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32. 1997 Economic Census

594. Veterans Benefits--Expenditures, by Program

[In millions of dollars ($10,201 represents $10,201,000,000). For fiscal years ending in year shown; see text, Section 9 State and Local Government.Beginning with fiscal year 1989, data are for outlays]

          Program 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1976 TQ 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
    Total 10,201 11,565 12,723 13,974 15,242 18,003 20,168 4,524 20,285 20,937 22,179 23,187 25,203 26,937 27,803 28,854 29,359 30,550 31,812 29,271 30,041 28,998 31,214 33,900 35,460 37,401 37,775 36,915 39,277 41,776
Medical programs 1,765 1,997 2,360 2,649 2,946 3,481 3,968 1,072 4,551 5,109 5,580 6,042 6,572 7,348 8,031 8,427 9,227 9,345 9,876 10,283 10,745 11,582 12,472 13,815 14,603 15,430 16,255 16,337 16,900 17,575
Construction 75 85 110 95 109 123 197 51 228 250 254 300 409 451 442 483 557 567 589 649 703 661 608 639 622 695 641 698 597 515
General operating expenses 243 260 291 317 344 439 479 124 522 575 626 605 628 661 692 696 765 736 765 781 766 811 884 920 904 906 954 961 1,063 877
Compensation and pension 5,252 5,725 6,043 6,425 6,614 7,383 8,074 2,040 8,875 9,456 10,322 11,044 12,225 13,133 13,698 13,748 14,037 14,219 14,241 14,710 15,009 14,674 16,080 16,282 16,882 17,188 17,765 17,056 19,284 20,289
Vocational rehabilitation and education 1,032 1,651 1,954 2,685 3,189 4,401 5,300 716 3,870 3,344 2,751 2,350 2,291 1,771 1,683 1,412 1,164 1,075 847 717 589 452 541 695 863 1,119 1,127 1,212 1,287 1,310
All other 1 1,835 1,847 1,965 1,802 2,040 2,176 2,149 520 2,239 2,203 2,646 2,846 3,079 3,574 3,257 4,089 3,609 4,607 5,494 2,130 2,228 818 629 1,549 1,586 2,062 1,034 652 145 1,209

1 Includes insurance and indemnities, and miscellaneous funds andexpenditures. (Excludes expenditures from personal funds of patients.)

Source: U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Trend Data, annual.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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