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32. 1997 Economic Census

529. State and Local Government Employment and Average Earnings, by State

[In thousands (3,437 represents 3,437,000) except as noted. 1997 for March; prior years for October.

Full-time equivalent Full-time equivalent Full-time equivalent Full-time equivalent Full-time equivalent Full-time equivalent Full-time equivalent Full-time equivalent Full-time equivalent Full-time equivalent Full-time equivalent Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average
employment (1,000) employment (1,000) employment (1,000) employment (1,000) Per 10,000 population Per 10,000 population Per 10,000 population Per 10,000 population Per 10,000 population Per 10,000 population Per 10,000 population earnings 3 earnings 3 earnings 3 earnings 3 earnings 3 earnings 3 earnings 3 earnings 3
(dol.) (dol.) (dol.) (dol.) (dol.) (dol.) (dol.) (dol.)
State POST FIPS - - -
OFFICE CODE State State State State Local1 Local1 Local1 Local1 State State State State Local Local Local Local State State State State Local1 Local Local Local
IATION 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999
    United States US 00000 3,437 3,491 3,606 3,709 3,840 3,829 3,856 3,891 3,917 3,971 3,987 3,985 8,415 8,595 8,798 9,014 9,239 9,356 9,513 9,552 9,996 10,119 10,227 10,505 143 143 147 149 154 152 151 151 151 151 149 147 349 353 358 363 371 371 373 370 384 385 382 389 2,052 2,161 2,260 2,372 2,472 2,565 2,621 2,722 2,808 2,854 3,292 3,088 1,992 2,061 2,157 2,261 2,364 2,445 2,539 2,627 2,691 2,763 3,058 2,938
Alabama AL 01000 70 70 72 74 79 82 81 83 84 81 81 82 131 133 137 144 148 151 154 157 160 165 175 175 174 172 176 180 196 199 196 198 200 191 188 190 324 327 334 349 367 369 373 374 380 389 406 402 1,884 1,913 2,042 2,054 2,196 2,216 2,243 2,307 2,422 2,421 2,740 2,553 1,532 1,543 1,624 1,650 1,749 1,802 1,830 1,908 1,977 2,017 2,214 2,193
Alaska AK 02000 21 20 21 22 22 22 24 22 23 22 22 22 20 19 20 21 21 22 22 22 25 24 23 22 393 382 401 418 401 392 413 364 381 366 367 361 377 368 388 396 385 379 371 368 410 391 379 359 3,228 3,306 3,210 3,252 3,543 3,442 3,258 3,640 3,672 3,727 3,938 3,778 3,324 3,305 3,314 3,427 3,491 3,522 3,590 3,624 4,002 4,051 4,012 3,801
Arizona AZ 04000 43 39 43 48 50 51 54 57 57 58 61 62 119 124 127 133 136 138 145 149 156 161 165 165 128 114 124 135 137 136 141 144 139 135 134 133 358 366 365 373 370 369 379 378 382 373 363 353 2,126 2,760 2,234 2,275 2,334 2,312 2,361 2,424 2,561 2,570 2,926 2,845 2,185 2,205 2,286 2,429 2,540 2,579 2,557 2,694 2,642 2,689 2,952 2,821
Arkansas AR 05000 39 39 41 42 43 43 47 47 49 48 49 49 71 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 87 90 91 94 163 162 169 174 182 183 194 192 199 192 192 194 299 301 309 314 330 336 342 348 353 364 360 369 1,724 1,736 1,734 1,822 1,922 2,007 2,195 2,261 2,482 2,353 2,593 2,563 1,388 1,385 1,448 1,492 1,545 1,700 1,724 1,754 1,798 1,823 2,055 2,022
California CA 06000 279 289 303 310 325 325 323 344 327 338 335 335 965 992 1,039 1,065 1,091 1,104 1,108 1,085 1,120 1,141 1,194 1,214 104 105 107 107 109 107 104 110 104 107 104 103 358 358 367 366 367 363 359 348 357 362 371 372 2,751 2,920 2,906 3,101 3,209 3,366 3,420 3,644 3,534 3,664 4,336 3,988 2,535 2,669 2,741 2,891 3,073 3,195 3,281 3,390 3,446 3,523 3,988 3,742
