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32. 1997 Economic Census

1300. Service Industries -- Summary of Taxable Firms

[1,626.0 establishments represents 1,626,000 establishments with payroll.]

1987 1992 1997
Receipts Annual Receipts Annual
per payroll per payroll Receipts Annual
1987 Establish- Receipts Annual Paid establish- per Establish- Receipts Annual Paid em- establish- per per payroll
Kind of business SIC ments 2 payroll employees 3 ment employee ments 2 (mil. dol.) payroll ployees 3 ment employee Establish- Annual Paid establish- per
code 1 (mil. dol.) (mil. dol.) (1,000) ($1,000) (dol.) (1,000) (mil. dol.) (1,000) ($1,000) (dol.) ments 2 Receipts payroll employees 3 ment employee
(number) (mil. dol.) (mil. dol.) (1,000) ($1,000) (dol.)
    Firms subject to Federal income tax 4 (X) 1,626.0 772,194 289,807 16,054.7 474.9 18,051 1,825.4 1,202,613 452,697 19,290 658.8 23,468 2,077,666 1,843,792 688,873 25,278 887 27,251
Hotels and other lodging places 4 5 70 ex. 704 46.8 51,865 14,452 1,410.8 1,108.4 10,244 48.6 69,204 19,633 1,489 1,423.4 13,185 55,992 97,893 26,558 1,686 1,748 15,755
  Hotels and motels 701 40.4 50,372 14,135 1,380.2 1,246.1 10,241 41.7 67,193 19,187 1,456 1,612.0 13,178 47,027 94,842 25,813 1,643 2,017 15,708
    Hotels 7011 pt. 14.4 39,469 11,596 1,052.1 2,748.9 11,022 16.7 55,455 16,421 1,161 3,327.6 14,148 47,027 94,842 25,813 1,643 2,017 15,708
    Motels, motor hotels, and tourist courts 7011 pt. 26.1 10,903 2,539 328.1 418.3 7,737 25.0 11,738 2,765 295 469.1 9,367 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
  Camps and recreational vehicle parks 703 4.6 1,246 255 22.2 271.6 11,494 5.3 1,717 375 25 323.0 14,948 7,598 2,735 665 35 360 18,830
Personal services 4 72 185.4 31,491 10,853 1,105.0 169.8 9,822 197.1 43,280 14,379 1,218 219.6 11,809 204,455 53,133 17,796 1,303 260 13,662
  Laundry, cleaning, and garment services 721 50.9 12,860 4,388 408.3 252.6 10,746 55.8 17,140 5,588 426 307.4 13,122 56,464 20,357 677 452 361 1,500
    Dry-cleaning laundry services (except coin-operated) 7211 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1.9 867 355 28 468.0 12,851 1,740 831 343 23 478 14,793
    Linen supply 7213 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1.4 2,660 956 54 1,934.5 17,578 1,247 2,904 1,074 56 2,328 19,240
    Coin-operated laundries and dry cleaning 7215 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 13.0 2,336 446 46 179.7 9,687 13,883 2,873 606 53 207 11,440
    Drycleaning plants, except rug 7216 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 23.2 5,067 1,810 164 218.3 11,008 22,330 5,639 2,069 166 253 12,446
    Carpet and upholstery cleaning 7217 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 7.7 1,483 478 39 192.8 12,161 9,282 2,156 730 47 232 15,488
    Industrial launderers 7218 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1.4 3,650 1,199 63 2,543.3 18,987 1,613 5,008 1,671 82 3,105 20,399
  Photographic studios 722 9.5 2,045 514 50.1 215.6 10,253 11.4 3,191 853 67 280.4 12,761 13,245 3,705 991 65 280 15,148
  Beauty and barber shops 723, 4 86.5 7,869 3,538 390.7 91.0 9,055 87.7 10,347 4,428 402 118.0 11,021 81,413 12,052 5,333 407 148 13,093
    Beauty shops 723 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 82.8 9,907 4,237 387 119.7 10,942 81,413 12,052 5,333 407 148 13,093
    Barber shops 724 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4.9 440 190 15 89.8 13,133 4,383 459 205 14 105 14,748
  Funeral service and crematories 726 15.5 5,343 1,362 82.6 343.7 16,479 15.6 7,145 1,856 88 456.6 21,011 16,527 9,722 2,468 107 588 23,148
  Tax preparation 7291 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 7.9 1,295 522 123 163.5 4,243 12,830 2,184 760 148 170 5,147
