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32. 1997 Economic Census

862. Corporations--Selected Income Statement and Balance Sheet Items

[In billions of dollars (2,711 represents $2,711,000,000,000), except as noted. Covers active corporations only. All corporations are required to file returns exceptthose specifically exempt. Beginning 1981, excludes taxable cooperatives, and 1985, foreign sales and interest-charge domestic international salescorporations. See source for changes in law affecting comparabililty ofhistorical data. Based on samples; see Appendix III]

Item 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
Number of returns (1,000) 2,711 2,812 2,926 2,999 3,171 3,277 3,429 3,612 3,563 3,628 3,717 3,803 3,869 3,965 4,342 4,474 4,631 4,710
  Number with net income (1,000) 1,597 1,597 1,608 1,676 1,778 1,820 1,908 1,995 1,909 1,922 1,911 1,942 2,064 2,145 2,392 2,455 2,588 2,647
  S Corporation returns 1 (1,000) 545 541 564 648 701 725 826 1,128 1,257 1,423 1,575 1,698 1,785 1,902 2,024 2,153 2,304 2,452
Assets 2 7,617 8,547 9,358 10,201 11,107 12,773 14,163 15,311 16,568 17,647 18,190 19,030 20,002 21,816 23,446 26,014 28,642 33,030
  Cash 529 533 541 590 596 683 763 754 785 824 771 787 806 812 853 962 1,097 1,299
  Notes and accounts receivable 1,985 2,240 2,420 2,677 2,897 3,318 3,594 3,763 4,099 4,196 4,198 4,191 4,169 4,532 4,768 5,307 5,783 6,632
  Inventories 535 588 581 599 664 715 733 829 846 879 894 884 915 947 1,126 1,045 1,079 1,114
  Investments in Govt obligations 266 515 606 685 726 917 1,059 1,092 1,095 1,262 921 1,069 1,248 1,290 1,309 1,363 1,339 1,343
  Mortgage and real estate 894 934 942 982 1,127 1,259 1,377 1,455 1,605 1,610 1,538 1,529 1,567 1,627 1,661 1,713 1,825 2,029
  Other investments 1,214 1,388 1,605 1,798 1,973 2,414 2,848 3,227 3,614 3,971 4,137 4,750 4,971 5,701 6,265 7,429 8,657 10,756
  Depreciable assets 2,107 2,353 2,583 2,730 2,913 3,174 3,383 3,603 3,821 4,070 4,318 4,549 4,755 4,969 5,284 5,571 5,923 6,208
  Depletable assets 72 84 95 108 115 112 116 123 124 134 129 142 131 137 148 154 169 177
  Land 93 102 110 119 128 141 150 159 177 191 210 215 221 230 239 242 254 262
Liabilities 2 7,617 8,547 9,358 10,201 11,107 12,773 14,163 15,311 16,568 17,647 18,190 19,030 20,002 21,816 23,446 26,014 28,642 33,030
  Accounts payable 542 620 679 671 741 892 909 998 1,023 1,090 1,094 1,681 1,605 1,466 1,606 1,750 1,905 2,111
  Short-term debt 3 505 586 667 760 867 1,001 1,084 1,247 1,431 1,602 1,803 1,500 1,560 1,569 1,831 2,034 2,328 2,582
  Long-term debt 4 987 1,058 1,224 1,323 1,494 1,699 1,958 2,141 2,352 2,490 2,665 2,698 2,742 2,871 3,100 3,335 3,651 4,072
  Capital stock 417 533 658 787 839 920 1,191 1,292 1,429 1,477 1,585 1,741 1,881 2,042 2,132 2,194 2,278 2,951
  Paid-in or capital surplus 532 671 782 874 1,066 1,421 1,726 1,988 2,154 2,595 2,814 3,257 3,656 4,223 4,790 5,446 6,427 7,253
  Retained earnings 5 1,070 1,170 1,228 1,274 1,308 1,366 1,394 1,417 1,493 1,522 1,410 1,441 1,431 1,662 1,698 2,191 2,519 3,113
Net worth 1,944 2,244 2,470 2,645 2,884 3,304 3,698 3,947 4,207 4,603 4,739 5,277 5,700 (NA) 7,031 8,132 9,495 11,353
