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1. Population
2. Vital Statistics
3. Health and Nutrition
4. Education
5. Law Enforcement, Courts
and Prisons
6. Geography and Environment
7. Parks, Recreation, Travel
8. Elections
9. State and Local Government
Finances and Employment
10. Federal Government
Finances and Employment
11. National Defense and
Veterans Affairs
12. Social Insurance and Human
13. Labor Force, Employment,
and Earnings
14. Income, Expenditures, and
15. Prices
16. Banking, Finance, and
17. Business Enterprise
18. Communications and
Information Technology
19. Energy
20. Science and Technology
21. Transportation - Land
22. Transportation - Air
and Water
23. Agriculture
24. Natural Resources
25. Construction and Housing
26. Manufactures
27. Domestic Trade and
28. Foreign Commerce and Aid
29. Outlying Areas
30. Comparative International
31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

525. All Governments--Employment and Payroll, by Function

[Employees in thousands (18,556 represents 18,556,000), payroll in millions of dollars(41,237 represents $41,237,000,000). For 1991 to 1995 as of October; 1997 as of March. 1996 data are not available. Covers full-time and part-time employees. Local government dataare estimates subject to sampling variation; see appendex III and source.]

1991 1991 1991
Employees (1,000) October payrolls ($mil)
Function Total Federal State and local Total Federal State and local
(civil- (civil-
ian)1 Total State Local ian)1 Total State Local
     Total 18,556 3,105 15,452 4,521 10,930 41,237 9,687 31,551 9,437 22,113
National defense 2 1,019 1,019 (X) (X) (X) 3,294 3,294 (X) (X) (X)
Postal Service 803 803 (X) (X) (X) 2,359 2,359 (X) (X) (X)
Space research and technology 26 26 (X) (X) (X) 109 109 (X) (X) (X)
Education 8,086 14 8,072 1,999 6,074 15,724 41 15,683 3,551 12,132
Highways 568 4 564 259 305 1,238 18 1,220 613 607
Health and hospitals 1,817 303 1,514 724 790 4,048 876 3,172 1,584 1,587
Public welfare 502 10 492 217 275 982 34 948 464 485
Police protection 844 83 762 87 674 2,253 304 1,948 250 1,699
Fire protection 341 (X) 341 (X) 341 771 (X) 771 (X) 771
Sanitation and sewerage 241 (X) 241 3 238 518 (X) 518 7 510
Parks and recreation 342 26 315 44 271 489 66 423 69 353
Natural resources 433 233 200 162 39 1,150 732 418 349 70
Financial administration 508 147 361 149 212 1,119 400 719 343 376
Other government administration 395 29 366 53 313 646 95 551 126 424
Judicial and legal 359 47 312 112 200 952 172 780 338 442
Other 2,272 361 1,912 712 1,198 5,585 1,187 4,400 1,743 2,657
  1992 1992 1992
  EMPLOYEES (1,000) October payrolls ($mil)
Function Total Federal State and local Total Federal State and local
  (civil- (civil-
  ian)2 Total State Local ian)2 Total State Local
    Total 18,745 3,047 15,698 4,595 11,103 43,120 9,937 33,183 9,828 23,355
National defense 2 984 984 (X) (X) (X) 2,913 2,913 (X) (X) (X)
Postal Service 774 774 (X) (X) (X) 2,654 2,654 (X) (X) (X)
Space research and technology 25 25 (X) (X) (X) 112 112 (X) (X) (X)
Education 8,239 14 8,225 2,050 6,174 16,565 45 16,521 3,774 12,747
Highways 565 4 561 261 300 1,271 19 1,252 626 626
Health and hospitals 1,854 310 1,544 721 823 4,292 952 3,340 1,613 1,727
Public welfare 506 10 496 215 281 1,051 36 1,015 471 544
Police protection 858 88 770 87 683 2,396 335 2,061 247 1,814
Fire protection 344 (X) 344 (X) 344 825 (X) 825 (X) 825
Sanitation and sewerage 244 (X) 244 3 241 554 (X) 554 8 547
Parks and recreation 345 27 318 42 276 514 72 441 70 371
Natural resources 436 232 204 164 40 1,249 818 431 355 76
Financial administration 493 138 355 151 205 1,176 425 751 351 400
Other government administration 399 29 370 52 318 668 100 568 125 443
Judicial and legal 374 51 323 114 209 1,013 181 832 350 482
Other 2,303 360 1,943 734 1,209 5,865 1,273 4,592 1,839 2,753
  1993 1993 1993
  Employees (1,000) October payrolls ($mil)
Function Total Federal State and local Total Federal State and local
  1993 (civil- 1993 (civil-
  ian)2 Total State Local ian)2 Total State Local
    Total 18,823 2,999 15,824 4,673 11,151 (NA) (NA) 34,540 10,288 24,252
National defense 2 #����! 926 (X) (X) (X) (NA) (NA) (X) (X) (X)
Postal Service #����! 796 (X) (X) (X) (NA) (NA) (X) (X) (X)
Space research and technology #����! 25 (X) (X) (X) (NA) (NA) (X) (X) (X)
Education 8,372 13 8,359 2,112 6,247 (NA) (NA) 17,370 3,999 13,371
Highways 560 4 556 262 294 (NA) (NA) 1279 648 631
Health and hospitals 1,831 324 1,507 712 795 (NA) (NA) 3,412 1,661 1,751
Public welfare 517 10 507 224 283 (NA) (NA) 1055 496 559
Police protection 862 86 776 87 689 (NA) (NA) 2142 256 1886
Fire protection #����! (X) #����! (X) 330 848 (X) #����! (X) 848
Sanitation and sewerage #����! (X) 240 3 237 556 (X) 556 8 548
Parks and recreation 362 27 335 46 289 (NA) (NA) 456 77 379
Natural resources 429 226 203 167 36 (NA) (NA) 437 369 68
Financial administration 492 132 360 159 201 (NA) (NA) 802 387 415
Other government administration 369 29 340 52 288 (NA) (NA) 578 130 448
Judicial and legal 376 51 325 117 208 (NA) (NA) 873 368 505
Other 2,336 350 1,986 732 1,254 (NA) (NA) 4,732 1,889 2,843
  1994 1994 1994
  Employees (1,000) October payrolls ($mil)
Function Total Federal State and local Total Federal State and local
  (civil- (civil-
  ian)2 Total State Local ian)2 Total State Local
    Total 19,419 2,952 16,467 4,693 11,775 (NA) (NA) 36,542 10,664 25,878
National defense 2 882 882 (X) (X) (X) (NA) (NA) (X) (X) (X)
Postal Service 827 827 (X) (X) (X) (NA) (NA) (X) (X) (X)
Space research and technology 23 23 (X) (X) (X) (NA) (NA) (X) (X) (X)
Elem and secondary educ 6,184 (X) 6,184 40 6,144 6,184 (NA) 6,184 40 6,144
Higher education