Colorado CO 08000 50 52 52 52 54 53 53 55 54 57 59 61 122 125 123 126 130 133 132 133 141 148 153 159 155 156 156 157 165 158 153 153 147 153 153 155 375 380 374 379 395 393 381 372 384 394 393 401 2,368 2,489 2,557 2,628 2,765 2,925 3,016 3,042 3,224 3,234 4,752 3,554 2,017 2,014 2,162 2,214 2,292 2,391 2,450 2,530 2,539 2,612 2,968 2,885
Connecticut CT 09000 56 58 59 60 58 58 54 60 63 63 60 61 95 95 97 98 98 98 97 95 108 102 104 103 175 181 183 185 178 176 165 183 193 193 183 186 297 297 301 302 299 297 296 290 329 311 319 315 2,336 2,400 2,802 2,888 3,018 3,137 3,286 3,337 3,306 3,321 3,733 3,654 2,089 2,253 2,438 2,657 2,854 2,966 3,160 3,322 3,492 3,491 3,815 3,682
Delaware DE 10000 17 19 19 20 21 20 20 20 21 22 22 22 16 16 17 16 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 272 287 294 292 314 294 293 292 291 307 298 297 252 250 251 241 250 251 254 251 249 269 257 250 1,795 1,912 1,999 2,157 2,245 2,340 2,463 2,469 2,576 2,743 3,073 2,918 1,991 2,117 2,253 2,375 2,458 2,405 2,669 2,714 2,886 2,755 2,963 3,168
District of Columbia DC 11000 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 51 56 55 55 57 55 55 51 51 47 46 44 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 817 888 876 919 939 926 928 887 889 927 873 835 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 2,594 2,706 2,782 2,832 3,024 3,142 3,175 3,315 3,549 3,425 3,956 3,610
Florida FL 12000 124 126 140 150 160 163 164 167 171 175 187 177 407 420 440 479 497 494 500 498 527 534 544 559 106 105 114 118 123 123 122 122 122 123 128 119 348 349 357 378 384 372 370 364 378 377 370 375 1,748 1,890 1,942 2,083 2,095 2,272 2,202 2,266 2,277 2,488 2,920 2,845 1,872 1,990 2,078 2,170 2,247 2,230 2,294 2,355 2,420 2,485 2,658 2,621
Georgia GA 13000 91 95 100 107 112 112 114 119 114 115 111 112 239 248 256 263 270 271 283 293 314 333 324 329 149 153 157 166 173 169 170 171 162 159 149 147 391 399 404 409 418 410 419 423 445 462 433 430 1,811 1,891 1,925 2,021 2,037 2,054 2,075 2,309 2,318 2,456 2,801 2,678 1,589 1,627 1,679 1,796 1,872 1,915 1,968 2,054 2,126 2,164 2,397 2,387
Hawaii HI 15000 41 42 44 45 49 51 51 52 53 51 52 53 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 389 390 401 409 445 447 437 442 453 436 434 441 113 114 116 116 120 120 120 122 123 119 120 121 1,844 1,897 2,033 2,186 2,317 2,474 2,554 2,627 2,598 2,624 2,890 2,737 2,010 2,139 2,260 2,469 2,536 2,734 3,031 2,900 2,962 3,013 3,270 3,286
Idaho ID 16000 18 18 17 17 19 18 20 21 21 21 23 22 33 33 34 35 37 39 40 41 45 46 46 49 175 182 170 170 186 179 190 187 185 179 186 179 332 333 337 348 372 371 373 373 394 396 381 396 1,766 1,855 2,177 2,102 2,100 2,256 2,265 2,280 2,393 2,476 2,676 2,744 1,535 1,567 1,637 1,680 1,772 1,880 1,943 1,999 2,091 2,165 2,510 2,282
Illinois IL 17000 130 130 131 134 145 141 137 132 134 141 141 139 385 387 390 404 416 425 431 431 442 444 460 469 113 112 113 115 127 122 117 113 114 119 118 115 333 334 336 347 364 368 370 368 377 377 384 390 2,165 2,186 2,345 2,485 2,520 2,584 2,642 2,839 2,924 3,027 3,476 3,290 2,166 2,215 2,306 2,384 2,463 2,545 2,672 2,799 2,893 2,985 3,305 3,225
