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1390. Energy Consumption and Production, by Country

[346.8 represents 346,800,000,000,000,000.[See text of this section for general comments about the data. For dataqualifications for countries, see source]

(quad. Btu) (mil. Btu) ( ft.) (1,000 barrels per day) (mil.short tons)
- - - -
1990 1998 1990 1998 1990 1998 1990 1998 1990 1998
     World 346.83 377.72 65.98907507 63.84298533 73.57 82.96 60566 66962 5356.18 5042.69
United States 84.12 94.79 337.2354073 350.6844247 17.81 18.86 7355.31 6252 1029.08 1118.67
Algeria 1.22 1.32 48.76099121 44.29530201 1.79 2.6 1175 1246 0.01 0.02
Argentina 1.92 2.72 59.02244082 75.30454042 0.63 1.05 483 847 0.31 0.28
Australia 3.67 4.3 215.123095 229.3333333 0.72 1.1 575 544 225.78 313.67
Austria 1.17 1.34 151.3583441 165.8415842 0.05 0.06 22 21 2.7 1.21
Bahrain 0.26 0.36 520 562.5 0.21 0.29 42 38 (NA) (NA)
Bangladesh 0.25 0.4 2.312245653 3.226066618 0.16 0.28 0.79 2 (NA) (NA)
Belarus (X) 1.06 (X) 104.0235525 (X) 0.01 (X) 36 (X) (NA)
Belgium 2.14 2.66 214.6439318 260.5288932 (Z) 0 (NA) (NA) 2.69 0.34
Brazil 5.65 8.08 39.04090658 49.94128191 0.1 0.2 630.5 969 5.07 5.18
Bulgaria 1.3 0.89 144.9275362 108.0097087 0 (Z) 4 1 39.01 33.21
Burma (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 0.04 0.06 13 11 0.08 0.09
Canada 10.91 11.85 393.8628159 391.0891089 3.85 6.04 1553 1981 75.35 83.09
Chile 0.57 0.91 43.51145038 61.40350877 0.07 0.07 20 8 2.45 1.31
China 1 27.01 33.93 23.37920886 27.02078522 0.51 0.78 2774 3198 1190.36 1351.25
Colombia 0.89 1.27 25.45038605 31.10457997 0.15 0.25 440 733 22.56 38.37
Congo (Kinshasa) 2 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 0 0 29 26 0.09 0.1
Cuba 0.5 0.42 47.08097928 37.76978417 (Z) 0.03 14.3 31 (NA) (NA)
Czech Republic (X) 1.75 (X) 170.0680272 (X) 0.01 (X) 4 (X) 83.38
Denmark 0.8 0.8 155.6420233 150.9433962 0.11 0.27 121 238 (NA) (NA)
Ecuador (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (Z) (Z) 285 375 (NA) (NA)
Egypt 1.44 1.86 27.32966407 29.43969611 0.29 0.49 873 834 0 0.41
Finland 1.13 1.26 226.4529058 244.6601942 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
France 8.84 10 155.8258417 169.9235344 0.1 0.08 61 34 15.47 6.04
Germany (X) 13.83 (X) 168.5968548 (X) 0.77 (X) 59 (X) 228.73
Greece 1.05 1.26 103.3464567 119.7718631 (Z) (Z) 15 6 57.21 64.93
Hong Kong 0.48 0.67 84.21052632 100.1494768 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
Hungary 1.28 1.05 123.5521236 103.8575668 0.17 0.14 39.8 26 19.38 15.98
India 7.78 12.51 9.320714029 12.88455398 0.4 0.76 660 661 233.39 358.8
Indonesia 2.19 3.62 12.13430851 17.70863908 1.53 2.24 1462 1518 8.84 66.49
Iran 3.1 4.53 56.88073394 72.32955453 0.84 1.77 3088 3634 1.21 1.02
Iraq 0.92 1.06 50.88495575 48.62385321 0.15 0.1 2040 2150 (NA) (NA)
Ireland 0.37 0.52 105.1136364 140.5405405 0.08 0.06 (NA) (NA) 0.03 (Z)
Israel 0.45 0.76 96.56652361 127.3031826 (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (NA) (NA)
Italy 6.98 7.98 123.0172718 139.0243902 0.61 0.67 87 107 1.12 0.09
