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982. Federal Funding for R&D, by Selected Budget Function

[In millions of dollars (15,339 represents $15,339,000,000). For fiscal years ending in year shown; see text, Section 9, State and Local Government. Excludes R&D plant. Represents budget authority.Functions shown are those for which $1 billion or more was authorized since 1995]

Function 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000,
prel. prel.
  Total 1 15,339 15,543 16,496 16,800 17,410 19,039 20,780 23,450 25,976 28,208 29,739 33,735 36,115 38,768 44,214 49,887 53,249 57,069 59,106 62,115 63,781 65,898 68,398 69,884 68,331 68,791 69,049 71,653 73,569 76,886 75,415
   8 functions, percent of total 96.6 96.0 96.5 96.0 96.6 96.6 96.8 97.1 96.9 96.7 96.5 97.3 97.9 98.1 98.1 98.3 98.3 98.2 98.3 98.2 98.0 97.9 98.0 98.1 97.9 97.7 98.0 98.1 97.7 97.6 97.5
National defense 7,981 8,110 8,902 9,002 9,016 9,679 10,430 11,864 12,899 13,791 14,946 18,413 22,070 24,936 29,287 33,698 36,926 39,152 40,099 40,665 39,925 39,328 40,061 41,249 37,764 37,204 37,801 39,591 39,823 40,387 37,710
Health 1,084 1,288 1,547 1,585 2,069 2,170 2,351 2,629 2,968 3,401 3,694 3,871 3,869 4,298 4,779 5,418 5,565 6,556 7,076 7,773 8,308 9,226 10,055 10,280 10,993 11,407 11,867 12,670 13,576 15,479 15,824
Space research and technology 3,606 3,048 2,932 2,824 2,702 2,764 3,130 2,832 2,939 3,136 2,738 3,111 2,584 2,134 2,300 2,725 2,894 3,398 3,683 4,555 5,765 6,511 6,744 6,988 7,414 7,916 7,844 7,844 8,198 8,239 8,422
Energy 2 574 556 574 630 759 1,363 1,649 2,562 3,134 3,461 3,603 3,501 3,012 2,578 2,581 2,389 2,286 2,053 2,126 2,419 2,726 2,953 3,153 2,677 2,873 2,844 2,521 2,372 948 1,164 1,348
General science 2 452 513 625 658 749 813 858 974 1,050 1,119 1,233 1,340 1,359 1,502 1,676 1,862 1,873 2,042 2,160 2,373 2,410 2,635 2,659 2,691 2,712 2,794 2,846 2,944 4,360 4,739 4,951
Natural resources and environment 340 416 479 554 516 624 683 753 904 1,010 999 1,061 965 952 963 1,059 1,062 1,133 1,160 1,255 1,386 1,582 1,688 1,802 2,062 1,988 1,802 1,886 1,855 1,928 1,944
Transportation 535 728 558 572 693 635 631 708 768 798 887 869 791 876 1,040 1,030 917 908 896 1,064 1,045 1,231 1,523 1,703 1,888 1,833 1,795 1,785 1,833 1,731 1,840
Agriculture 238 259 294 308 313 342 383 457 501 552 585 659 693 745 762 836 815 822 882 907 950 1,052 1,155 1,152 1,193 1,194 1,176 1,203 1,249 1,352 1,522
CONSTANT (1996) dollars 2
  Total 1 53,446 51,638 52,120 50,755 49,111 48,843 49,725 52,053 53,993 54,393 52,804 54,640 54,753 56,251 61,838 67,579 70,454 73,561 73,809 74,675 73,872 73,604 74,670 74,408 71,119 70,116 69,049 70,455 71,426 73,688 71,213
   8 functions, percent of total 96.6 96.0 96.5 96.0 96.6 96.6 96.8 97.1 96.9 96.7 96.5 97.3 97.9 98.1 98.1 98.3 98.3 98.2 98.3 98.2 98.0 97.9 98.0 98.1 96.0 97.7 98.0 98.1 97.7 97.6 97.5
National defense 27,808 26,944 28,126 27,196 25,433 24,831 24,958 26,335 26,811 26,593 26,538 29,823 33,460 36,181 40,961 45,649 48,857 50,467 50,074 48,888 46,242 43,927 43,735 43,919 39,305 37,921 37,801 38,929 38,663 38,707 35,609
Health 3,777 4,279 4,888 4,789 5,836 5,567 5,626 5,836 6,169 6,558 6,559 6,270 5,866 6,236 6,684 7,339 7,363 8,451 8,836 9,345 9,622 10,305 10,977 10,945 11,442 11,627 11,867 12,458 13,181 14,835 14,942
Space research and technology 2 12,564 10,126 9,264 8,532 7,622 7,091 7,490 6,286 6,109 6,047 4,862 5,039 3,918 3,096 3,217 3,691 3,829 4,380 4,599 5,476 6,677 7,272 7,362 7,440 7,716 8,068 7,844 7,713 7,959 7,896 7,953
Energy 2 2,000 1,847 1,814 1,903 2,141 3,497 3,946 5,687 6,514 6,674 6,397 5,671 4,566 3,741 3,610 3,236 3,025 2,646 2,655 2,908 3,157 3,298 3,442 2,850 2,990 2,899 2,521 2,332 920 1,116 1,273
General science 1,575 1,704 1,975 1,988 2,113 2,086 2,053 2,162 2,182 2,158 2,189 2,170 2,060 2,179 2,344 2,522 2,478 2,632 2,697 2,853 2,791 2,943 2,903 2,865 2,823 2,848 2,846 2,895 4,233 4,542 4,675
Natural resources and environment 1,185 1,382 1,513 1,674 1,456 1,601 1,634 1,671 1,879 1,948 1,774 1,718 1,463 1,381 1,347 1,435 1,405 1,460 1,449 1,509 1,605 1,767 1,843 1,919 2,146 2,026 1,802 1,854 1,801 1,848 1,836
Transportation 1,864 2,419 1,763 1,728 1,955 1,629 1,510 1,572 1,596 1,539 1,575 1,408 1,199 1,271 1,455 1,395 1,213 1,170 1,119 1,279 1,210 1,375 1,663 1,813 1,965 1,868 1,795 1,755 1,780 1,659 1,737
Agriculture 829 860 929 931 883 877 916 1,014 1,041 1,064 1,039 1,067 1,051 1,081 1,066 1,132 1,078 1,060 1,101 1,090 1,100 1,175 1,261 1,227 1,242 1,217 1,176 1,183 1,213 1,296 1,437
NOTE: 1996 constant dollar deflator 0.287 0.301 0.317 0.331 0.355 0.3898 0.418 0.451 0.481 0.519 0.5632 0.6174 0.6596 0.6892 0.715 0.7382 0.7558 0.7758 0.8008 0.8318 0.8634 0.8953 0.916 0.9392 0.9608 0.9811 1.000 1.017 1.030 1.043 1.059

