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440. Attendance Rates for Various Arts Activities

[In percent, except as indicated (185.8 represents 185,800,000). For persons 18 years old and over. Excludes elementary and high school performances. Based on the 1992 and 1997 household surveys of Public Participation in the Arts.Data are subject to sampling error; see source.See also Tables 438 and 441]

Adult   literature 1
ITEM popu- Classical
lation Jazz music Musical Non-musical Art Historic Arts/
(mil.) performance performance Opera play play Ballet museum park craft fairs
    Total, 1992 185.8 11 13 3 17 14 5 27 35 (NA) 54
Sex: Male 89.0 12 12 3 15 12 4 27 35 (NA) 47
  Female 96.8 9 13 4 20 15 6 27 34 (NA) 60
Race: White 158.8 10 13 3 18 14 5 28 37 (NA) 56
  Black 21.1 16 7 2 14 12 3 19 18 (NA) 45
  Other 5.9 6 12 5 11 10 6 29 23 (NA) 42
Age: 18 to 24 years old 24.1 11 10 3 16 13 5 29 33 (NA) 53
  25 to 34 years old 42.4 14 10 3 16 12 5 29 36 (NA) 54
  35 to 44 years old 39.8 13 12 3 19 14 5 30 40 (NA) 59
  45 to 54 years old 27.7 11 17 4 22 17 5 29 41 (NA) 57
  55 to 64 years old 21.2 8 15 4 19 15 5 25 33 (NA) 53
  65 to 74 years old 18.3 7 14 4 17 13 4 20 29 (NA) 50
  75 years old and over 12.3 2 8 2 9 7 2 10 12 (NA) 40
Education: Grade school 14.3 1 2 1 3 2 1 4 8 (NA) 17
  Some high school 18.6 2 3 1 5 4 1 7 15 (NA) 32
  High school graduate 69.4 6 7 1 12 8 2 16 26 (NA) 49
  Some college 39.2 14 14 3 21 16 6 35 43 (NA) 65
  College graduate 26.2 20 23 6 30 23 9 46 52 (NA) 71
  Graduate school 18.1 25 36 12 37 35 12 59 64 (NA) 79
Income: Under $5,000 8.6 6 5 2 8 8 2 12 17 (NA) 37
  $5,000 to $9,999 15.2 5 6 1 7 6 3 14 16 (NA) 40
  $10,000 to $14,999 19.2 5 6 2 8 7 2 13 20 (NA) 43
  $15,000 to $24,999 32.9 9 11 2 14 11 3 23 31 (NA) 50
  $25,000 to $49,999 62.2 11 13 3 18 14 5 29 40 (NA) 58
  $50,000 and over 32.1 18 23 8 33 24 10 44 51 (NA) 71
  Not reported 15.6 11 13 4 18 15 5 28 33 (NA) 50
    Total, 1997 195.6 12 16 5 25 16 6 35 47 48 63
Sex: Male 94.2 13 14 4 22 15 4 34 48 42 55
  Female 101.4 11 17 5 27 17 8 36 46 53 71
Race: Hispanic 19.1 7 8 3 16 10 5 29 33 34 50
  White 146.1 12 18 5 27 17 7 36 51 52 65
  African American 22.1 16 10 2 22 16 4 31 37 34 60
  American Indian 3.0 11 9 5 15 5 1 22 42 47 56
  Asian 5.3 10 16 7 20 18 4 42 44 39 69
Age: 18 to 24 years old 23.7 15 16 5 26 20 7 38 46 44 70
  25 to 34 years old 40.1 13 11 4 23 13 5 37 49 49 61
  35 to 44 years old 45.3 14 14 4 26 15 7 37 52 54 64
  45 to 54 years old 33.7 13 20 6 29 20 7 40 54 56 66
  55 to 64 years old 20.9 9 16 5 23 14 5 30 45 44 58
  65 to 74 years old 19.6 8 18 4 24 15 5 28 37 40 59
  75 years old and over 12.3 4 14 3 15 13 4 20 25 24 61
Education: Grade school 13.7 2 2 6 3 2 6 13 13 29
  Some high school 26.9 3 4 2 13 7 2 14 27 27 46
  High school graduate 62.0 7 8 2 16 9 4 25 41 43 58
  Some college 50.3 15 18 5 28 19 7 43 56 58 72
  College graduate 25.2 21 28 10 44 28 11 58 67 65 80
  Graduate school 17.4 28 45 14 50 37 14 70 73 69 86
Income: $10,000 or less 15.0 5 4 2 12 10 2 16 23 26 45
  $10,001 to $20,000 26.5 6 8 2 12 7 3 20 29 31 53
  $20,001 to $30,000 29.4 8 10 2 17 10 4 26 39 40 62
  $30,001 to $40,000 32.1 11 13 3 21 16 5 32 50 50 62
  $40,001 to $50,000 25.9 11 15 5 23 15 6 37 52 50 64
  $50,001 to $75,000 35.0 16 22 8 32 20 8 46 62 64 72
  $75,001 to $100,000 16.2 23 26 6 41 27 10 55 65 63 75
  Over $100,000 15.5 27 35 13 51 32 13 60 69 69 76

- Represents or rounds to zero.NA Not available.
1 Includes novels, short stories, poetry, or and plays.

Source: U.S. National Endowment for the Arts, Arts Participation inAmerica: 1982 to 1992; and the 1997 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts,Research Division Report No. 39, December 1998.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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