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583. Armed Forces Personnel--Summary of Major Conflicts

[For Revolutionary War, number of personnelserving not known, but estimates range from 184,000 to 250,000; for Warof 1812, 286,730 served; for Mexican War, 78,718 served. Dates of themajor conflicts may differ from those specified in various lawsproviding benefits for veterans]

           Item Unit Civil American World World Korean Vietnam
war 1 War War I War II war Conflict
Personnel serving 2 1,000 2,213 307 4,735 3 16,113 4 5,720 5 8,744
Average duration of service Months 20 8 12 33 19 23
Service abroad: Personnel serving Percent (NA) 6 29 53 73 7 56 (NA)
Average duration 8 Months (NA) 1.5 6 16 13 (NA)
Casualties: 9 Battle deaths 2 1,000 140 (Z) 53 292 34 10 47
Other deaths 1,000 224 2 63 114 3 11
Wounds not mortal 2 1,000 282 2 204 671 103 10 153
Draftees: Classified 1,000 777 (X) 24,234 36,677 9,123 5 75,717
Examined 1,000 522 (X) 3,764 17,955 3,685 5 8,611
Rejected 1,000 160 (X) 803 6,420 1,189 5 3,880
Inducted 1,000 46 (X) 2,820 10,022 1,560 5 1,759

NA Not available. X Not applicable. Z Fewer than 500. 1 Unionforces only. Estimates of the number serving in Confederate forces
range from 600,000 to 1.5 million. 2 Source U.S.Department of Defense, Selected Manpower Statistics,
annual. 3 Covers Dec. 1, 1941, to Dec. 31,
1946. 4 Covers June 25, 1950, to July 27, 1953.
5 Covers Aug. 4, 1964, to Jan. 27, 1973.
6 Army and Marines only. 7 ExcludesNavy. Covers July 1950 through Jan. 1955. Far East area only.
8 During hostilities only. 9 For
periods covered, see footnotes 3, 4, and 5. 10 CoversJan. 1, 1961, to Jan. 27, 1973. Includes known military servicepersonnel who have died from combat related wounds.

Source: Except as noted, the President's Commission on Veterans'Pensions, Veterans' Benefits in the United States, vol. I,1956; and U.S. Dept. of Defense, unpublished data.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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