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32. 1997 Economic Census

750. Money Income of Persons -- Selected Characteristics, by Current Income Level

[Persons as of March of following year. Covers persons 15 years old and over.For definition of median, see Guide to Tabular Presentation. Based on the Current Population Survey, see Appendix III and summary below. For composition of regions, see below.NORTHEAST: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.MIDWEST: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas.SOUTH: Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas.WEST: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, and Hawaii]

1997 1997 1997
Persons with income
Characteristic Distribution by Income Level (1,000)
All $75,000 Median Mean
persons Total Under $5,000- $10,000- $15,000- $25,000- $35,000- $50,000- and income income
(1,000) (1,000) $5,000 1 $9,999 $14,999 $24,999 34,999 $49,999 $74,999 over (current (current
dollars) dollars)
     Total...................................... 101,123 94,168 8,578 9,598 10,695 17,800 14,740 14,367 10,938 7,451 25,212 34,794
Under 65 years................................................................. 87,599 80,860 8,084 7,474 7,779 14,297 13,062 13,214 10,158 6,792 26,629 36,151
15 to 24................................................................. 18,747 13,905 5,201 2,969 1,983 2,329 950 307 91 77 7,468 11,201
25 to 34................................................................. 19,526 18,936 880 1,291 2,138 4,561 4,138 3,281 1,860 787 25,996 31,014
35 to 44................................................................. 22,054 21,456 887 1,374 1,554 3,446 3,978 4,434 3,555 2,228 32,851 42,397
45 to 54................................................................. 16,598 16,203 599 924 1,044 2,290 2,438 3,366 3,261 2,281 37,624 48,796
55 to 64................................................................. 10,673 10,361 516 917 1,061 1,671 1,558 1,827 1,391 1,419 31,157 46,319
65 years and over................................................................. 13,524 13,308 495 2,124 2,916 3,504 1,678 1,153 780 659 17,768 26,543
   65 to 74................................................................. 7,992 7,843 258 1,053 1,563 2,032 1,108 800 552 476 19,651 29,153
   75 Years and over................................................................. 5,532 5,465 236 1,071 1,353 1,471 571 353 228 183 15,407 22,797
Type of residence:
Inside Metro areas................................................................. 81,515 75,841 6,671 7,343 8,432 13,869 11,501 11,778 9,503 6,745 26,077 36,431
   Inside central cities................................................................. 29,770 27,183 2,629 3,254 3,633 5,400 4,000 3,630 2,739 1,897 22,133 32,084
   Outside central cities................................................................. 51,745 48,658 4,041 4,089 4,799 8,469 7,500 8,148 6,764 4,848 28,566 38,859
Outside Metro areas................................................................. 19,608 18,327 1,908 2,255 2,263 3,931 3,239 2,589 1,436 706 21,864 28,018
  Northeast................................................................. 19,341 17,953 1,663 1,788 1,917 3,163 2,515 2,883 2,340 1,683 26,378 37,908
  Midwest................................................................. 23,265 22,086 2,041 2,024 2,301 4,059 3,842 3,646 2,612 1,561 26,285 34,501
  South................................................................. 35,610 32,950 2,898 3,547 3,880 6,752 5,434 4,748 3,402 2,289 23,896 33,288
  West................................................................. 22,907 21,179 1,977 2,239 2,597 3,826 2,949 3,089 2,584 1,918 24,832 34,801
Race and Hispanic origin:
  White................................................................. 85,219 80,400 6,903 7,527 8,979 14,962 12,678 12,602 9,829 6,921 26,115 36,282
  Black................................................................. 11,283 9,671 1,254 1,605 1,264 2,062 1,459 1,176 635 216 18,096 22,781
  Hispanic 2 10,944 9,585 1,069 1,490 1,824 2,338 1,237 890 487 250 16,216 22,392
Relationship to
family householder:
Householder................................................................. 45,774 45,172 1,557 2,611 4,335 8,210 7,839 8,709 7,071 4,840 31,844 42,095
Spouse of householder................................................................. 12,458 12,203 451 771 1,225 2,270 2,071 2,267 1,791 1,356 31,177 43,437
child of householder................................................................. 18,226 13,606 4,825 2,990 1,867 2,127 1,021 452 216 108 7,778 12,689