Japan 18.28 21.28 148.0401684 168.3411123 0.07 0.08 11 9 11.33 4.08
Korea, North 2.07 1.81 101.1730205 77.51605996 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 71.32 67.63
Korea, South 3.66 6.93 85.37438768 149.2569459 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 18.98 4.81
Kuwait 0.45 0.7 210.2803738 344.8275862 0.19 0.33 1175 2085 (NA) (NA)
Libya 0.51 0.62 122.8915663 104.7297297 0.22 0.22 1375 1390 (NA) (NA)
Malaysia 0.98 1.74 55.18018018 81.34642356 0.65 1.44 619 733 0.12 0.24
Mexico 4.98 5.92 57.80615206 59.05826018 0.9 1.27 2553.03 3070 8.59 11.39
Morocco 0.31 0.41 12.82051282 14.75881929 (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) 0.58 0.43
Netherlands 3.37 3.82 225.4180602 243.4671765 2.69 2.84 70 52 (NA) (NA)
New Zealand 0.74 0.79 220.2380952 208.4432718 0.17 0.17 40 47 2.95 3.59
Nigeria 0.7 0.96 8.043203493 9.021708486 0.13 0.21 1810 2153 0.1 0.15
Norway 1.58 1.86 372.6415094 419.8645598 0.98 1.63 1704 3017 0.33 0.36
Pakistan 1.18 1.74 10.49822064 12.28987145 0.48 0.71 62 55 3.03 3.48
Peru (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 0.02 0.02 128.97 116 0.14 0.04
Philippines 0.73 1.08 11.87378009 14.37125749 0 (Z) 4.7 1 1.37 1.03
Poland 3.87 3.51 101.521511 90.76803724 0.15 0.18 2 7 237.08 198.21
Portugal 0.75 0.98 75.98784195 98.69083585 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 0.31 0
Romania 2.88 1.76 124.0844464 78.18747223 1 0.52 163 132 42.09 28.58
Russia (X) 25.99 (X) 177.357718 (X) 20.87 (X) 5854 (X) 272.49
Saudi Arabia 3.15 4.19 211.8359112 207.7342588 1.08 1.65 6410 8389 (NA) (NA)
Serbia and Montenegro 3 (X) 0.81 (X) 76.27118644 (X) 0.03 (X) 18 (X) 48.07
South Africa 3.36 4.43 90.639331 100.3852255 0 0.05 0 18 193.18 246.84
Spain 3.94 5.04 101.4157014 128.016256 0.05 (Z) 16 11 39.63 28.74
Sudan (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 0 10 (NA) (NA)
Sweden 2.17 2.27 253.5046729 256.4971751 (NA) (NA) (Z) 0 0.01 0
Switzerland 1.17 1.21 174.366617 170.4225352 (Z) 0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
Syria 0.59 0.83 48.67986799 53.20512821 0.1 0.21 388 553 (NA) (NA)
Taiwan 1 2.04 3.31 100.2309242 151.9045434 0.08 0.03 3 1 0.52 0.09
Tajikistan (X) (NA) (X) (NA) (X) (Z) (X) (Z) (X) 0.01
Tanzania (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (Z) (Z)
Thailand 1.25 2.34 22.38538682 38.23529412 0.21 0.57 43.72 75 13.71 22.04
Trinidad and Tobago (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 0.18 0.37 150 123 (NA) (NA)
Tunisia (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 0.01 0.07 93 80 (NA) (NA)
Turkey 1.97 2.89 34.88578006 45.54767533 0.01 0.02 73 65 52.28 67.46
Ukraine (X) 6.14 (X) 121.5841584 (X) 0.64 (X) 57 (X) 82.93
United Arab Emirates 1.23 1.82 640.625 669.1176471 0.78 1.31 2117 2345 (NA) (NA)
United Kingdom 9.32 9.75 161.9179986 165.3383076 1.75 3.17 1820 2616 104.05 45.5
Venezuela 2.08 2.63 106.6666667 113.1669535 0.76 0.99 2137 3167 2.41 8.27
Vietnam 0.28 0.74 4.227691379 9.541000516 (Z) 0.02 50 246 5.1 11.8
Zambia (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 0.42 0.17

