 477 317 407 489 522 549 512 566 6,829 14,336
Luxembourg 18 18 18 18 19 18 19 20 21 23 42,732 37,491
Mexico 286 332 401 421 483 286 301 321 337 350 4,406 7,986
Netherlands 415 412 377 391 394 415 427 444 460 476 24,921 24,141
New Zealand 5 60 65 65 53 54 60 62 63 63 66 13,936 17,597
Norway 147 158 155 147 153 147 154 161 164 166 33,174 27,391
Poland 126 143 143 158 154 126 134 143 156 162 4,089 8,014
Portugal 107 113 106 111 112 107 111 115 119 123 11,122 15,891
Spain 584 609 559 582 596 584 598 621 645 670 14,786 17,223
Sweden 240 262 238 238 239 240 243 248 255 265 26,863 21,799
Switzerland 5 307 296 256 262 259 307 308 313 320 325 36,762 27,091
Turkey 5 169 182 190 200 185 169 181 195 201 191 3,092 6,538
United Kingdom 1,127 1,180 1,319 1,410 1,442 1,127 1,156 1,196 1,228 1,254 23,810 21,673
United States 7,338 7,751 8,239 8,699 9,192 7,338 7,600 7,937 8,284 8,628 32,184 32,184

1 Based on constant (1995) price data converted to U.S. dollars using1995 exchange rates.
2 The goods and services produced in different countries should be valued consistently if the differences observed are meant to reflect realdifferences in the volumes of goods and services produced. The use of purchasing power parities (PPP) instead of exchange rates is intended toachieve this objective. PPP's show how many units of currency are neededin one country to buy the same amount of goods and services which one unit of currency will buy in the other country. See text of this section.
3 OECD Europe: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway,Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom.European Union: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland,Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom.Euro zone: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland,Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain.Major seven (G-7): United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, UnitedKingdom, and Japan.
4 Includes overseas departments.
5 Based on System of National Accounts, 1968.

Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France,"OECD Statistics GDP;" published September 2000; (copyright) and"GDP per capita based on exchange rates and on PPP;" published September 2000; (copyright).

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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