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637. Percent of Adult Population Doing Volunteer Work

[Volunteers are persons who worked in some way to help othersfor no monetary pay during the previous year.Based on a sample survey of 2,553 persons 18 years old and over conductedduring the spring of the following year andsubject to sampling variability; see source]

Average Average Percent
AGE, SEX, RACE Percent of hours EDUCATIONAL Percent of hours of
AND HISPANIC ORIGIN population volunteered ATTAINMENT AND population volunteered population
volunteering per week HOUSEHOLD INCOME volunteering per week TYPE OF ACTIVITY involved in
    1991, total 51.1 4.2 Elementary school 25.0 (NA) Arts, culture, humanities 6.2
  Some high school 22.1 5.1 Education 15.4
18-24 years old 48.3 3.2 High school graduate 44.7 4.1 Environment 8.6
25-34 years old 52.9 4.2 Technical, trade, or Health 12.9
35-44 years old 60.8 4.7 business school 51.5 3.9 Human services 12.1
45-54 years old 55.9 4.0 Some college 66.1 3.5
55-64 years old 49.4 4.5 College graduate 76.6 4.6 Informal 23.4
65-74 years old 42.0 4.3 International, foreign 2.3
75 years old and over 26.6 (NA) Under $10,000 31.6 4.0 Political organizations 4.7
  $10,000-$19,999 37.9 3.9 Private, community
Male 49.2 3.3 $20,000-$29,999 51.3 4.0 foundations 2.3
Female 52.9 5.0 $30,000-$39,999 56.4 4.7
  $40,000-$49,999 67.4 4.2 Public and societal benefit 6.4
White 52.6 4.2 $50,000-$59,999 67.7 3.9 Recreation - adults 6.7
Black 43.3 4.5 $60,000-$74,999 55.0 5.1 Religion 26.8
  $75,000-$99,999 62.8 3.7 Work-related organizations 7.1
Hispanic 37.6 4.5 $100,000 or more 73.7 3.7 Youth development 14.7
    1993, total 47.7 4.2 Elementary school 31.8 (B) Arts, culture, humanities 4.4
  Some high school 29.9 (B) Education 15.7
18-24 years old 45.3 4.0 High school graduate 40.4 3.6 Environment 6.2
25-34 years old 46.1 3.1 Technical, trade, or Health 10.8
35-44 years old 54.5 4.8 business school 49.2 5.0 Human services 9.8
45-54 years old 53.8 5.2 Some college 56.9 4.3
55-64 years old 46.6 4.1 College graduate 67.2 5.0 Informal 17.2
65-74 years old 42.9 4.8 International, foreign 1.3
75 years old and over 36.4 (B) Under $10,000 34.0 (B) Political organizations 3.7
  $10,000-$19,999 37.0 3.7 Private, community
Male 43.9 4.3 $20,000-$29,999 52.5 4.2 foundations 2.2
Female 51.2 4.2 $30,000-$39,999 56.3 4.9
  $40,000-$49,999 55.1 3.6 Public and societal benefit 5.4
White 51.1 4.2 $50,000-$59,999 56.9 4.1 Recreation - adults 5.4
Black 29.1 3.7 $60,000-$74,999 66.6 6.1 Religion 24.1
  $75,000-$99,999 58.1 (B) Work-related organizations 6.9
Hispanic 32.4 (B) $100,000 or more 67.5 (B) Youth development 11.7
    1995, total 48.8 4.2 Elementary school 18.7 (B) Arts, culture, humanities 6.2
  Some high school 26.1 3.3 Education 17.5
18-24 years old 38.4 2.8 High school graduate 43.1 4.0 Environment 7.1
25-34 years old 50.8 4.3 Technical, trade, or Health 13.2
35-44 years old 55.0 4.3 business school 51.2 4.4 Human services 12.7
45-54 years old 55.3 4.5 Some college 56.3 3.9
55-64 years old 47.9 4.8 College graduate 70.7 4.8 Informal 20.3
65-74 years old 44.7 4.1 International, foreign 1.6
75 years old and over 33.7 4.4 Under $10,000 34.7 3.6 Political organizations 3.8
  $10,000-$19,999 34.3 3.2 Private, community
Male 45.1 4.2 $20,000-$29,999 45.2 3.7 foundations 2.7
Female 52.2 4.2 $30,000-$39,999 46.0 3.7
  $40,000-$49,999 52.7 5.8 Public and societal benefit 6.7
White 51.9 4.2 $50,000-$59,999 64.1 5.1 Recreation - adults 7.3
Black 35.3 4.5 $60,000-$74,999 56.4 4.4 Religion 25.8
  $75,000-$99,999 64.8 4.0 Work-related organizations 7.9
Hispanic 40.4 4.3 $100,000 or more 69.4 4.4 Youth development 15.4
    1998, total 55.5 3.5 Elementary school 29.4 (B) Arts, culture, humanities 8.6
  Some high school 43.0 3.9 Education 17.3
18-24 years old 48.5 3.0 High school graduate 43.2 2.8 Environment 9.2
25-34 years old 54.9 3.5 Technical, trade, or Health 11.4
35-44 years old 67.3 3.7 business school 53.5 3.5 Human services 15.9
45-54 years old 62.7 3.8 Some college 67.2 4.8
55-64 years old 50.3 3.3 College graduate 67.7 3.1 Informal 24.4
65-74 years old 46.6 3.6 International, foreign 2.5
75 years old and over 43.0 3.1 Under $10,000 42.1 3.4 Political organizations 4.6
  $10,000-$19,999 42.2 2.9 Private, community
Male 49.4 3.6 $20,000-$29,999 43.7 4.0 foundations 3.4
Female 61.7 3.4 $30,000-$39,999 54.4 3.4
  $40,000-$49,999 67.5 3.6 Public and societal benefit 7.9
White 58.6 3.5 $50,000-$59,999 62.8 4.3 Recreation - adults 8.6
Black 46.6 4.7 $60,000-$74,999 71.2 2.9 Religion 22.8
  $75,000-$99,999 64.2 3.5 Work-related organizations 10.3
Hispanic 46.4 2.1 $100,000 or more 70.5 3.5 Youth development 17.5

B Base figure too small to meet statistical standards for reliability.
1 Hispanic persons may be of any race.

Source: Hodgkinson, Virginia, Murray Weitzman, and the Gallup Organization, Inc.,Giving and Volunteering in the United States: 1992, 1994 and 1996 Editions.(Copyright and published by INDEPENDENT SECTOR, Washington, DC, fall 1992, 1994, and 1996.) andSaxon-Harrold, Susan K.E., Murray Weitzman, and the Gallup Organization, Inc.,Giving and Volunteering in the United States: 1999 Edition.(Copyright and published by INDEPENDENT SECTOR, Washington, DC, 2000.)

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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