Indiana IN 18000 75 76 84 83 89 90 95 88 90 89 87 83 182 184 188 191 196 199 202 203 210 217 221 225 136 138 151 149 161 160 168 154 157 153 148 140 330 332 338 341 354 355 358 356 366 375 376 382 2,056 2,123 2,179 2,335 2,496 2,466 2,506 2,682 2,781 2,583 3,105 2,679 1,686 1,742 1,850 1,910 2,036 2,143 2,199 2,257 2,316 2,375 2,697 2,514
Iowa IA 19000 57 52 56 58 57 56 47 51 50 53 56 53 101 101 103 106 107 108 108 113 113 116 113 115 199 182 197 203 207 199 168 181 178 187 196 185 355 357 363 372 387 388 386 400 400 408 395 401 2,049 2,269 2,409 2,602 2,936 2,681 2,895 2,971 2,994 3,126 4,092 3,276 1,735 1,764 1,870 1,918 2,024 2,109 2,179 2,214 2,300 2,367 2,736 2,513
Kansas KS 20000 43 43 48 49 50 49 48 48 48 48 44 44 96 94 98 102 104 105 109 115 120 118 118 123 174 173 191 194 200 198 190 188 188 187 171 169 390 381 392 405 421 422 433 454 473 461 455 467 1,687 1,703 1,856 2,025 2,077 2,152 2,191 2,289 2,317 2,325 3,025 2,887 1,700 1,754 1,846 1,908 1,979 2,028 2,133 2,227 2,272 2,315 2,533 2,438
Kentucky KY 21000 63 64 65 74 75 76 76 72 73 73 72 73 102 105 108 110 114 119 121 122 128 133 135 139 170 173 174 199 204 206 203 189 191 190 183 184 275 281 290 294 310 321 322 322 334 344 345 353 1,651 1,709 1,846 2,034 2,141 2,268 2,349 2,295 4,152 2,488 2,987 2,812 1,596 1,600 1,639 1,657 1,823 1,927 1,980 1,997 2,118 2,523 2,273 2,187
Louisiana LA 22000 86 85 81 82 85 88 89 90 92 93 94 94 151 151 151 152 155 156 161 160 166 171 170 178 191 191 183 187 200 206 207 211 212 214 217 216 337 339 343 348 368 368 375 372 385 394 390 407 1,673 1,710 1,901 1,878 2,047 2,123 2,227 2,242 2,282 2,359 2,796 2,475 1,494 1,485 1,550 1,644 1,713 1,761 1,800 1,844 1,831 1,860 2,086 2,170
Maine ME 23000 20 21 22 23 22 21 22 21 21 21 20 20 36 37 39 41 42 43 43 42 46 45 46 48 168 178 182 186 179 176 178 172 172 172 162 161 307 312 320 339 345 347 349 342 369 364 372 387 1,714 1,860 1,972 2,114 2,352 2,503 2,437 2,455 2,567 2,618 2,927 2,808 1,590 1,650 1,755 1,840 1,978 2,075 2,101 2,175 2,281 2,349 2,628 2,418
Maryland MD 24000 80 80 84 86 89 87 82 84 80 81 80 89 143 146 151 155 159 159 158 161 170 172 172 179 178 176 182 183 186 179 167 169 161 161 157 173 321 322 327 329 333 327 321 324 341 341 337 349 2,046 2,203 2,296 2,508 2,609 2,648 2,720 2,742 2,792 2,835 3,421 3,050 2,233 2,344 2,512 2,638 2,776 2,820 2,892 2,977 3,091 3,159 3,457 3,204
Massachusetts MA 25000 88 93 96 94 93 88 85 81 82 82 90 84 192 196 199 199 196 191 192 202 215 220 214 217 151 158 164 158 155 147 142 134 136 135 147 137 329 334 338 336 325 318 321 336 355 362 350 354 2,034 2,250 2,454 2,569 2,541 2,609 2,645 2,914 3,006 3,068 3,468 3,291 2,082 2,137 2,294 2,399 2,554 2,627 2,775 2,817 2,933 2,961 3,286 3,227
Michigan MI 26000 128 129 128 133 144 139 138 136 132 141 138 136 315 317 320 312 316 341 323 326 329 324 333 337 140 140 139 144 155 148 146 143 139 148 141 139 344 345 347 336 340 364 342 344 346 339 340 343 2,541 2,539 2,673 2,769 2,858 3,016 3,134 3,231 3,163 3,342 4,161 3,672 2,329 2,353 2,470 2,523 2,646 2,767 2,906 3,064 3,170 3,255 3,632 3,384
