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32. 1997 Economic Census

1113. Farm Income--Farm Marketings,Government Payments, and Principal Commodities, by State

[In millions of dollars (207,611 represents $207,611,000,000). Cattle include calves;sheep include lambs; and greenhouse includes nursery]

1997 1998 1998
Farm marketings Farm marketings
FIPS Government - Government
State STATE code Total Crops Livestock payments Total Crops Livestock payments State rank for total farm marketings and four
and and principal commodities in order of marketing receipts
products products
  United States U.S. 00000 207,611 111,076 96,535 7,496 196,761 102,222 94,539 12,220 Cattle, dairy products, corn, soybeans
Alabama AL 01000 3,216 788 2,428 66 3,283 696 2,587 97 25-Broilers, cattle, chicken eggs, greenhouse
Alaska AK 02000 49 21 28 1 47 20 27 1 50-Greenhouse, dairy products, cattle, hay
Arizona AZ 04000 2,183 1,276 906 47 2,368 1,425 943 79 29-Cattle, lettuce, dairy products, cotton
Arkansas AR 05000 5,724 2,379 3,346 275 5,422 2,172 3,250 467 12-Broilers, rice, soybeans, cotton
California CA 06000 26,137 19,827 6,310 221 24,616 17,771 6,845 353 1-Dairy products, greenhouse, grapes, cattle
Colorado CO 08000 4,177 1,303 2,875 176 4,310 1,453 2,857 258 17-Cattle, corn, wheat, dairy products
Connecticut CT 09000 501 278 223 1 509 281 228 2 43-Greenhouse, dairy products, chicken eggs, tobacco
Delaware DE 10000 754 176 579 6 774 164 609 11 40-Broilers, soybeans, greenhouse, dairy products
Florida FL 12000 6,516 5,116 1,400 19 6,762 5,355 1,407 25 9-Oranges, greenhouse, tomatoes, sugar
Georgia GA 13000 5,752 2,350 3,402 109 5,454 2,047 3,408 178 11-Broilers, cotton, peanuts, chicken eggs
Hawaii HI 15000 510 424 86 1 510 418 92 0 42-Pineapples, sugar, greenhouse, macadamia nuts
Idaho ID 16000 3,283 1,878 1,405 110 3,320 1,735 1,585 196 24-Dairy products, cattle, potatoes, wheat
Illinois IL 17000 8,984 7,055 1,928 552 7,742 6,167 1,575 934 6-Corn, soybeans, hogs, cattle
Indiana IN 18000 5,766 3,838 1,928 265 4,885 3,245 1,639 464 15-Corn, soybeans, hogs, dairy products
Iowa IA 19000 12,944 7,331 5,613 713 10,994 6,217 4,778 1,146 3-Corn, soybeans, hogs, cattle
Kansas KS 20000 8,544 3,609 4,936 530 7,784 3,247 4,537 873 5-Cattle, wheat, corn, soybeans
Kentucky KY 21000 3,543 1,571 1,972 83 3,920 1,787 2,134 140 19-Tobacco, horses/mules, cattle, broilers
Louisiana LA 22000 2,168 1,510 659 157 1,891 1,245 645 258 33-Sugar, rice, cotton, cattle
Maine ME 23000 489 213 276 4 506 224 282 6 45-Potatoes, dairy products, chicken eggs, aquaculture
Maryland MD 24000 1,535 607 928 19 1,520 571 949 38 35-Broilers, greenhouse, dairy products, soybeans
Massachusetts MA 25000 531 417 114 1 507 395 112 2 44-Greenhouse, cranberries, dairy products, sweet corn
Michigan MI 26000 3,598 2,234 1,365 121 3,480 2,158 1,323 208 22-Dairy products, greenhouse, soybeans, corn
Minnesota MN 27000 7,998 4,006 3,992 417 7,680 3,925 3,755 762 7-Soybeans, dairy products, corn, hogs
Mississippi MS 28000 3,480 1,476 2,004 170 3,454 1,285 2,169 282 23-Broilers, cotton, soybeans, aquaculture
Missouri MO 29000 5,402 2,631 2,771 278 4,682 2,262 2,420 424 16-Soybeans, cattle, corn, hogs
Montana MT 30000 2,023 1,058 965 231 1,799 934 865 358 34-Cattle, wheat, barley, hay
Nebraska NE 31000 9,803 4,295 5,508 455 8,848 3,725 5,124 797 4-Cattle, corn, soybeans, hogs
Nevada NV 32000 322 136 187 2 337 143 194 3 47-Cattle, hay, dairy products, greenhouse
New Hampshire NH 33000 153 84 68 1 151 82 69 2 48-Dairy products, greenhouse, apples, cattle