Other relative of householder................................................................. 4,705 3,906 598 766 754 857 488 231 134 78 13,729 18,933
Nonrelatives................................................................. 19,959 19,281 1,147 2,460 2,514 4,336 3,321 2,707 1,726 1,069 22,708 31,030
Education attainment of householder: 3
     Total................................................................... 82,376 80,263 3,377 6,629 8,712 15,471 13,790 14,060 10,848 7,375 28,919 38,881
Less than 9th grade................................................................... 6,159 5,839 495 1,633 1,439 1,356 492 271 83 69 12,157 16,592
9th to 12th grade 4 8,018 7,601 623 1,229 1,479 2,020 1,137 697 289 126 16,818 21,806
High school graduate 5 26,575 25,777 1,147 1,994 3,139 6,277 5,273 4,729 2,443 774 25,453 29,958
Some college, no degree................................................................... 14,122 13,892 482 832 1,366 2,684 2,776 2,840 1,994 917 30,536 37,155
Associate degree ................................................................... 5,670 5,591 191 295 424 978 1,081 1,310 945 367 32,930 38,867
Bachelor's degree or more................................................................... 21,832 21,563 438 646 865 2,155 3,031 4,214 5,093 5,122 47,126 62,718
  Bachelor's degree................................................................... 14,090 13,900 338 467 650 1,647 2,288 2,830 3,244 2,436 41,949 53,152
  Master's degree................................................................... 4,640 4,583 62 115 138 359 491 936 1,241 1,242 52,530 65,842
  Professional degree................................................................... 1,749 1,741 18 50 45 80 156 245 292 855 72,274 110,280
  Doctorate degree................................................................... 1,353 1,338 20 13 33 69 96 202 316 588 68,643 89,481
     Total...................................... 108,168 97,447 18,456 19,077 14,123 19,472 11,813 8,207 4,351 1,947 13,703 19,511
Under 65 years................................................................. 89,610 79,354 16,251 12,291 10,332 16,480 10,707 7,586 3,988 1,719 15,408 20,581
15 to 24................................................................. 18,333 13,626 5,705 3,331 1,918 1,856 530 179 90 17 6,342 8,987
25 to 34................................................................. 19,828 18,081 3,005 2,345 2,407 4,573 3,054 1,708 717 273 17,647 20,683
35 to 44................................................................. 22,407 20,809 3,364 2,657 2,606 4,426 3,246 2,653 1,276 583 18,706 23,774
45 to 54................................................................. 17,459 16,231 2,248 1,909 1,924 3,554 2,537 2,176 1,312 570 20,534 26,078
55 to 64................................................................. 11,582 10,607 1,930 2,048 1,476 2,072 1,341 870 593 277 14,376 20,626
65 years and over................................................................. 18,558 18,093 2,205 6,786 3,792 2,992 1,106 621 363 228 10,062 14,820
   65 to 74................................................................. 9,882 9,571 1,290 3,438 1,760 1,672 662 402 213 134 10,141 15,457
   75 Years and over................................................................. 8,677 8,522 915 3,348 2,031 1,320 444 219 150 94 9,996 14,105
Type of residence:
Inside Metro areas................................................................. 86,884 78,399 14,277 14,636 10,916 15,568 9,991 7,208 3,989 1,814 14,634 20,592
   Inside central cities................................................................. 32,535 28,916 5,014 6,056 4,197 5,804 3,444 2,472 1,297 633 13,751 19,819
   Outside central cities................................................................. 54,349 49,484 9,263 8,581 6,719 9,765 6,547 4,735 2,692 1,182 15,153 21,043
Outside Metro areas................................................................. 21,284 19,047 4,179 4,441 3,208 3,904 1,822 999 362 133 11,222 15,065
  Northeast................................................................. 21,285 19,283 3,412 3,808 2,717 3,469 2,526 1,838 1,033 480 14,333 20,958
  Midwest................................................................. 25,167 23,417 4,435 4,491 3,389 4,954 2,800 1,970 1,019 359 13,899 19,132
  South................................................................. 38,347 34,154 6,602 7,101 4,931 7,158 3,972 2,547 1,257 585 13,036 18,374
  West................................................................. 23,368 20,592 4,008 3,677 3,085 3,891 2,514 1,852 1,041 523 14,002 20,476
Race and Hispanic origin:
