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1298. Comparative Statistics in Wholesale Trade, by Kind of Business: 1992 and 1997

[495.5 represents 495,500. Covers establishments with payroll. [Based on 1987 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code;see text, Section 13, Labor Force, Employment, and Earnings. Includes only establishments with payroll][Includes only establishments with payroll]

Establish- Sales,receipts, Annual Paid
ments revenue/shipments payroll employees 1
Kind of business 1987 (1,000) (mil. dol.) (mil. dol.) (1,000)
code 1992 1997 1992 1997 1992 1997 1992 1997
    Wholesale trade (X) 495.5 521.1 3,238,520 4,235,400 173,272 234,517 5,791 6,509
Durable goods 50 313.5 337.3 1,593,874 2,299,494 105,155 147,737 3,349 3,887
  Motor vehicles, parts, and supplies 501 47.3 48.1 394,104 561,792 12,065 15,693 489 555
  Furniture and homefurnishings 502 16.5 18.6 58,927 82,708 4,612 6,432 161 192
  Lumber and construction materials 503 19.5 22.4 89,764 118,764 211 6,060 211 258
  Professional and commercial equipment
   & supplies 504 46.8 49.7 262,974 387,497 26,380 34,778 685 760
  Metals and minerals, except petroleum 505 11.2 12.6 118,322 150,494 4,684 6,898 138 174
  Electrical goods 506 39.3 44.3 227,784 381,045 15,070 25,012 436 548
  Hardware, plumbing and heating equipment
   & supplies 507 24.7 26.9 76,088 109,016 7,106 9,936 241 280
  Machinery, equipment, and supplies 508 73.9 77.6 230,004 330,544 21,267 29,600 690 780
  Miscellaneous durable goods 509 34.3 37.1 135,906 177,634 7,912 10,720 299 341
Nondurable goods 51 182.0 183.9 1,644,647 1,935,907 68,117 86,780 2,442 2,622
  Paper and paper products 511 19.7 19.7 106,580 134,225 6,939 9,151 269 297
  Drugs, drug proprietaries, &
   druggists' sundries 512 6.1 8.1 129,306 203,148 5,368 8,395 158 190
  Apparel, piece goods,& notions 513 19.6 21.3 109,203 125,860 6,522 8,021 196 215
  Groceries & related products 514 42.9 41.9 504,567 590,785 21,723 26,884 812 858
  Farm-product raw materials 515 11.6 10.3 136,869 166,786 2,100 2,306 109 98
  Chemicals & allied products 516 14.2 15.9 132,471 128,923 5,596 7,241 147 166
  Petroleum & petroleum products 517 16.1 12.7 281,585 272,459 4,447 4,839 169 152
  Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic
   beverages 518 5.3 4.9 59,487 69,703 4,670 5,667 142 152
  Miscellaneous nondurable goods 519 46.8 49.0 184,577 244,017 10,754 14,276 441 495
  Merchant wholesalers (X) 414.8 444.0 1,847,274 2,499,990 127,987 177,821 4,588 5,301
Durable goods 50 264.6 288.0 902,789 1,325,674 78,264 114,056 2,714 3,243
  Motor vehicles, parts, and supplies 501 43.9 44.8 170,849 195,115 9,921 12,522 413 461
  Furniture and homefurnishings 502 13.1 15.3 33,200 46,699 3,733 5,387 137 166
  Lumber and construction materials 503 16.4 19.3 63,765 90,891 5,115 7,541 181 228
  Professional and commercial equipment
   & supplies 504 39.8 42.7 139,629 247,900 14,873 22,666 466 573
  Metals and minerals, except petroleum 505 8.7 10.1 70,617 91,553 3,852 5,596 116 147
  Electrical goods 506 29.1 33.4 115,387 205,688 10,271 17,281 321 417
  Hardware, plumbing and heating equipment
   & supplies 507 21.0 23.3 53,063 74,080 5,941 8,349 211 247
  Machinery, equipment, and supplies 508 62.1 65.9 149,216 225,425 17,529 24,965 593,869 682
  Miscellaneous durable goods 509 30.5 33.3 107,063 148,323 7,029 9,750 275 321
Nondurable goods 51 150.2 156.0 944,485 1,174,317 49,723 63,765 1,874 2,058
  Paper & paper products 511 16.0 16.6 54,802 83,654 5,355 7,262 201 241
  Drugs, drug proprietaries, &
   druggists' sundries 512 5.3 7.3 67,069 107,379 2,812 4,453 101 129
  Apparel, piece goods, & notions 513 15.8 17.5 67,905 86,114 5,215 6,557 163 185
  Groceries & related products 514 33.2 33.5 279,217 332,026 18,225 279,217 579 608
  Farm-product raw materials 515 9.8 8.8 109,827 132,884 1,875 2,096 81 74
  Chemicals & allied products 516 10.5 12.2 39,170 56,048 3,135 4,651 93 116
  Petroleum & petroleum products 517 14.0 11.2 142,651 144,343 3,492 3,749 145 129
  Beer, wine, & distilled alcoholic beverages 518 4.9 4.5 50,397 58,312 4,343 5,212 134 144
  Miscellaneous nondurable goods 519 40.6 44.3 133,446 173,556 8,661 11,558 378 433

X Not applicable.
1 Definition of paid employees varies among sectors.|Source: U.S. Census Bureau,1997 Economic Census, Series EC97X-CS2Core Business Statistics Series: Comparative Statistics*CENSUS OF RETAIL TRADE


To provide periodic and comprehensive statistics about retailestablishments and activities. The United States Code, Title 13, requiresthis census and provides for mandatory responses.


Domestic establishments that sell merchandise and related services to thepublic for personal or household consumption. These are all establishmentsclassified in SIC Division G, excluding nonemployers engaged in directselling (SIC 5963). In 1992, over 1.5 million employer establishmentsaccounted for retail sales of nearly $1.9 trillion.


Basic data obtained for all establishments include kind of business,geographic location, dollar volume of sales, annual and first quarterpayroll, and employment for the pay period including March 12.Establishments receiving a census form provide additional data onorganizational status, sales by class of customer, sales by merchandiseline, method of selling, and industry-specific measures (such as number ofprescriptions by drug stores).


Every 5 years since 1972, for years ending in "2" and "7." From 1929through 1967, retail trade statistics were published periodically as partof the census of business. Data collection begins in December of the censusyear and responses are due in about 8 weeks. Data are requested foractivities taking place during the census calendar year.


A mail-out/mail-back data collection for establishments of multi-unitcompanies, large single-unit employers, and a sample of small employers;and administrative records data for non-selected small employers and allnonemployers. All establishments of multi-unit firms and single-unitemployers with annualized payroll above a size cutoff (for most industries,equivalent to about 3 employees) receive a census form. A sample of smallemployers also receives a census form. This sample is selected using astratified sampling procedure with strata based on industry and geography.Basic data for non- selected small employers and nonemployers are obtainedfrom Federal administrative records. Estimates for sales by merchandiseline and other industry-specific data are based partly on small employersample results.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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