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32. 1997 Economic Census

1411. Foreign Direct Investment Flows in OECD Countries

[In millions of dollars (299,004 represents $299,004,000,000).1999 data, preliminary.Data are converted to U.S. dollars using the yearly average exchange rate]

Inflows Outflows
Cumulative Cumulative
1996 1997 1998 1999 1990-99 1996 1997 1998 1999 1990-99
  OECD, total 248,882 299,004 509,313 683,744 2,709,512 340,977 414,079 636,480 767,814 3,552,013
Australia 5,171 7,510 6,502 4,441 58,910 5,927 6,262 2,466 -3,192 26,596
Austria 4,429 2,656 4,902 2,952 21,084 1,935 1,948 2,948 2,703 18,155
Belgium-Luxembourg 14,061 12,093 22,724 15,868 123,206 8,065 7,273 28,453 24,937 109,350
Canada 9,407 11,470 16,499 24,268 99,000 12,879 22,054 26,575 17,362 120,113
Czech Republic 1,428 1,300 2,540 4,877 15,233 153 25 175 197 828
Denmark 776 2,801 6,722 7,450 32,176 2,518 4,210 3,962 8,207 32,958
Finland 1,109 2,116 12,141 3,024 22,841 3,596 5,292 18,643 4,194 40,760
France 21,942 23,174 28,955 37,416 215,804 30,395 35,586 41,913 88,324 347,839
Germany 6,577 11,092 21,271 52,403 116,467 50,841 40,716 91,183 98,853 422,455
Greece 1 5,888 3,586 3,709 539 26,942 (NA) (NA) (NA) 573 573
Hungary 2,275 2,173 2,036 1,944 19,618 -3 431 481 249 1,261
Iceland 82 149 112 90 476 62 51 99 70 380
Ireland 2 1,888 1,676 3,904 5,422 17,451 (NA) (NA) 8,569 18,326 26,895
Italy 3,535 3,698 2,611 5,019 37,697 6,465 10,619 12,078 3,038 71,148
Japan 228 3,224 3,193 12,378 26,008 23,424 25,991 24,159 20,730 248,729
Korea, South 2,325 2,844 5,416 8,798 24,653 4,670 4,449 4,799 4,044 29,018
Mexico 9,185 12,830 11,311 11,568 81,570 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
Netherlands 15,055 14,499 41,977 33,341 159,523 31,230 29,247 51,365 45,540 250,860
New Zealand 3 3,697 1,832 2,172 989 20,754 -1,260 -1,602 376 1,020 5,135
Norway 3,201 3,786 3,882 6,579 26,670 5,918 5,047 2,418 5,483 28,131
Poland 4,498 4,908 6,365 6,471 30,616 53 45 316 123 639
Portugal 1,368 2,278 2,802 570 17,501 776 1,668 2,901 2,679 10,463
Spain 6,820 6,387 11,797 9,357 97,780 5,590 12,547 18,935 35,421 93,236
Sweden 5,076 10,968 19,569 59,102 127,633 4,664 12,648 24,376 18,951 102,114
Switzerland 3,078 6,642 7,499 3,412 34,680 16,150 17,747 16,631 17,910 119,187
Turkey 722 805 940 783 8,116 110 251 367 645 2,087
United Kingdom 26,084 33,245 64,388 82,176 319,726 34,125 61,620 119,463 199,275 566,400
United States 88,977 109,264 193,375 282,507 927,378 92,694 109,955 132,829 152,152 876,705

NA Not available.
1 Includes entrepreneurial capital net and real estate investment flows.
2 Data shown are for net (inward and outward), direct investment capital flows.For 1999, balance of payments data.
3 For fiscal year ending March 31.

Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris,Financial Market Trends, No. 76, June 2000.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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