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32. 1997 Economic Census

1057. Trucks, Truck Miles, and average Annual Miles for All Trucks

[In thousands (59,200.8 represents 59,200,800), except percent change. Minus sign (-) indicates decrease]

Trucks, excluding pickups,
All trucks panels, vans, sport utilities,
utilities, and station wagons
Vehicular and operational 1992 1997 Percent 1992 1997 Percent
characteristics change, change,
1992- 1992-
1997 1997
               MAJOR USE
  Total 59,200.8 72,800.3 23.0 5,112.4 5,664.7 10.8
Agriculture 3,554.6 3,377.8 -5.0 898.7 854.7 -4.9
Forestry and lumbering 264.5 276.7 4.6 100.6 112.1 11.4
Mining and quarrying 220.4 250.7 13.7 79.2 82.1 3.7
Construction 4,986.3 6,033.9 21.0 1,015.4 1,161.8 14.4
Manufacturing 786.7 729.4 -7.3 257.6 258.6 0.4
Wholesale trade 1,136.1 1,264.6 11.3 438.3 440.4 0.5
Retail trade 1,950.9 2,243.8 15.0 434.9 469.3 7.9
For-hire transportation 889.2 1,059.4 19.1 769.6 938.2 21.9
Utilities. 541.2 663.8 22.7 183.4 204.9 11.7
Services 3,123.3 4,233.5 35.5 421.2 591.4 40.4
Daily rental 307.6 508.0 65.1 90.6 171.2 89.0
One-way rental 17.1 31.2 82.5 14.1 28.3 100.7
Personal transportation 40,441.9 50,934.5 25.9 231.0 183.0 -20.8
Not in use 981.0 1,193.1 21.6 177.8 168.6 -5.2
Pickup 33,659.6 36,191.8 7.5 (X) (X) (X)
Minivan 6,129.6 9,837.9 60.5 (X) (X) (X)
Panel or van 5,701.0 5,572.7 -2.3 (X) (X) (X)
Station wagon 1,457.9 1,770.7 21.5 (X) (X) (X)
Multistop or Stepvan 408.4 560.4 37.2 408.4 560.4 37.2
Platform with added devices 295.7 308.2 4.2 295.7 308.2 4.2
Low boy or depressed center 89.8 111.1 23.7 89.8 111.1 23.7
Basic platform 1,183.3 1,176.1 -0.6 1,183.3 1,176.1 -0.6
Livestock truck. 48.3 39.1 -19.0 48.3 39.1 -19.0
Insulated nonrefrigerated van 23.3 34.5 48.1 23.3 34.5 48.1
Insulated refrigerated van 204.8 234.0 14.3 204.8 234.0 14.3
Drop-frame van 60.1 54.9 -8.7 60.1 54.9 -8.7
Open-top van 20.1 20.8 3.5 20.1 20.8 3.5
Basic enclosed van 785.4 1,009.0 28.5 785.4 1,009.0 28.5
Beverage 73.0 70.2 -3.8 73.0 70.2 -3.8