Minnesota MN 27000 61 64 62 65 70 66 67 67 71 73 71 69 137 140 146 159 163 169 173 177 191 196 189 199 145 150 143 150 160 150 150 148 155 157 152 146 326 330 339 366 374 381 385 391 418 425 403 421 2,428 2,593 2,586 2,739 2,936 3,001 3,101 3,127 3,213 3,266 4,173 3,719 2,318 2,388 2,408 2,444 2,552 2,650 2,673 2,810 2,813 2,830 3,397 3,078
Mississippi MS 28000 42 44 44 46 47 47 47 48 49 50 51 52 95 98 100 102 105 105 108 107 119 122 122 125 161 169 169 176 183 179 181 181 182 186 188 188 364 372 382 391 407 407 412 404 445 453 448 455 1,430 1,509 1,681 1,794 1,824 1,887 2,000 2,177 2,257 2,394 2,503 2,483 1,324 1,334 1,403 1,530 1,543 1,562 1,608 1,634 1,726 1,798 1,952 1,948
Missouri MO 29000 66 66 71 72 74 74 74 79 80 79 89 87 157 161 161 167 171 171 174 177 185 192 202 211 130 130 138 140 145 144 143 151 151 149 164 159 310 315 313 325 334 333 334 337 352 361 373 388 1,621 1,635 1,844 1,908 1,965 2,012 2,075 2,142 2,203 2,232 2,532 2,501 1,826 1,834 1,924 1,968 2,052 2,101 2,133 2,178 2,227 2,297 2,505 2,445
Montana MT 30000 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 29 27 27 33 35 35 37 35 38 38 33 33 192 198 199 196 211 207 207 207 196 208 208 219 349 339 340 416 434 436 451 416 442 439 372 379 1,864 1,944 1,936 2,046 2,072 2,256 2,300 2,377 2,413 2,534 2,942 2,569 1,727 1,720 1,785 1,870 1,959 1,982 1,995 2,131 2,266 2,347 2,598 2,259
Nebraska NE 31000 29 30 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 29 65 67 66 67 68 69 71 71 76 76 75 78 184 186 179 181 186 185 179 181 180 181 179 175 407 419 414 418 430 432 441 440 465 465 455 468 1,509 1,539 1,957 2,026 2,075 2,135 2,185 2,214 2,255 2,290 2,551 2,402 1,785 1,797 1,894 1,981 2,089 2,153 2,198 2,292 2,362 2,413 2,691 2,550
Nevada NV 32000 15 15 16 15 19 19 19 19 19 21 23 24 33 35 36 38 42 44 47 46 49 53 57 59 154 152 154 137 160 147 144 137 132 134 137 138 343 345 344 340 348 341 353 332 337 345 337 336 1,990 2,091 2,099 2,250 2,502 2,635 2,738 2,795 2,797 2,864 3,433 3,198 2,140 2,226 2,312 2,440 2,574 2,647 2,772 2,909 2,970 3,085 3,496 3,377
New Hampshire NH 33000 18 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 29 30 32 33 33 35 36 35 38 38 39 40 172 149 148 149 145 146 147 150 151 147 145 144 285 286 293 297 301 315 320 311 331 335 331 339 1,759 1,868 2,011 2,117 2,352 2,319 2,416 2,510 2,623 2,669 2,919 2,599 1,701 1,771 1,940 2,109 2,215 2,333 2,456 2,558 2,568 2,641 2,986 2,694
New Jersey NJ 34000 96 99 104 112 112 113 116 110 108 125 123 123 283 284 294 295 304 305 302 304 322 312 298 308 126 129 135 144 145 145 149 140 136 157 153 152 372 370 380 381 393 393 387 385 407 393 370 380 2,278 2,434 2,565 2,658 2,859 3,139 3,100 3,303 3,546 3,563 3,835 3,779 2,146 2,225 2,385 2,570 2,698 2,887 3,062 3,238 3,336 3,553 3,936 3,847
New Mexico NM 35000 34 35 37 38 40 41 42 43 42 42 41 43 49 53 54 55 57 60 60 63 66 68 70 71 231 235 248 249 262 263 267 265 251 251 238 246 332 357 361 360 379 387 381 388 399 404 406 411 1,792 1,798 1,869 1,987 2,100 2,255 2,253 2,223 2,291 2,390 2,632 2,449 1,680 1,670 1,670 1,732 1,783 1,835 1,858 1,980 1,969 2,119 2,256 2,279
New York NY 36000 272 275 282 281 285 269 267 267 273 257 250 252 810 845 854 859 866 854 884 855 878 856 860 898 153 154 158 156 158 149 148 147 150 142 138 138 456 474 477 479 482 473 488 470 483 471 474 494 2,355 2,506 2,756 2,826 2,997 3,032 3,143 3,335 3,347 3,423 3,748 3,649 2,266 2,404 2,565 2,734 2,795 2,942 3,147 3,323 3,368 3,479 3,710 3,608