  White................................................................. 89,489 81,352 15,500 15,597 11,890 16,060 9,898 6,950 3,727 1,730 13,792 19,792
  Black................................................................. 13,715 11,961 2,046 2,779 1,661 2,697 1,407 858 414 99 13,048 17,310
  Hispanic 2....................... 10,485 8,055 1,959 1,976 1,384 1,415 668 441 152 61 10,260 14,509
Relationship to
family householder:
Householder................................................................. 25,110 23,580 3,691 4,405 3,442 5,066 3,220 2,200 1,105 451 15,395 20,407
Spouse of householder................................................................. 41,864 38,317 7,820 6,481 4,995 7,758 5,018 3,506 1,888 851 14,830 20,454
Child of householder................................................................. 13,998 10,250 4,487 2,359 1,147 1,368 504 261 86 39 6,056 9,555
Other relative of householder................................................................. 4,770 3,749 776 1,184 659 568 316 173 50 24 9,510 13,723
Nonrelatives................................................................. 22,426 21,551 1,682 4,648 3,881 4,713 2,756 2,068 1,222 582 15,974 22,599
Education attainment of householder: 3
     Total................................................................... 89,835 83,821 12,752 15,746 12,205 17,616 11,283 8,028 4,260 1,930 15,573 21,222
Less than 9th grade................................................................... 6,623 5,647 1,241 2,549 1,089 555 134 42 26 12 7,505 9,433
9th to 12th grade 4 8,758 7,661 1,623 2,738 1,539 1,204 372 112 38 36 8,861 11,536
High school graduate 5 31,599 29,332 4,797 6,145 5,076 7,328 3,521 1,656 557 253 13,407 16,678
Some college, no degree................................................................... 15,516 14,667 2,190 2,103 2,215 3,629 2,324 1,405 602 209 17,153 20,731
Associate degree ................................................................... 7,198 6,914 804 755 834 1,715 1,339 959 397 110 21,073 24,411
Bachelor's degree or more................................................................... 20,142 19,590 2,097 1,457 1,452 3,186 3,593 3,855 2,641 1,310 29,781 34,455
  Bachelor's degree................................................................... 14,215 13,787 1,701 1,172 1,089 2,534 2,643 2,511 1,464 673 26,401 30,574
  Master's degree................................................................... 4,592 4,488 293 229 303 526 816 1,064 918 339 35,882 39,804
  Professional degree................................................................... 820 807 70 28 47 95 85 154 120 209 45,199 59,394
  Doctorate degree................................................................... 515 508 34 27 14 31 49 127 138 90 46,545 52,862
  1998 1998 1998
  Persons with income
Characteristic Distribution by Income Level (1,000)
  All $75,000 Median Mean
  persons Total Under $5,000- $10,000- $15,000- $25,000- $35,000- $50,000- and income income
  (1,000) (1,000) $5,000 1 $9,999 $14,999 $24,999 34,999 $49,999 $74,999 over (current (current
  dollars) dollars)
     Total...................................... 102,048 94,948 8,360 9,142 9,548 17,620 14,718 15,234 11,763 8,562 26,492 36,315
Under 65 years................................................................. 88,321 81,447 7,861 6,960 6,849 14,058 13,027 13,931 10,932 7,828 28,355 37,694
15 to 24................................................................. 19,131 14,079 5,019 2,778 2,057 2,557 971 477 160 61 8,190 12,343
25 to 34................................................................. 18,923 18,330 893 1,104 1,639 4,117 3,955 3,604 2,085 931 28,117 33,334
35 to 44................................................................. 22,156 21,539 786 1,232 1,245 3,482 3,944 4,600 3,668 2,582 35,177 44,191
45 to 54................................................................. 17,144 16,821 608 938 995 2,196 2,648 3,424 3,341 2,671 38,922 49,910
55 to 64................................................................. 10,967 10,678 556 908 913 1,705 1,510 1,826 1,678 1,583 32,776 46,257
65 years and over................................................................. 13,727 13,501 499 2,182 2,699 3,562 1,690 1,303 831 734 18,166 27,997
   65 to 74................................................................. 8,027 7,902 292 1,125 1,464 1,984 1,070 892 558 518 19,734 30,441
   75 Years and over................................................................. 5,700 5,599 207 1,058 1,235 1,578 620 412 273 216 16,479 24,547
Type of residence:
   Inside metropolitan areas 82,144 76,275 6,483 6,842 7,410 13,730 11,513 12,413 10,076 7,809 27,532 38,301
