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31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

687. Adults Taking Work-Related Adult Education Classes

[In thousands (178,618 represents 178,618,000), except percent. For the civiliannoninstitutional population 16 years old and over not enrolled inelementary or secondary school. Excludes retired persons over 70 who did not work for pay in the prior year. Excludes classes such as basic skills,personal development, etc. See also Table 328]

population Number Percent
    Total, 1995 178,618 39,655 22
Health assessment, treatment 2,337 1,667 71
Health diagnosing 859 576 67
Teacher, below college 5,414 2,837 52
Other professional 1 7,903 3,739 47
Executive, admin., managerial 13,098 5,509 42
College teacher 1,254 511 41
Technical and related support 5,240 2,268 43
Miscellaneous 2,311 819 35
Admin. support, incl. clerical 22,968 6,646 29
Sales workers 18,179 4,214 23
Service 20,080 4,192 21
Precision production, craft
and repair 12,667 2,811 22
Transportation and materials
moving 5,311 825 16
Machine operators, assemblers
and inspectors 9,484 1,392 15
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2,336 270 12
Handlers, equipment cleaning,
helpers and laborers 2,456 273 11
No job in the past year 46,720 1,107 2
    Total, 1999 183,498 44,815 24
Health assessment, treatment 3,034 2,207 73
Health diagnosing 884 578 65
Teacher, below college 6,778 3,512 52
Other professional 1 9,864 4,991 51
Executive, admin., managerial 28,665 10,704 37
College teacher 2,582 1,080 42
Technical and related support 7,314 3,021 41
Miscellaneous 2,161 337 16
Admin. support, incl. clerical 22,276 5,789 26
Sales workers 14,626 3,325 23
Service 18,192 3,393 19
Precision production, craft
and repair 11,179 1,634 15
Transportation and materials
moving 5,476 959 18
Machine operators, assemblers
and inspectors 10,121 1,873 19
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2,532 394 16
Handlers, equipment cleaning,
helpers and laborers 3,874 206 5
No job in the past year 33,939 814 2

1 For example, includes engineers, scientists, and social scientists.

Source: U.S. National Center for Education Statistics, Adult Participation in Work-Related Courses, 1994-95, October 1998, NCES 98-309; andNational Household Education Survey, spring 1999.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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