Business services 4 73 251.9 166,322 66,456 4,414.4 660.3 15,054 306.6 274,892 109,299 5,542 896.7 19,721 397,264 528,516 211,485 8,652 1,330 24,443
  Advertising 731 17.2 14,278 5,537 181.6 830.2 30,493 19.0 19,456 7,223 196 1,022.7 36,898 20,870 28,182 10,469 252 1,350 41,609
    Advertising agencies 7311 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 13.9 13,608 5,649 132 980.5 42,783 13,390 16,872 7,557 140 1,260 54,171
  Credit reporting and collection 732 7.1 4,124 1,415 82.8 582.8 17,078 7.5 6,151 2,163 98 823.2 21,974 6,872 9,802 3,302 119 1,426 27,793
  Mailing, reproduction, stenographic 733 27.2 12,407 3,945 210.6 455.6 18,729 32.1 18,339 5,522 235 571.6 23,537 36,427 29,230 8,485 310 802 27,397
    Direct mail advertising 7331 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3.9 6,434 1,777 79 1,659.0 22,469 4,083 10,173 2,744 96 2,492 28,640
    Graphic design services 7336 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 12.3 5,001 1,588 51 406.6 31,170 14,582 7,542 2,350 62 517 38,210
  Services to dwellings and other buildings 734 47.6 13,185 6,555 746.0 277.1 8,788 57.6 19,003 9,164 818 329.6 11,204 66,092 25,835 11,973 968 391 12,372
    Exterminating and janitorial services 7342 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 10.3 3,736 1,454 71 362.8 20,613 11,144 4,946 1,947 82 444 23,657
  Miscellaneous equipment rental and leasing 735 24.9 14,719 3,579 185.3 592.1 19,319 24.8 21,778 4,905 200 877.6 24,536 27,270 31,748 6,790 228 1,164 29,742
    Medical equipment rental and leasing 7352 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3.3 3,110 767 31 949.3 24,684 3,496 3,755 916 30 1,074 30,939
    Heavy construction equipment rental 7353 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3.9 3,879 1,037 35 1,006.8 29,880 5,581 8,074 1,968 56 1,447 34,897
    Office machinery and equipment rental and leasing 7359 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 17.7 14,789 3,101 134 836.2 23,119 18,193 19,920 3,906 142 1,095 27,449
  Personnel supply services 736 24.2 19,924 13,590 1,397.1 824.7 9,727 31.2 38,163 26,436 1,975 1,224.5 13,387 41,802 91,044 64,653 3,667 2,178 17,631
    Employment placement agencies 7361 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 12.1 4,577 2,362 133 376.8 17,781 13,514 9,698 5,173 159 718 32,533
    Temporary help services 7363 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 19.0 33,587 24,075 1,842 1,765.9 13,071 28,288 81,346 59,480 3,508 2,876 16,955
  Computer and data processing services 737 39.7 54,099 19,142 637.4 1,362.7 30,031 59.1 101,073 35,598 886 1,711.6 40,188 103,278 224,114 75,805 1,421 2,170 53,354
    Custom computer programming services 7371 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 23.3 23,548 10,890 243 1,012.2 44,870 31,624 38,301 18,417 318 1,211 57,879
    Prepackaged software 7372 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 7.1 20,802 6,614 131 2,926.6 50,483 12,090 61,699 18,387 266 5,103 69,020
    Computer systems design services 7373 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5.0 14,805 4,151 98 2,954.5 42,528 10,571 35,270 11,342 208 3,336 54,608
    Data processing services 7374 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 7.3 20,200 6,796 230 2,772.4 29,503 7,588 30,837 9,774 262 4,064 37,262
    Online information services 7375 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1.1 3,900 1,098 32 3,578.0 34,440 4,165 8,043 2,356 50 1,931 47,214
    Computer facilities management services 7376 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 0.7 2,577 934 23 3,817.5 40,008 1,445 15,114 3,390 72 10,460 47,208
    Computer rental and leasing 7377 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 0.9 2,212 349 8 2,590.3 43,100 946 5,745 569 9 6,072 62,549
    Computer software stores 7378 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5.0 7,353 2,300