North Carolina NC 37000 93 100 103 105 107 108 109 111 112 115 122 123 216 223 230 237 244 253 260 279 278 281 294 298 147 156 159 160 161 160 159 159 158 159 165 163 341 348 354 360 368 376 380 401 392 389 395 395 1,935 2,030 2,129 2,250 2,372 2,386 2,413 2,416 2,482 2,570 2,969 2,832 1,662 1,763 1,827 1,937 2,065 2,092 2,092 2,172 2,278 2,287 2,563 2,513
North Dakota ND 38000 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 15 15 22 22 21 21 20 21 21 23 22 22 21 21 222 227 224 231 234 237 259 247 253 257 240 240 318 320 315 315 314 324 331 356 346 340 331 332 1,805 1,883 1,894 2,037 2,057 2,196 2,231 2,318 2,385 2,440 2,860 2,560 2,017 1,807 2,054 2,088 2,138 2,192 2,269 2,366 2,399 2,450 2,914 2,608
Ohio OH 39000 122 125 130 140 139 141 140 141 141 143 140 136 365 370 372 376 385 389 399 390 421 425 421 428 113 116 120 129 128 129 127 127 127 128 125 121 340 343 343 345 355 356 363 351 380 381 376 382 1,984 2,145 2,268 2,353 2,510 2,569 2,691 2,777 2,866 3,083 3,452 3,184 1,911 2,011 2,072 2,147 2,236 2,321 2,417 2,504 2,646 2,696 2,998 2,898
Oklahoma OK 40000 64 64 63 64 65 68 67 68 68 68 72 71 109 107 109 111 116 117 121 122 127 129 129 133 195 197 195 198 208 214 209 211 209 206 217 213 329 328 338 345 369 369 376 376 390 393 390 398 1,733 1,770 1,816 1,922 1,975 1,945 2,044 1,897 1,931 2,018 2,238 2,051 1,595 1,577 1,605 1,687 1,761 1,819 1,903 1,949 2,069 2,113 2,207 2,128
Oregon OR 41000 44 49 50 51 52 55 50 47 51 52 54 56 91 93 94 97 100 103 106 108 109 114 118 120 163 180 182 180 184 187 167 156 164 166 166 169 338 340 340 344 353 353 354 355 353 362 364 366 1,975 2,011 2,085 2,246 2,302 2,457 2,607 2,780 2,780 2,848 3,460 2,998 2,018 2,058 2,161 2,230 2,322 2,433 2,599 2,653 2,772 2,896 3,345 3,092
Pennsylvania PA 42000 124 125 125 123 127 124 143 145 150 152 150 149 340 347 349 354 361 361 367 367 371 369 366 380 104 105 104 103 107 104 119 120 125 126 125 124 286 290 291 294 304 302 305 305 308 306 304 316 1,915 2,018 2,116 2,252 2,437 2,642 2,696 2,804 2,927 3,025 3,412 3,188 1,976 2,008 2,154 2,283 2,403 2,507 2,622 2,713 2,786 2,911 3,183 3,159
Rhode Island RI 44000 19 20 20 20 21 20 20 20 19 20 20 20 24 24 26 28 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 30 195 201 202 200 205 196 198 198 188 203 204 205 245 247 263 278 266 269 276 277 290 288 295 300 2,041 2,207 2,356 2,542 2,586 2,611 2,817 2,949 3,111 3,240 3,531 3,296 2,215 2,288 2,373 2,471 2,656 2,773 2,832 2,961 3,089 3,169 3,364 3,247
South Carolina SC 45000 69 70 72 76 79 81 78 78 76 78 78 80 109 110 112 113 116 120 124 125 132 136 144 157 204 204 211 216 227 227 216 214 210 213 205 209 322 323 322 322 333 336 344 342 362 370 380 408 1,705 1,741 1,864 1,898 1,956 2,017 2,098 2,091 2,186 2,318 2,535 2,486 1,558 1,588 1,690 1,782 1,848 1,893 1,970 2,037 2,080 2,141 2,422 2,339
South Dakota SD 46000 13 13 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 13 13 23 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 27 27 27 27 177 186 175 176 192 192 190 194 197 194 180 177 330 329 329 338 349 350 361 366 377 364 360 369 1,684 1,726 1,783 1,895 1,979 2,033 2,166 2,238 2,307 2,355 2,703 2,559 1,441 1,482 1,518 1,634 1,733 1,809 1,833 1,926 1,963 2,004 2,384 2,189