   Inside central cities................................................................. 29,841 27,115 2,431 3,067 3,096 5,477 4,045 3,913 2,819 2,267 23,851 34,026
   Outside central cities................................................................. 52,303 49,160 4,052 3,776 4,313 8,253 7,468 8,500 7,257 5,541 30,503 40,659
Outside Metro areas................................................................. 19,904 18,673 1,877 2,300 2,139 3,890 3,205 2,822 1,687 753 22,365 28,204
  Northeast................................................................. 19,308 18,024 1,658 1,710 1,648 3,114 2,713 2,962 2,343 1,876 27,521 37,427
  Midwest................................................................. 23,687 22,551 2,020 1,986 2,083 3,973 3,743 3,844 2,965 1,937 27,668 36,941
  South................................................................. 35,895 33,002 2,832 3,455 3,451 6,556 5,176 5,172 3,733 2,625 25,297 34,905
  West................................................................. 23,158 21,370 1,850 1,991 2,366 3,977 3,085 3,256 2,721 2,124 26,358 36,895
Race and Hispanic origin:
  White................................................................. 85,750 80,896 6,588 7,072 8,017 14,744 12,592 13,434 10,551 7,898 27,646 37,920
  Black................................................................. 11,483 9,776 1,275 1,605 1,120 2,022 1,541 1,219 718 276 19,321 23,971
  Hispanic 2 10,937 9,617 912 1,431 1,686 2,436 1,332 952 579 289 17,257 24,355
Relationship to
family householder:
Householder................................................................. 45,000 44,415 1,402 2,571 3,813 7,739 7,405 8,742 7,291 5,452 33,517 44,233
Spouse of householder................................................................. 13,755 13,504 473 758 1,134 2,420 2,330 2,639 2,027 1,724 32,885 44,708
child of householder................................................................. 18,074 13,430 4,787 2,652 1,700 2,309 1,166 523 216 76 8,174 12,655
Other relative of householder................................................................. 4,676 3,833 610 762 627 977 404 266 104 83 14,216 18,235
Nonrelatives................................................................. 20,543 19,766 1,088 2,399 2,275 4,175 3,413 3,065 2,124 1,227 24,846 32,371
Education attainment of householder: 3
     Total................................................................... 82,917 80,869 3,342 6,364 7,491 15,063 13,747 14,757 11,603 8,501 30,654 40,489
Less than 9th grade................................................................... 5,990 5,641 405 1,600 1,357 1,381 495 255 95 54 12,571 16,381
9th to 12th grade 4 7,736 7,366 592 1,174 1,280 2,078 1,169 660 305 108 17,462 21,514
High school graduate 5 26,368 25,636 1,090 2,031 2,637 5,940 5,540 4,964 2,585 848 26,542 30,318
Some college, no degree................................................................... 14,201 13,935 520 753 1,063 2,671 2,784 2,966 2,229 949 31,627 38,057
Associate degree ................................................................... 5,841 5,766 195 235 393 855 1,066 1,455 1,082 484 35,962 41,924
Bachelor's degree or more................................................................... 22,781 22,525 540 571 762 2,137 2,693 4,457 5,306 6,058 50,272 65,444
  Bachelor's degree................................................................... 14,808 14,614 394 390 522 1,554 2,046 3,164 3,392 3,153 45,749 57,801
  Master's degree................................................................... 4,811 4,772 94 114 157 359 439 897 1,291 1,421 55,784 67,715
  Professional degree................................................................... 1,700 1,695 32 40 35 123 114 194 292 866 76,362 107,825
  Doctorate degree................................................................... 1,463 1,443 20 27 49 102 94 202 331 618 65,319 85,530
     Total...................................... 109,628 98,694 18,146 18,463 14,113 19,018 12,504 9,149 5,094 2,208 14,430 20,462
Under 65 years................................................................. 90,960 80,501 16,120 11,861 10,237 15,847 11,366 8,450 4,650 1,970 16,096 21,602
15 to 24................................................................. 18,791 13,875 5,761 3,100 1,944 2,106 686 203 49 27 6,534 9,271
25 to 34................................................................. 19,551 17,773 2,860 2,174 2,384 4,135 3,137 1,976 844 263 18,257 21,537
35 to 44................................................................. 22,588 20,970 3,271 2,457 2,594 4,197 3,378 2,884 1,517 671 20,285 25,518
45 to 54................................................................. 18,088 16,915 2,138 2,016 1,948 3,383 2,834 2,319 1,622 653 21,588 27,081
