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32. 1997 Economic Census

368. State and Federal Correctional Facilities -- Inmates and Staff

[Covers all state and Federal correctional institutions or places of confinement such as prisons, prison farms, boot camps, and community based halfway houses and work release centers. Excludesjails and other regional detention centers, private facilities, facilities for the military,Immigration and Naturalization Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Marshall Service, and correctional hospital wards not operated by correctional authorities.For description of census and terms, see below table]

Characteristic 1990 1995 change,
    Total facilities......................................................... 1,287 1,500 16.6
Type of facility:
  Confinement ......................................................... 1,037 1,196 15.3
  Community......................................................... 250 304 21.6
  Federal......................................................... 80 125 56.3
  State......................................................... 1,207 1,375 13.9
Size of facility:
  Fewer than 500 inmates......................................................... 816 854 4.7
  500-999 inmates......................................................... 260 286 10.0
  1,000-2,499 inmates......................................................... 185 306 65.4
  2,500 or more inmates......................................................... 26 54 107.7
Age of facility:
  Less than 10 years......................................................... 314 497 58.3
  10-19 years old......................................................... 163 273 67.5
  20-49 years old......................................................... 373 366 -1.9
  50-99 years old......................................................... 379 310 -18.2
  100 years old or more......................................................... 58 45 -22.4
  Not reported......................................................... 0 9 (X)
    Total inmates......................................................... 715,649 1,023,572 43.0
Male......................................................... 675,624 961,210 42.3
Female......................................................... 40,025 62,362 55.8
Type of facility:
  Confinement......................................................... 698,570 992,333 42.1
  Community......................................................... 17,079 31,239 82.9
  Federal......................................................... 56,821 81,930 44.2
  State......................................................... 658,828 941,642 42.9
Custody level:
  Maximum/close/high......................................................... 150,205 202,174 34.6
  Medium......................................................... 292,372 415,688 42.2
  Minimum/low......................................................... 219,907 366,227 66.5
  Not classified......................................................... 53,165 39,483 -25.7
    Total staff......................................................... 264,201 347,320 31.5
Federal......................................................... 18,451 25,379 37.5
State......................................................... 245,750 321,941 31.0
Custody/Security staff......................................................... 169,587 220,892 30.3
All staff......................................................... 2.7 2.9 7.4
Custody/Security staff......................................................... 4.2 4.6 9.5

Source: U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Census of State and Federal Correctional Facilities, 1995,series NCJ 166582.


Confinement institutions are facilities in which lessthan 50% of the inmates are regularly permitted to leave thepremises unaccompanied by staff. Community-based institutionsare facilities in which 50% or more of the inmates are regularlypermitted to leave the premises unaccompanied. Confinementfacilities include institutions for general adult populationconfinement: boot camps; reception, diagnosis, andclassification centers; prison hospitals; alcohol and drugtreatment centers; and youthful offender facilities.

Community-based facilities include halfway houses, restitutioncenters, and prerelease, work release, and study release centers


The 1995 Census of State and Federal Adult CorrectionalFacilities was the fifth enumeration of State institutions andthe second of Federal institutions sponsored by the Bureau ofJustice Statistics. Earlier censuses were completed in 1974,1979, 1984, and 1990.

The facility universe was developed from the Census of State andFederal Adult Correctional Facilities conducted in 1990. Eachdepartment of corrections was contacted to identify newfacilities and facilities that had been closed since June 30,1990. Telephone follow-ups with data providers were carried outin the fall of 1995 and resulted in a final response rate of100%.

Facilities were included in the census if they were staffed withFederal, State, local, or private employees; housed primarilyState or Federal prisoners; were physically, functionally, andadministratively separate from other facilities; and wereoperational on June 30, 1995. The census also included 110private facilities under exclusive contract to State governmentsor to the Federal Bureau of Prisons to house prisoners.

The Census included the following types of State and Federaladult correctional facilities: prisons; prison farms; reception,diagnostic and classification centers; road camps; forestry andconservation camps; youthful offender facilities (except inCalifornia); vocational training facilities; drug and alcoholtreatment facilities; and State-operated local detentionfacilities in Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, RhodeIsland, and Vermont. (Of these six States only Alaska had somelocally administered correctional facilities _ five local jails.)

Jails and other local regional detention facilities, includingthose housing State prisoners, were specifically excluded fromthe census, as were private facilities not exclusively for Stateor Federal inmates. Also excluded were facilities for themilitary, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Bureau ofIndian Affairs, U.S. Marshals Service, and correctionalhospital wards not operated by correctional authorities.

Correctional facilities were classified as community-based if50% or more of the residents were regularly permitted to leave,unaccompanied, to work or study. These facilities includedhalfway houses, restitution centers, and prerelease, workrelease, and study release centers. Correctional facilities inwhich less than 50% of the inmates regularly left the facilityunaccompanied were classified as confinement institutions.

Because the census was a complete enumerationthe results were not subject to sampling error. The census counted prisoners held in the facilities, a custodycount, rather than prisoners over whom correctional authoritiesexercised control, a jurisdictional count.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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