- Represents zero.NA Not available. X Not applicable.Z Less than 5 tril. Btu, 500 barrels per day, or 500,000 short tons.
1 With the establishment of diplomatic relations with China on January 1, 1979, the U.S. governmentrecognized the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government of China and acknowledgedthe Chinese position that there is only one China and that Taiwan is part of China.
2 "Congo" is the official short-form name for both the Republic of Congoand the Democratic Republic of the Congo. To distinguish one from the otherthe U.S. Dept. of State adds the capital in parentheses. This practice isunofficial and provisional.
3 The U.S. view is that the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslaviahas dissolved and no successor state represents its continuation.Serbia and Montenegro have assertedthe formation of a joint independent state, but this entity has not beenrecognized by the United States.

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration,International Energy Annual.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

Copyright © 2006 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technol
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31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

1390. Energy Consumption and Production, by Country

[346.8 represents 346,800,000,000,000,000.[See text of this section for general comments about the data. For dataqualifications for countries, see source]

(quad. Btu) (mil. Btu) ( ft.) (1,000 barrels per day) (mil.short tons)
- - - -
1990 1998 1990 1998 1990 1998 1990 1998 1990 1998
     World 346.83 377.72 65.98907507 63.84298533 73.57 82.96 60566 66962 5356.18 5042.69
United States 84.12 94.79 337.2354073 350.6844247 17.81 18.86 7355.31 6252 1029.08 1118.67
Algeria 1.22 1.32 48.76099121 44.29530201 1.79 2.6 1175 1246 0.01 0.02
Argentina 1.92 2.72 59.02244082 75.30454042 0.63 1.05 483 847 0.31 0.28
Australia 3.67 4.3 215.123095 229.3333333 0.72 1.1 575 544 225.78 313.67
Austria 1.17 1.34 151.3583441 165.8415842 0.05 0.06 22 21 2.7 1.21
Bahrain 0.26 0.36 520 562.5 0.21 0.29 42 38 (NA) (NA)
Bangladesh 0.25 0.4 2.312245653 3.226066618 0.16 0.28 0.79 2 (NA) (NA)
Belarus (X) 1.06 (X) 104.0235525 (X) 0.01 (X) 36 (X) (NA)
Belgium 2.14 2.66 214.6439318 260.5288932 (Z) 0 (NA) (NA) 2.69 0.34
Brazil 5.65 8.08 39.04090658 49.94128191 0.1 0.2 630.5 969 5.07 5.18
Bulgaria 1.3 0.89 144.9275362 108.0097087 0 (Z) 4 1 39.01 33.21
Burma (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 0.04 0.06 13 11 0.08 0.09
Canada 10.91 11.85 393.8628159 391.0891089 3.85 6.04 1553 1981 75.35 83.09
Chile 0.57 0.91 43.51145038 61.40350877 0.07 0.07 20 8 2.45 1.31
China 1 27.01 33.93 23.37920886 27.02078522 0.51 0.78 2774 3198 1190.36 1351.25
Colombia 0.89 1.27 25.45038605 31.10457997 0.15 0.25 440 733 22.56 38.37
Congo (Kinshasa) 2 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 0 0 29 26 0.09 0.1
Cuba 0.5 0.42 47.08097928 37.76978417 (Z) 0.03 14.3 31 (NA) (NA)
Czech Republic (X) 1.75 (X) 170.0680272 (X) 0.01 (X) 4 (X) 83.38
Denmark 0.8 0.8 155.6420233 150.9433962 0.11 0.27 121 238 (NA) (NA)
Ecuador (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (Z) (Z) 285 375 (NA) (NA)
Egypt 1.44 1.86 27.32966407 29.43969611 0.29 0.49 873 834 0 0.41
Finland 1.13 1.26 226.4529058 244.6601942 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
France 8.84 10 155.8258417 169.9235344 0.1 0.08 61 34 15.47 6.04
Germany (X) 13.83 (X) 168.5968548 (X) 0.77 (X) 59 (X) 228.73
Greece 1.05 1.26 103.3464567 119.7718631 (Z) (Z) 15 6 57.21 64.93
Hong Kong 0.48 0.67 84.21052632 100.1494768 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
Hungary 1.28 1.05 123.5521236 103.8575668 0.17 0.14 39.8 26 19.38 15.98
India 7.78 12.51 9.320714029 12.88455398 0.4 0.76 660 661 233.39 358.8
Indonesia 2.19 3.62 12.13430851 17.70863908 1.53 2.24 1462 1518 8.84 66.49
Iran 3.1 4.53 56.88073394 72.32955453 0.84 1.77 3088 3634 1.21 1.02
Iraq 0.92 1.06 50.88495575 48.62385321 0.15 0.1 2040 2150 (NA) (NA)
Ireland 0.37 0.52 105.1136364 140.5405405 0.08 0.06 (NA) (NA) 0.03 (Z)
Israel 0.45 0.76 96.56652361 127.3031826 (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (NA) (NA)
Italy 6.98 7.98 123.0172718 139.0243902 0.61 0.67 87 107 1.12 0.09