55 to 64................................................................. 11,943 10,968 2,089 2,114 1,367 2,026 1,331 1,068 617 355 14,675 21,369
65 years and over................................................................. 18,667 18,193 2,027 6,602 3,876 3,171 1,137 699 444 239 10,504 15,419
   65 to 74................................................................. 9,816 9,545 1,177 3,408 1,750 1,712 698 411 257 131 10,453 16,043
   75 Years and over................................................................. 8,851 8,648 849 3,194 2,126 1,459 440 287 186 107 10,545 14,729
Type of residence:
Inside Metro areas................................................................. 88,416 79,535 14,159 14,224 11,063 15,003 10,472 7,899 4,658 2,056 15,180 21,563
   Inside central cities................................................................. 32,810 29,102 4,930 5,828 4,291 5,547 3,657 2,664 1,508 678 14,333 20,596
   Outside central cities................................................................. 55,606 50,433 9,229 8,397 6,772 9,455 6,815 5,236 3,151 1,378 15,722 22,121
Outside Metro areas................................................................. 21,212 19,159 3,988 4,238 3,050 4,015 2,032 1,249 436 152 11,940 15,893
  Northeast................................................................. 21,546 19,601 3,398 3,657 2,840 3,632 2,368 1,920 1,218 568 14,811 22,324
  Midwest................................................................. 25,089 23,391 4,370 4,152 3,457 4,641 3,089 2,103 1,119 458 14,523 19,978
  South................................................................. 38,986 34,618 6,427 6,961 4,750 6,925 4,450 2,961 1,528 615 13,977 19,122
  West................................................................. 24,007 21,085 3,951 3,692 3,066 3,819 2,596 2,164 1,229 567 14,672 21,470
Race and Hispanic origin:
  White.......................... 90,463 82,063 15,136 14,891 11,766 15,698 10,601 7,700 4,309 1,962 14,617 20,831
  Black................................................................. 13,964 12,272 2,101 2,833 1,812 2,444 1,395 1,075 484 128 13,137 17,931
  Hispanic 2....................... 11,058 8,405 1,945 1,955 1,473 1,534 766 464 194 74 10,862 15,244
Relationship to
family householder:
Householder................................................................. 26,551 24,915 3,726 4,344 3,709 5,127 3,449 2,533 1,434 592 16,108 21,853
Spouse of householder................................................................. 41,023 37,577 7,572 6,370 4,612 7,187 4,925 3,847 2,170 895 15,282 21,270
Child of householder................................................................. 14,492 10,595 4,573 2,241 1,287 1,448 602 277 123 42 6,223 10,212
Other relative of householder................................................................. 4,915 3,810 746 1,096 610 719 327 186 80 44 10,409 15,786
Nonrelatives................................................................. 22,647 21,798 1,530 4,411 3,894 4,537 3,200 2,306 1,286 635 16,917 23,279
Education attainment of householder: 3
     Total................................................................... 90,837 84,819 12,385 15,363 12,169 16,912 11,818 8,946 5,045 2,181 16,258 22,293
Less than 9th grade................................................................... 6,408 5,419 1,153 2,367 1,065 628 109 40 31 27 7,914 10,360
9th to 12th grade 4 8,707 7,559 1,461 2,493 1,681 1,356 348 127 70 23 9,582 11,764
High school graduate 5 31,566 29,330 4,731 5,959 5,078 7,009 3,700 1,855 752 246 13,786 17,284
Some college, no degree................................................................... 15,901 15,173 2,095 2,140 2,083 3,518 2,636 1,738 682 280 18,445 21,915
Associate degree ................................................................... 7,233 6,931 823 813 856 1,501 1,274 1,067 471 127 21,290 25,135
Bachelor's degree or more................................................................... 21,022 20,409 2,124 1,591 1,406 2,900 3,751 4,120 3,038 1,479 30,692 35,875
  Bachelor's degree................................................................... 14,687 14,218 1,672 1,296 1,113 2,226 2,782 2,634 1,693 803 27,415 31,766
  Master's degree................................................................... 4,955 4,837 357 235 227 554 830 1,212 1,024 396 36,888 41,305
  Professional degree................................................................... 802 788 57 43 48 62 82 147 180 168 43,490 62,239
  Doctorate degree................................................................... 577 567 38 18 17 57 57 127 141 111 46,275 55,982

