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32. 1997 Economic Census

1399. Wheat, Rice, and Corn Production, by Country

[In thousands of metric tons (588,037 represents 588,037,000). Data for each country pertain to thecalendar year in which all or most of the crop was harvested. See textof this section for general comments concerning quality of the data]

Wheat Wheat Rice paddy Rice paddy Corn Corn
Country - -
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
   World 588,037 542,986 562,301 559,316 524,602 582,774 582,751 609,337 589,152 586,956 520,382 525,186 526,896 527,156 540,134 551,036 563,740 574,249 585,243 595,485 482,323 491,236 538,542 475,493 561,839 516,637 591,979 575,353 605,256 600,832
Argentina 10,990 9,880 9,800 9,700 11,300 8,600 15,900 14,800 12,200 15,000 460 654 612 600 931 877 1,200 1,011 1,662 923 7,600 10,600 10,200 10,000 11,360 11,100 15,500 19,360 13,500 15,500
Australia 15,066 10,557 16,184 165,479 8,903 16,504 23,702 19,417 22,108 24,500 787 1,127 955 1,083 1,137 951 1,387 1,331 1,390 1,119 205 280 208 249 242 317 398 271 322 350
Bangladesh 1,004 1,065 1,176 1,131 1,245 1,245 1,370 1,454 1,803 1,900 26,781 27,378 27,513 27,064 25,252 26,533 28,326 28,296 29,784 30,378 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Brazil 3,300 3,078 2,739 2,107 2,185 1,526 3,195 2,380 2,190 2,435 10,000 10,100 9,901 10,515 10,885 10,026 9,504 8,551 11,375 10,662 24,330 30,800 29,200 32,934 37,440 32,480 35,700 30,100 32,350 32,000
Burma 135 140 140 140 150 150 150 90 90 100 13,695 12,800 13,400 15,086 16,000 17,000 15,517 15,345 16,034 16,466 186 191 208 179 256 270 250 250 250 240
Canada 32,098 31,946 29,871 27,232 23,122 25,037 29,801 24,280 24,076 26,850 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,067 7,413 4,883 6,501 7,043 7,271 7,380 7,180 8,952 9,096
China 1 98,229 96,000 101,590 106,390 99,300 102,215 110,570 123,389 109,726 115,000 189,331 183,810 186,220 177,700 175,930 185,214 195,100 200,700 198,714 201,429 96,820 98,770 95,380 102,700 99,280 112,000 127,470 104,300 132,954 128,000
4,268 4,482 4,617 4,780 4,100 5,700 5,735 5,850 6,093 6,200 3,167 3,447 3,908 4,198 4,565 4,399 4,900 5,400 4,198 5,428 4,598 4,431 4,500 4,980 5,650 5,353 5,825 6,010 5,605 6,100
33,600 34,594 32,777 29,253 30,549 30,862 35,940 33,764 39,793 37,009 125 118 122 120 122 124 132 113 112 103 9,500 12,928 14,872 14,843 12,640 12,394 14,432 16,754 15,204 15,630
(NA) 16,610 15,542 15,767 16,481 17,763 18,922 19,827 20,188 19,684 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (NA) 1,937 2,139 2,656 2,446 2,395 2,913 3,188 2,782 3,050
6,161 6,008 3,444 3,020 4,860 4,600 3,900 5,270 4,895 2,650 38 25 15 15 23 15 15 15 15 15 4,317 7,745 4,301 4,012 4,300 4,600 6,000 6,800 6,000 7,000
49,850 55,134 55,690 57,210 59,840 65,470 62,097 69,350 66,350 70,780 111,448 112,031 109,313 120,462 121,752 119,442 121,980 123,822 129,013 129,763 8,962 8,060 9,992 9,600 9,120 9,530 10,612 10,852 10,680 10,500
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44,680 48,231 48,182 46,638 49,743 51,100 49,360 49,237 50,791 50,791 5,000 5,400 5,650 5,400 6,100 6,000 5,950 5,700 6,500 6,200
8,000 8,900 10,200 10,900 11,500 11,300 11,000 10,000 12,000 8,500 1,970 2,177 2,252 2,553 2,252 2,327 2,402 2,402 2,628 2,402 50 55 55 70 70 70 700 750 850 700
