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32. 1997 Economic Census

1086. Federal Expenditures for Civil Functions of the Corps of Engineers, United States Army

[In millions of dollars (873 represents $873,000,000). For fiscal years ending in year shown, see text, Section 9, State and Local Government. These expenditures represent the work of the Corps of Engineers to plan, design, construct, operate, and maintain civil works projects and activities, particularly in the management and improvement of rivers, harbors, and waterways for navigation,flood control, and multiple purposes. The amounts listed below do not include the expenditure of funds contributed, advanced, or reimbursed by other government agencies or local interests.Includes Puerto Rico and outlying areas]

Total Multi-
Fiscal year pro- Navi- Flood ple
gram 1 gation control pur-
1960 873 310 293 270
1965 1,169 426 447 283
1970 1,128 398 379 331
1975 2,070 694 904 439
1977 2,340 792 918 594
1978 2,645 951 1,069 583
1979 2,934 1,083 1,218 577
1980 3,061 1,225 1,228 551
1981 3,198 1,339 1,273 527
1982 2,940 1,331 1,083 453
1983 2,959 1,290 1,088 482
1984 3,085 1,383 1,154 445
1985 2,956 1,234 1,187 419
1986 3,163 1,345 1,300 402
1987 2,937 1,135 1,272 411
1988 3,086 1,271 1,271 423
1989 3,252 1,395 1,253 462
1990 3,297 1,391 1,397 375
1991 3,511 1,473 1,447 443
1992 3,675 1,562 1,469 469
1993 3,335 1,461 1,243 464
1994 3,727 1,607 1,436 521
1995 3,796 1,620 1,399 598
1996 3,627 1,566 1,349 557
1997 3,745 1,620 1,430 545
1998 4,091 1,660 1,523 618

1 Includes expenditures which are not associated with a specific purpose (e.g., headquarters staff supervision, management, andadministration activities, and some research and development activities).

Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Report of Civil Works Expenditures by State and Fiscal Year, annual.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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