1 Includes persons with income deficit.
2 Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race.
3 Persons 25 years and over.
4 No diploma attained.
5 Includes high school equivalency.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Reports,Current Population Reports, Money Income in the United States,series P60-193, P60-197, P60-200, and P60-206.


Approximately 62,500 housing units were eligible to receive the 1995 Annual Demographic Survey. The basic monthly CPSsample of 60,000 housing units was supplemented by 2,500 housing units which had at least one Hispanic member theprevious November. In addition, members of the Armed Forces, which are excluded from the basic CPS labor force survey,were part of the elibigle population in March. Because of the CPS sample rotation system, approximately one-half of thesample had been interviewed the previous March.

Interviewers used lap-top computers to administer the interview, asking questions as they appear on the screen and directlyentering the responses obtained. With the exception of first and the fifth month-in-sample interviews, when an interviewerusually visited the sample unit, over 90 percent of the interviews were conducted by telephone.

Completed interviews were electronically transmitted to a central processor where the responses were edited for consistency,imputations were made for missing data, and various codes were added. Based on the probability of selection, a weight wasadded to each supplement-responding household and person record so that estimates of the population by state, race, age,sex, and Hispanic origin matched the population projections made by the Bureau of the Census. Since not every person whoprovided labor force information completed the supplement and the supplement was asked of members of the Armed Forces,the supplement weights vary from those used for labor force estimation.



For each person in the Current Population Survey (CPS) sample15 years old and over, questions were asked on the amount ofmoney income received in the preceding calendar year from eachof the following sources: 1) earnings from longest job (or self-employment); 2) earnings from jobs other than longest job; 3)unemployment compensation; 4) worker's compensation; 5) SocialSecurity; 6) Supplemental Security income; 7) public assistance;8) veterans' payments; 9) survivor benefits; 10) disabilitybenefits; 11) pension or retirement income; 12) interest; 13)dividends; 14) rents, royalties, and estates and trusts; 15)educational assistance; 16) alimony; 17) child support; 18)financial assistance from outside of the household, and otherperiodic income. Capital gains and lump-sum or one-time paymentsare excluded. For definitions of alternative measures of income(definitions 1 through 15 shown in tables 10 through 12), seeintroductory text.

It should be noted that although the income statistics refer toreceipts during the preceding calendar year, the demographiccharacteristics such as age, labor force status, and family orhousehold composition are as of the survey date. The income ofthe family/household does not include amounts received by personswho were members during all or part of the income year if thesepersons no longer resided in the family/household at the time ofinterview. However, income data are collected for persons whoare current residents but did not reside in the household duringthe income year.

Data on consumer income collected in the CPS by the Bureau of theCensus cover money income received (exclusive of certain moneyreceipts such as capital gains) before payments for personalincome taxes, Social Security, union dues, Medicare deductions,etc. Therefore, money income does not reflect the fact that somefamilies receive part of their income in the form of noncashbenefits such as food stamps, health benefits, noncash benefitsin the form of rent-free housing and goods produced and consumedon the farm; or that non-cash benefits are also received by somenonfarm residents which often take the form of the use ofbusiness transportation and facilities, full or partial paymentsby business for retirement programs, medical and educationalexpenses, etc. These elements should be considered whencomparing income levels. Moreover, readers should be aware thatfor many different reasons there is a tendency in householdsurveys for respondents to underreport their income. From ananalysis of independently derived income estimates, it has beendetermined that income earned from wages or salaries is muchbetter reported than other sources of income, and is nearly equalto independent estimates of aggregate income.

Median income

Median income is the amount which divides the income distributioninto two equal groups, half having incomes above the median,half having incomes below the median. The medians for households,families, and unrelated individuals are based on all households,families, and unrelated individuals. The medians for persons arebased on persons 15 years old and over with income.

Mean income

Mean income is the amount obtained by dividing the totalaggregate income of a group by the number of units in thatgroup. The means for households, families, and unrelatedindividuals are based on all households, families, and unrelatedindividuals. The means for persons are based on persons 15 yearsold and over with income.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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