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112. Abortions--Number, Rate, and Ratio, by Race

All races White Black and other
Abortions Abortions Abortions
Women Women Women
15-44 Ratio per 15-44 Ratio per 15-44 Ratio per
Year years Rate per 1,000 years Rate per 1,000 years Rate per 1,000
old Number 1,000 live old Number 1,000 live old Number 1,000 live
(1,000) (1,000) women births 1 (1,000) (1,000) women births 1 (1,000) (1,000) women births 1
1972 44,588 587 13.2 184 38,532 455 11.8 175 6,056 132 21.7 223
1975 47,606 1,034 21.7 331 40,857 701 17.2 276 6,749 333 49.3 565
1976 48,721 1,179 24.2 361 41,721 785 18.8 296 7,000 394 56.3 638
1977 49,814 1,317 26.4 400 42,567 889 20.9 333 7,247 428 59.0 679
1978 50,920 1,410 27.7 413 43,427 969 22.3 356 7,493 440 58.7 665
1979 52,016 1,498 28.8 420 44,266 1,062 24.0 373 7,750 435 56.2 625
1980 53,048 1,554 29.3 428 44,942 1,094 24.3 376 8,106 460 56.5 642
1981 53,901 1,577 29.3 430 45,494 1,108 24.3 377 8,407 470 55.9 645
1982 54,679 1,574 28.8 428 46,049 1,095 23.8 373 8,630 479 55.5 646
1983 2 55,340 1,575 28.5 436 46,506 1,084 23.3 376 8,834 491 55.5 670
1984 56,061 1,577 28.1 423 47,023 1,087 23.1 366 9,038 491 54.3 646
1985 56,754 1,589 28.0 422 47,512 1,076 22.6 360 9,242 513 55.5 659
1986 2 57,483 1,574 27.4 416 48,010 1,045 21.8 350 9,473 529 55.9 661
1987 57,964 1,559 27.1 405 48,288 1,017 21.1 338 9,676 542 56.0 648
1988 58,192 1,591 27.3 401 48,325 1,026 21.2 333 9,867 565 57.3 638
1989 2 58,365 1,567 26.8 380 48,104 1,006 20.9 309 10,261 561 54.7 650
1990 2 58,700 1,609 27.4 389 48,224 1,039 21.5 318 10,476 570 54.4 655
1991 59,080 1,557 26.3 379 48,406 982 20.3 303 10,674 574 53.8 661
1992 59,020 1,529 25.9 380 48,161 943 19.6 298 10859 585 53.9 681
1993 2 59,143 1,500 25.4 378 48,137 911 18.9 291 11,007 589 53.5 700
1994 2 59,284 1,431 24.1 364 48,121 861 17.9 277 11,163 570 51.1 699
1995 59,442 1,364 22.9 351 48,140 820 17.0 265 11,302 544 48.1 686
1996 59,606 1,366 22.9 351 48,120 800 16.6 259 11,486 566 49.2 701

1 Live births are those which occurred from July 1 of year shown through June 30 of the following year (to match time of conception with abortions). Births are classified by race of child 1972-1988, and by race of mother after 1988.
2 Total numbers of abortions in 1983 and 1986 have been estimated by interpolation;1989, 1990, 1993 and 1994 have been estimated using trends in CDC data.

Source:1975-1988, S.K. Henshaw and J. Van Vort, eds.,Abortion Factbook, 1992 Edition: Readings, Trends, and State and LocalData to 1988, The Alan Guttmacher Institute, New York, NY, 1992(copyright); 1989-1992, S.K. Henshaw and J. Van Vort, "Abortion Servicesin the United States, 1991 and 1992,"Family Planning Perspectives, 26:100, 1994-95,unpublished data.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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