1 Includes other functions, not shown separately.
2 Beginning in FY 1998, a number of DOE programs were reclassified from energy (270).
3 Based on gross domestic product implicit price deflator.

Source: U.S. National Science Foundation, Federal R&D Funding by Federal R&D Funding by Budget Function, annual.Most recent report NSF 99-315.*Definitions

Research and DevelopmentAs used in this report, R&D refers to researchboth basic and appliedand development activities in thesciences and engineering.

Research is a systematic study directed toward fuller scientific knowledge or understanding of the subjectstudied. Research is classified as either basic or applied according to the objective of the sponsoring agency.

In basic research the objective of the sponsoring agency is to gain fuller knowledge orunderstanding of the fundamental aspects of phenomena and of observable facts without specificapplications toward processes or products in mind. In applied research the objective of the sponsoring agency is to gain knowledge or understandingnecessary for determining means by which a recognized and specific need may be met.

Development is the systematic use of the knowledge or understanding gained from research directed toward theproduction of useful materials, devices, systems, or methods, including design, development, and improvement ofprototypes and new processes. It excludes quality control, routine product testing, and production.

Funds for conducting R&D include those for personnel, program supervision, and administrative support directlyassociated with R&D activities. Expendable or movable equipment needed to conduct R&De.g., microscopesor spectrometersis also included.

