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32. 1997 Economic Census

Population by Race Alone, Race in Combination Only, Race Alone or in Combination, and Hispanic or Latino Origin, for the United States: 2000

This table shows for the United States the population indicating race alone (column 1) and the population indicatingrace in combination only (column 3), which together add to the population indicating race alone or in combination(column 5). For example, the number of individuals indicating Asian alone (column 1) plus the number indicatingAsian in combination only (column 3) equals the number indicating Asian alone or in combination (column 5). The population for a race alone (column 1) and the population for a race alone or in combination (column 5) provide a �minimum-maximum� range for the population of that race. Source: U.S. Census BureauInternet Release date: April 2, 2001NOTE: Data not adjusted based on the Accuracy and Coverage Evaluation. For information on confidentiality protection, samplingerror, nonsampling error, and definitions, see

Race alone or in
Race alone1 combination3
(minimum population) Race in combination only2 (maximum population)
Percent Percent Percent
of total of total of total
Subject Number population Number population Number population
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
        Total population4 .. 281 421 906 100.0 281 421 906 100.0 281 421 906 100.0
        Number of race responses4 274 595 678 97.6 14 168 760 5.0 288 764 438 102.6
White 211 460 626 75.1 5 470 349 1.9 216 930 975 77.1
Black or African American 34 658 190 12.3 1 761 244 0.6 36 419 434 12.9
American Indian and Alaska Native 2 475 956 0.9 1 643 345 0.6 4 119 301 1.5
Asian .. 10 242 998 3.6 1 655 830 0.6 11 898 828 4.2
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander . 398 835 0.1 475 579 0.2 874 414 0.3
Some other race . 15 359 073 5.5 3 162 413 1.1 18 521 486 6.6
        Total population4 .. 281 421 906 100.0 281 421 906 100.0 281 421 906 100.0
Hispanic or Latino (of any race)4 35 305 818 12.5 35 305 818 12.5 35 305 818 12.5
Not Hispanic or Latino4 246 116 088 87.5 246 116 088 87.5 246 116 088 87.5
Number of race responses4 241 513 942 85.8 9 590 697 3.4 251 104 639 89.2
    White . 194 552 774 69.1 3 625 126 1.3 198 177 900 70.4
    Black or African American 33 947 837 12.1 1 435 914 0.5 35 383 751 12.6
    American Indian and Alaska Native . 2 068 883 0.7 1 375 817 0.5 3 444 700 1.2
    Asian . 10 123 169 3.6 1 456 325 0.5 11 579 494 4.1
    Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 353 509 0.1 394 640 0.1 748 149 0.3
    Some other race 467 770 0.2 1 302 875 0.5 1 770 645 0.6

- Represents zero or rounds to 0.0.

1 One of the following six races: (1) White, (2) Black or African American, (3) American Indian and Alaska Native, (4) Asian, (5) Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, (6) Some other race.2 In combination with one or more of the other five races listed. For example, a person who is "White and Black or African American" is included both with White and with Black or African American.3 Alone or in combination with one or more of the other five races listed. Numbers for the six race groups may add to more than the total population, and the six percentages may add to more than 100 percent because individuals may be of more than one race. For example, a person indicating "American Indian and Alaska Native and Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander" is included with American Indian and Alaska Native, with Asian, and with Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander.4 The total population, the Hispanic or Latino population, and the Not Hispanic or Latino population are not affected by whether data on race are for race alone, for race in combination only, or for race alone or in combination. The numbers by race do not add to the total population in column 1, column 3, and column 5, and the percentages do not add to 100 percent in column 2, column 4, and column 6. This is because the numbers by race are counts of particular types of responses by race. The numbers are not counts in which each person is included once and only once. The number of race responses is shown in italics.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Redistricting Data (P.L. 94-171) Summary File for states, Tables PL1 and PL2.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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