Tennessee TN 47000 71 71 72 75 79 76 76 77 80 84 82 81 157 162 170 171 175 174 178 182 185 188 194 205 147 146 147 153 163 154 151 151 154 161 152 149 327 333 347 347 358 351 354 356 357 359 362 377 1,746 1,814 1,761 2,004 2,055 2,149 2,153 2,238 2,435 2,389 2,772 2,597 1,554 1,627 1,720 1,842 1,883 1,929 2,004 2,059 2,137 2,196 2,327 2,361
Texas TX 48000 193 199 210 212 223 228 240 247 263 268 262 268 633 640 660 681 706 723 748 768 829 858 850 872 115 118 124 125 131 131 136 137 142 143 135 136 379 381 392 401 415 417 424 426 450 456 439 441 1,927 2,062 2,052 2,149 2,192 2,355 2,351 2,426 2,492 2,492 2,787 2,843 1,748 1,757 1,823 1,897 1,952 2,006 2,107 2,140 2,150 2,229 2,450 2,371
Utah UT 49000 33 32 33 35 37 39 40 42 41 42 45 46 47 49 49 49 51 52 53 56 61 63 64 67 197 191 196 205 216 219 219 226 215 214 219 221 283 289 289 286 294 293 294 300 317 321 309 321 1,654 1,766 1,791 1,904 2,000 2,179 2,100 2,206 2,481 2,524 2,828 2,652 1,900 1,867 1,907 1,976 2,092 2,143 2,204 2,253 2,315 2,460 2,889 2,680
Vermont VT 50000 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 13 15 15 17 17 18 17 18 22 21 21 18 19 211 215 219 232 233 225 227 220 216 216 211 212 270 274 312 296 312 308 309 382 369 363 303 317 1,842 1,995 2,095 2,184 2,302 2,393 2,514 2,504 2,357 2,471 2,724 2,787 1,653 1,668 1,829 2,042 2,090 2,203 2,240 2,348 2,488 2,455 2,742 2,563
Virginia VA 51000 102 104 109 114 117 114 116 118 119 116 106 111 195 200 204 213 221 224 229 234 250 247 253 258 177 176 181 187 188 182 182 182 182 175 157 163 336 339 340 350 356 357 359 360 382 373 376 380 1,895 1,990 2,124 2,240 2,267 2,298 2,270 2,355 2,448 2,553 3,023 3,013 1,787 1,902 2,017 2,125 2,248 2,252 2,322 2,381 2,406 2,505 2,813 2,681
Washington WA 53000 79 84 86 89 91 96 98 96 96 96 108 106 143 149 152 156 164 170 177 171 183 188 185 190 177 186 185 186 187 191 191 183 179 175 193 187 320 328 328 328 336 339 345 326 341 344 330 333 2,231 2,282 2,322 2,391 2,459 2,589 2,760 2,987 3,007 3,094 3,611 3,271 2,134 2,186 2,270 2,371 2,515 2,622 2,738 3,140 3,198 3,338 3,941 3,527
West Virginia WV 54000 34 34 34 33 34 34 34 33 34 35 32 32 61 61 61 60 59 58 59 57 59 60 60 62 180 177 180 176 188 186 185 184 186 189 178 177 317 322 324 321 326 321 324 314 324 327 330 341 1,574 1,631 1,649 1,696 1,919 1,955 1,969 2,015 2,163 2,212 2,559 2,430 1,625 1,605 1,652 1,692 1,862 1,899 2,002 2,127 2,166 2,203 2,392 2,250
Wisconsin WI 55000 74 64 65 65 67 69 73 70 69 64 65 65 168 171 173 178 183 187 189 190 199 201 202 212 154 132 134 133 136 140 145 138 135 126 124 124 351 355 357 365 375 377 377 377 391 393 388 405 2,128 2,299 2,372 2,389 2,503 2,988 3,216 2,913 3,066 3,153 3,908 3,345 2,035 2,076 2,195 2,299 2,372 2,463 2,594 2,689 2,855 2,900 3,311 3,138
Wyoming WY 56000 11 10 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 25 25 25 24 24 25 25 25 27 27 27 28 213 213 227 257 239 243 242 231 234 227 230 231 494 501 514 511 539 535 543 530 561 565 571 573 1,924 1,922 1,946 2,014 2,045 2,086 2,055 2,127 2,154 2,203 2,403 2,307 1,967 1,947 1,983 2,021 2,110 2,186 2,202 2,249 2,286 2,309 2,729 2,539

