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32. 1997 Economic Census

1187. Construction--Summary (SIC Basis): 1992 and 1997

[For establishments with payroll (539,085 represents $539,085,000,000). See Table865 in Section 17, Business, for more comparative economic census data]

Value of business done Annual payroll Paid employees 2
INDUSTRY 1987 Establishments (mil. dol.) (mil. dol.) (1,000)
code 1 1992 1997 1992 1997 1992 1997 1992 1997
    Construction, total C 572,851 639,482 539,085 834,795 117,730 170,962 4,668 5,567
Building construction--general
contractors and operative builders 15 168,407 184,517 220,231 365,551 27,078 39,852 1,097 1,269
Heavy construction contractors other
than buildings construction 16 37,180 39,542 98,528 126,864 23,728 29,218 799 852
Special trade contractors 17 367,263 415,423 220,325 342,379 66,924 101,892 2,772 3,446

1 1987 Standard Industrial Classification System code; see text, Section 17, Business.
2 Average for the pay periods including March, May, August, and November 12.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census,Core Business Statistics Series, Comparative Statistics, EC97X-CS2.*Construction Industries

This division covers all employer establishments (establishments withpayroll) primarily engaged in contract construction or construction ontheir own account for sale as defined in the 1987 Standard IndustrialClassification (SIC) Manual. Constrction is defined by three broadtypes of activity:

1. Building construction by general contractors or by operative builders.General building contractors are primarily engaged in the constructionof dwellings, office buildings, stores, farm buildings, and otherbuilding projects. Operative builders who build on their own accountfor sale are also included here. However, investment builders who buildstructures on their own account for rent are classified in Real Estate.

2. Heavy construction general contractors. Heavy construction generalcontractors are primarily engaged in the construction of highways,bridges, pipelines, sewers and water lines, marine construction, power,and petro-chemical plants and other nonbuilding construction projects.Special trade contractors are classified in heavy construction, if theyare specifically engaged in the following activities: grading forhighway and airport runways; guardrail construction; installation ofhighway signs; asphalt and concrete construction of roads, highways,streets, and public sidewalks; trenching, cable laying; conduitconstruction; underwater rock removal; pipeline wrapping; or landclearing and leveling.

3. Construction by other special trade contractors. These contractorsinclude plumbers, painters, carpenters, electricians, brick layers,roofers, etc. For the most part, they perform their work at the siteof construction, although they may also have shops where they performwork incidental to the job site. General contractors in both thebuilding and the heavy construction field usually assume responsibilityfor an entire construction project, but may subcontract to others allof the actual construction work or those portions of the projectrequiring special skills or equipment. Special trade contractors maywork for general contractors, for other subcontractors, or may workdirectly for the owner of the property.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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