This report does not include data on R&D plant fundsi.e., funds for R&D facilities such as reactors, windtunnels, or particle accelerators or for the construction, repair, or alteration of such facilities. Also excluded areall non-R&D activities performed within budget functions that conduct R&D and all functions in which no R&D isconducted.

Budget Authority, Obligations, and OutlaysThe Federal R&D funding data presented here are, with a few noted exceptions, provided in budget authority.Budget authority is used because it is the initial budget parameter for congressional action on the President'sproposed budget. Budget authority imposes a ceiling on obligations and outlays; obligations and outlays flow frombudget authority.

Budget authority is the primary source of legal authorization to enter into obligations that willresult in outlays. Budget authority is most commonly granted in the form of appropriations by thecongressional committees assigned to determine the budget for each function. Obligations represent the amounts for orders placed, contracts awarded, services received, andsimilar transactions during a given period, regardless of when the funds were appropriated andwhen the future payment of money is required. Outlays represent the amounts for checks issued and cash payments made during a given period,regardless of when the funds were appropriated or obligated.

Budget Functions

All activities covered by the Federal budget, including R&D, are classified into 20 broad functional categories.The Federal budget total comprises funding for these 20 functions. An agency's activities are not necessarilyincluded in only one function. Instead, the programs of one agency typically are distributed across functions, andeach function often includes programs from multiple agencies. No overlap occurs between functions or betweenthe various agency programs within those functions. In a few cases components of a major national effort arefunded through multiple functions, such as the Human Genome mapping effort (health and energy).

Notably, each specific R&D activity is assigned to only one function area, consistent with the official codes usedin budget documents, even though the R&D activity may address several functional concerns. For example, exceptfor those of the Army Corps of Engineers, all R&D activities sponsored by the Department of Defense (DoD) areclassified as defense, even though some activities have secondary objectives such as space or health. Moreover,only R&D funded by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Labor is classified inthe health function category. Yet some R&D funding, from at least three additional agenciesDoD and theDepartments of Energy and Veterans Affairshas a major health component.

The functional categories and definitions used in this report are the same as those used in the Federal budget, withone exception. R&D activities categorized as general science, space, and technology (function 250) are reportedseparately here. Subfunction 251 contains R&D activities for general science and basic research, and subfunction252 contains R&D activities for space research and technology. Not all federally sponsored basic research iscategorized in function 251, however; some basic research is included in the remaining 19 functional categories.

Five Federal budget functionsmedicare (function 570), social security (function 650), net interest (function900), allowances (function 920), and undistributed offsetting receipts (function 950)have no R&D components.Consequently, they are not discussed in this report, except where R&D is described as a proportion of totalFederal budget authority.

The Agency/Function Crosswalk on page 4 listsby name and function codethe 16 individual R&D functionsfunded by agencies. *Data Sources

Within the overall Federal Budget there is no separately identified R&D budget as such; nor are mostappropriations for R&D so labeled except in the case of certain program areas, such as in defense, energy, health,and environment. Consequently, most funds for R&D are not line items in an agency's budget submission but areincluded within general program funding. To determine funding for Federal R&D, the Office of Management andBudget (OMB) requires agencies whose annual R&D funding is greater than $10 million to submit data on theirR&D programs as part of their annual budget submissions. Specifically, the agencies provide datareported, inaccordance with OMB Circular A-11, Max Schedule C, "Research and Development Activities"on fundinglevels for basic research, applied research, development, R&D facilities, and R&D support to universities andcolleges.

The data in this report represent agencies' best estimates of actual and proposed Federal funding for R&Dcollected during the period February 2 through April 30, 1998. These data are based primarily on informationprovided to OMB by 23 agencies and account for more than 99 percent of all federally sponsored R&D activities.Also incorporated in this report is R&D information that became available from the individual agencies after theadministration's budget was prepared and reported in the Budget of the United States Government. Suchinformation consists of agency budget justification documents submitted to Congress andsupplemental-program-specific information obtained from agency budget and program staff through mid-May1998. Therefore, budget numbers for individual activities, programs, or agencies may differ slightly from thosepublished in the President's budget or agency budget documents.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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