X Not applicable. 1 Estimates subject to sampling variation; see Appendix III and source.
2 1990 based on enumerated resident population as of April 1. Otheryears based on estimated resident population as of July 1.
3 For full-time employees.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 1986-1992 Public Employment, series GE, No. 1, annual; thereafter,; (accessed August 2000).

Http://****************************************************************************************DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS OF SELECTED TERMS

A discussion of the terms and classifications used in theEmployment Survey is presented below. These terms aregrouped in the following categories: Government Units andTypes of Governments, Subject Matter Concepts, andGovernment Functions.

Employment and employees. Employment refers to all personsgainfully employed by and performing services for agovernment. Employees include all persons paid for personalservices performed, including persons paid from Federallyfunded programs, paid elected or appointed officials, persons ina paid leave status, and persons paid on a per meeting, annual,semiannual, or quarterly basis. Unpaid officials, pensioners,persons whose work is performed on a fee basis, andcontractors and their employees are excluded from the count ofemployees. Full-time employees are defined to include thosepersons whose hours of work represent full-time employment intheir employer government; part-time employees are thosepersons who work less than the standard number of hours forfull-time work in their employer government.

Full-time equivalent employment. A computed statisticrepresenting the number of full-time employees that could havebeen employed if the reported number of hours worked by part-timeemployees had been worked by full-time employees. Thisstatistic is calculated separately for each function of agovernment by dividing the "part-time hours paid" by thestandard number of hours for full-time employees in theparticular government and then adding the resulting quotient tothe number of full-time employees.

October payroll. Payroll amounts represent gross payrolls forthe 1-month period of October (31 days). The gross payrollincludes all salaries, wages, fees, commissions, bonuses, orawards paid to employees during the pay period which includedthe date of October 12. Payroll amounts reported for a periodother than 1 month were converted to represent an amount forthe month of October.

Conversion of a reported payroll to a payroll amount that wouldhave been paid during a 31-day month is accomplished bymultiplying the reported payroll by an appropriate factor. Forexample, a 2-week payroll is multiplied by 2.214, a 1-weekpayroll is multiplied by 4.429, and a half-month payroll ismultiplied by 2.

Average October earnings. Average October earnings for full-timeemployees can be calculated by dividing the full-timepayroll by the number of full-time employees. Average Octoberearnings previously were presented in the annual publication,Public Employment.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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