8,108 9,416 8,938 7,851 7,795 7,653 7,746 6,601 7,939 7,341 1,451 1,328 1,285 1,330 1,314 1,311 1,313 1,412 1,397 1,376 5,864 6,238 7,413 8,029 7,320 8,454 9,547 10,005 8,600 10,000
952 759 759 638 565 444 478 573 570 583 13,124 12,005 13,216 9,793 14,977 13,435 12,930 12,532 11,201 11,470 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
16,197 6,889 18,285 11,659 9,052 6,490 7,700 8,950 4,700 11,200 578 522 468 403 283 185 226 231 231 200 442 330 368 355 230 134 122 111 170 200
1 1 1 1 2 10 11 5 5 5 7,732 7,428 7,257 6,404 6,882 6,386 7,123 7,365 6,800 7,017 120 75 92 82 89 70 72 87 80 82
3,930 4,061 3,621 3,582 4,151 3,468 3,107 3,639 3,235 3,100 300 285 300 210 385 349 400 450 469 450 14,100 14,689 18,631 19,141 17,005 17,780 18,922 16,934 17,600 19,000
50 60 40 30 30 50 35 20 40 45 4,167 5,308 5,833 3,637 3,667 3,767 3,250 3,083 3,167 3,333 5,810 5,840 5,771 6,291 6,417 6,500 5,000 4,900 4,950 5,000
14,429 14,565 15,684 16,157 15,212 17,002 16,907 16,650 18,694 17,854 4,898 4,865 4,674 5,993 5,171 5,951 6,461 6,500 7,012 7,651 1,185 1,100 1,100 1,213 1,318 1,283 1,260 1,251 1,302 1,250
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,885 9,132 9,523 9,923 10,475 11,174 11,177 9,982 10,268 11,923 5,102 4,490 4,810 5,030 4,534 4,324 4,215 3,528 4,894 4,500
7,311 5,490 3,048 5,300 6,187 7,700 3,165 7,186 5,200 4,650 68 31 38 26 15 24 23 11 9 11 6,800 10,500 6,829 8,000 8,500 9,923 9,610 12,680 8,500 10,500
49,596 38,900 46,170 43,500 32,100 30,100 34,900 44,200 27,000 31,000 895 772 755 688 523 462 389 331 415 446 2,451 1,969 2,135 2,447 900 1,700 1,100 2,700 800 1,100
1,702 2,132 1,318 1,975 1,832 1,950 2,712 2,450 1,700 1,561 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,615 3,275 9,990 13,275 4,845 10,200 10,136 7,693 7,700 10,000
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17,192 20,400 19,917 19,200 21,400 21,800 20,700 23,500 23,000 24,015 3,800 3,600 3,400 2,900 3,800 3,700 3,900 3,700 4,300 3,800
16,000 16,500 15,500 16,500 14,700 15,500 16,000 16,000 18,500 16,500 246 154 223 225 231 346 400 346 292 338 2,100 2,200 2,225 2,500 1,700 1,800 2,000 2,100 2,300 2,400
30,374 21,155 19,508 21,831 13,857 16,273 13,550 18,404 14,937 13,500 117 102 92 68 78 80 82 65 65 72 4,737 4,747 2,851 3,786 1,537 3,392 1,840 5,340 2,301 1,700
14,000 14,400 14,000 12,890 13,314 14,310 16,102 15,018 15,470 14,870 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
74,292 53,891 67,135 65,220 63,167 59,404 61,980 67,534 69,327 62,662 7,081 7,228 8,149 7,081 8,972 7,887 7,783 8,300 8,530 9,547 201,534 189,868 240,719 160,954 256,621 187,970 234,518 233,864 247,882 239,719

- Represents or rounds to zero. X Not applicable.
1 With the establishment of diplomatic relations with China on January 1, 1979, the U.S. governmentrecognized the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government of China and acknowledgedthe Chinese position that there is only one China and that Taiwan is part of China.

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service,unpublished data from the PS&D (Production, supply and distribution) database.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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