Receipts  3 6 6,361 7,026 7,024 7,135 7,861 8,398 8,669 9,582 10,265 10,935 11,410 11,436 11,742 12,270 13,360 14,539 15,526 16,610
  Business receipts 6 7 5,732 6,245 6,157 6,335 6,948 7,370 7,535 8,415 8,950 9,427 9,860 9,966 10,360 10,866 11,884 12,786 13,659 14,461
  Interest 8 367 494 530 511 580 635 662 706 805 967 977 920 829 808 882 1,039 1,082 1,140
  Rents and royalties 54 68 83 83 90 105 110 113 116 129 133 137 140 130 132 145 156 176
Deductions 3 6 6,125 6,814 6,869 6,945 7,629 8,158 8,395 9,244 9,853 10,545 11,033 11,087 11,330 11,765 12,775 13,821 14,728 15,704
  Cost of sales and operations 7 4,205 4,509 4,271 4,308 4,693 4,894 4,923 5,596 5,945 6,317 6,611 6,654 6,772 7,052 7,625 8,206 8,707 9,114
  Compensation of officers 109 120 129 141 157 171 185 200 203 198 205 201 221 226 282 304 319 336
  Rent paid on business property 72 82 95 105 119 135 145 154 161 173 185 193 196 201 223 232 248 265
  Taxes paid 163 170 166 173 192 201 203 211 222 236 251 258 274 290 322 326 341 350
  Interest paid 345 477 515 475 536 569 573 590 672 832 825 733 597 546 611 744 771 866
  Depreciation 157 186 213 241 265 304 313 317 328 337 333 334 346 364 403 437 474 513
  Advertising 52 60 65 72 82 92 99 107 114 124 126 129 134 140 157 163 177 188
Net income (less loss) 6 9 239 214 154 188 233 240 270 328 413 389 371 345 402 498 577 714 806 915
  Net income 297 301 274 297 349 364 409 465 556 556 553 536 570 659 740 881 987 1,118
  Deficit 58 87 120 109 116 124 139 137 143 167 182 191 168 161 162 166 180 202
Income subject to tax 247 240 205 219 257 266 276 312 383 371 366 350 378 437 494 565 640 684
Income tax before credits 10 104 101 85 90 106 109 109 115 127 123 119 116 126 149 168 194 224 239
Tax credits 3 42 44 40 40 44 48 37 31 35 32 32 29 30 35 37 42 53 51
Foreign tax credit 25 22 19 20 21 24 21 21 27 24 25 21 22 23 25 30 40 42
Income tax after credits 11 62 57 45 51 62 61 72 84 92 96 96 93 102 (NA) 136 156 171 184

NA Not available. 1 Represents certain small corporations with up to 35 shareholders (25 for 1982; 15 for 1980-81), mostly individuals, electing to be taxed at the shareholder level.
2 Includes items not shown separately.
3 Payable in less than 1 year.
4 Payable in 1 year or more.
5 Appropriated and unappropriated.
6 Beginning 1983, receipts, deductions and net income of S corporationsare limited to those from trade or business. Those from investments areexcluded.
7 Beginning 1987, includes gross sales and cost of sales of securities, commodities, and real estate by exchanges, brokers, or dealers selling on their own accounts. Previously, net gain included in total receipts only.Excludes investment income.
8 Includes tax-exempt interest in State and local government obligations.
9 Excludes regulated investment companies.
10 Consists of regular (and alternative tax) only.
11 Includes minimum tax, alternative minimum tax, adjustments forprior year credits, and other income-related taxes.

Source: U.S. Internal Revenue Service,Statistics of Income, Corporation Income Tax Returns, annual.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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