Japan 18.28 21.28 148.0401684 168.3411123 0.07 0.08 11 9 11.33 4.08
Korea, North 2.07 1.81 101.1730205 77.51605996 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 71.32 67.63
Korea, South 3.66 6.93 85.37438768 149.2569459 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 18.98 4.81
Kuwait 0.45 0.7 210.2803738 344.8275862 0.19 0.33 1175 2085 (NA) (NA)
Libya 0.51 0.62 122.8915663 104.7297297 0.22 0.22 1375 1390 (NA) (NA)
Malaysia 0.98 1.74 55.18018018 81.34642356 0.65 1.44 619 733 0.12 0.24
Mexico 4.98 5.92 57.80615206 59.05826018 0.9 1.27 2553.03 3070 8.59 11.39
Morocco 0.31 0.41 12.82051282 14.75881929 (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) 0.58 0.43
Netherlands 3.37 3.82 225.4180602 243.4671765 2.69 2.84 70 52 (NA) (NA)
New Zealand 0.74 0.79 220.2380952 208.4432718 0.17 0.17 40 47 2.95 3.59
Nigeria 0.7 0.96 8.043203493 9.021708486 0.13 0.21 1810 2153 0.1 0.15
Norway 1.58 1.86 372.6415094 419.8645598 0.98 1.63 1704 3017 0.33 0.36
Pakistan 1.18 1.74 10.49822064 12.28987145 0.48 0.71 62 55 3.03 3.48
Peru (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 0.02 0.02 128.97 116 0.14 0.04
Philippines 0.73 1.08 11.87378009 14.37125749 0 (Z) 4.7 1 1.37 1.03
Poland 3.87 3.51 101.521511 90.76803724 0.15 0.18 2 7 237.08 198.21
Portugal 0.75 0.98 75.98784195 98.69083585 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 0.31 0
Romania 2.88 1.76 124.0844464 78.18747223 1 0.52 163 132 42.09 28.58
Russia (X) 25.99 (X) 177.357718 (X) 20.87 (X) 5854 (X) 272.49
Saudi Arabia 3.15 4.19 211.8359112 207.7342588 1.08 1.65 6410 8389 (NA) (NA)
Serbia and Montenegro 3 (X) 0.81 (X) 76.27118644 (X) 0.03 (X) 18 (X) 48.07
South Africa 3.36 4.43 90.639331 100.3852255 0 0.05 0 18 193.18 246.84
Spain 3.94 5.04 101.4157014 128.016256 0.05 (Z) 16 11 39.63 28.74
Sudan (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 0 10 (NA) (NA)
Sweden 2.17 2.27 253.5046729 256.4971751 (NA) (NA) (Z) 0 0.01 0
Switzerland 1.17 1.21 174.366617 170.4225352 (Z) 0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
Syria 0.59 0.83 48.67986799 53.20512821 0.1 0.21 388 553 (NA) (NA)
Taiwan 1 2.04 3.31 100.2309242 151.9045434 0.08 0.03 3 1 0.52 0.09
Tajikistan (X) (NA) (X) (NA) (X) (Z) (X) (Z) (X) 0.01
Tanzania (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (Z) (Z)
Thailand 1.25 2.34 22.38538682 38.23529412 0.21 0.57 43.72 75 13.71 22.04
Trinidad and Tobago (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 0.18 0.37 150 123 (NA) (NA)
Tunisia (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 0.01 0.07 93 80 (NA) (NA)
Turkey 1.97 2.89 34.88578006 45.54767533 0.01 0.02 73 65 52.28 67.46
Ukraine (X) 6.14 (X) 121.5841584 (X) 0.64 (X) 57 (X) 82.93
United Arab Emirates 1.23 1.82 640.625 669.1176471 0.78 1.31 2117 2345 (NA) (NA)
United Kingdom 9.32 9.75 161.9179986 165.3383076 1.75 3.17 1820 2616 104.05 45.5
Venezuela 2.08 2.63 106.6666667 113.1669535 0.76 0.99 2137 3167 2.41 8.27
Vietnam 0.28 0.74 4.227691379 9.541000516 (Z) 0.02 50 246 5.1 11.8
Zambia (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 0.42 0.17

- Represents zero.NA Not available. X Not applicable.Z Less than 5 tril. Btu, 500 barrels per day, or 500,000 short tons.
1 With the establishment of diplomatic relations with China on January 1, 1979, the U.S. governmentrecognized the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government of China and acknowledgedthe Chinese position that there is only one China and that Taiwan is part of China.
2 "Congo" is the official short-form name for both the Republic of Congoand the Democratic Republic of the Congo. To distinguish one from the otherthe U.S. Dept. of State adds the capital in parentheses. This practice isunofficial and provisional.
3 The U.S. view is that the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslaviahas dissolved and no successor state represents its continuation.Serbia and Montenegro have assertedthe formation of a joint independent state, but this entity has not beenrecognized by the United States.

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration,International Energy Annual.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

Copyright © 2019 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates, all rights reserved.