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32. 1997 Economic Census

279. Public School Teachers Using Computers or the InternetFor Classroom Instruction During Class Time: 1999

[In percent. Based on survey and subject to sampling error;see source]

Teacher assigns to a moderate or large extent
Teachers Solve Produce Graphical Demon- Corres-
Characteristic using computers Research problems Research multi- present- strations/ pond
or Internet Computer Practice using and using media ations of simu- with
for classroom applica- drills the analyze CD-ROM reports/ materials lations others 2
instruction tions 1 Internet data projects
    Teachers with access to computers
     or the Internet at achool 66 41 31 30 27 27 24 19 17 7
School instructional level:
  Elementary school 68 41 39 25 31 27 22 17 15 7
  Secondary school 60 42 12 41 20 27 27 23 21 7
Percent of students in school eligible
for free or reduced-price school lunch:
  Less than 11 percent 71 55 26 39 25 32 29 26 22 7
  11-30 percent 65 45 29 35 29 27 23 18 16 9
  31-49 percent 65 39 33 29 26 30 23 16 17 11
  50-70 percent 62 33 33 25 27 24 25 19 13 5
  71 percent or more 64 31 35 18 27 19 22 19 16 3
Hours of professional development:
  0 hours 41 21 19 20 14 16 16 10 8 4
  1-8 hours 56 36 26 28 24 24 20 16 13 7
  9-32 hours 72 47 35 32 30 31 26 21 19 8
  More than 32 hours 82 55 43 42 41 34 37 31 29 9

1 For example, word processing or spreadsheets.
2 Includes corresponding with others (e.g. authors, experts) via E-mail or Internet.

Source: U.S. National Center for Education Statistics, Fast Response Survey System,"Teacher Use of Computers and the Internet in Public Schools," NCES 2000-090, April 2000.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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