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32. 1997 Economic Census

702. Employees With Employer- or Union-Provided Pension Plans or Group Health Plans, by Occupation and Selected Characteristic

[In thousands (135,677 represents 135,677,000), except percent. For wage and salary workers 15 years old and over as of March of the following year. Based on Current Population Survey; see text, Section 1, Population, and Appendix III.Data based on 1990 population controls]

(1,000) Per- Per- (1,000) Per- Per-
cent cent cent cent
1992 1992
    Total 135,677 39.7 50.4 AGE
Executive, admin., managerial 16,448 52.6 65.8 Total 135,677 39.7 50.4
Professional specialty 17,768 58.9 65.8 15 to 24 years 23,993 11.4 21.6
  25 to 44 years 70,992 44.3 56.1
Technical/related support 4,355 55.5 68.2 45 to 64 years 36,214 51.6 59.9
Sales workers 16,428 27.2 40.7 65 years and over 4,479 21.8 36.3
Admin. support, inc. clerical 20,473 46.6 56.2 WORK EXPERIENCE
  Worked 135,677 39.7 50.4
Precision prod., craft/repair 14,289 41.2 54.7 Full time 105,629 47.8 60.2
  50 weeks or more 81,850 54.8 68.0
Mach. operators, assemblers 1 8,560 41.6 58.6 27 to 49 weeks 13,765 29.9 43.2
Transportation/material moving 5,485 39.2 55.1 26 weeks or fewer 10,013 15.0 20.5
Handlers, equipment cleaners 2 6,047 23.9 36.4 Part time 30,049 11.0 15.8
  50 weeks or more 12,520 16.8 22.9
Service workers 20,448 20.5 28.5 27 to 49 weeks 6,980 11.4 14.7
  Private households 1,179 2.1 3.2 26 weeks or fewer 10,549 3.9 8.0
  Other 19,269 21.6 30.0 EMPLOYER SIZE
  Under 25 40,803 11.9 24.4
Farming, forestry and fishing 4,431 8.3 16.6 25 to 99 18,333 29.9 49.7
  100 to 499 19,232 46.7 60.8
Armed Forces 946 72.1 6.5 500 to 999 7,490 54.5 64.6
  Over 1,000 persons 49,819 61.1 65.8
1993 1993
    Total 137,095 39.2 51.9 AGE
Executive, admin., managerial 16,710 51.5 66.7 Total 137,095 39.2 51.9
Professional specialty 18,209 58.2 66.9 15 to 24 years old 23,858 11.0 23.4
  25 to 44 years old 71,056 43.7 57.2
Technical/related support 4,412 54.4 67.1 45 to 64 years old 37,270 51.0 61.9
Sales workers 16,661 26.4 41.6 65 years old and over 4,912 22.0 37.5
Admin. support, inc. clerical 20,636 45.8 57.3 WORK EXPERIENCE
  Worked 137,095 39.2 51.9
Precision prod., craft/repair 14,601 40.1 56.5 Full time 106,406 47.1 61.6
  50 weeks or more 83,390 53.4 68.6
Mach. operators, assemblers 1 8,380 41.1 60.5 27 to 49 weeks 13,057 30.4 45.9
Transportation/material moving 5,569 40.5 57.1 26 weeks or fewer 9,960 16.1 23.8
Handlers, equipment cleaners 2 6,096 23.6 36.2 Part time 30,689 11.7 18.2
  50 weeks or more 12,902 17.6 25.5
Service workers 20,528 20.9 30.5 27 to 49 weeks 6,823 11.9 18.0
  Private households 1,122 1.0 5.1 26 weeks or fewer 10,965 4.8 9.8
  Other 19,406 22.0 32.0 EMPLOYER SIZE
  Under 25 persons 44,467 15.5 29.3
Farming, forestry and fishing 4,373 8.6 20.4 25 to 99 persons 18,239 32.8 51.6
  100 to 499 persons 19,250 46.5 62.2
Armed Forces 919 70.3 25.7 500 to 999 persons 8,250 54.1 65.1
  Over 1,000 persons 46,889 58.6 66.9
1994 1994
    Total 139,130 41.3 52.9 AGE
Executive, admin., managerial 17,484 54.7 68.9 Total 139,130 41.3 52.9
Professional specialty 18,980 59.5 67.1 15 to 24 years 23,891 11.6 23.5
  25 to 44 years old 71,621 45.9 57.6
Technical/related support 4,319 55.5 67.5 45 to 64 years 38,797 53.4 63.7
Sales workers 17,001 28.8 43.3 65 years and over 4,820 23.0 42.6
Admin. support, inc. clerical 20,318 47.4 57.1 WORK EXPERIENCE
  Worked 139,130 41.3 52.9
Precision prod., craft/repair 14,704 42.2 56.6 Full time 108,218 49.5 62.6
  50 weeks or more 85,779 55.5 68.8
Mach. operators, assemblers 1 8,810 43.0 60.7 27 to 49 weeks 13,055 33.2 47.8
Transportation/material moving 5,651 41.4 56.7 26 weeks or fewer 9,383 17.2 26.6
Handlers, equipment cleaners 2 6,107 24.8 38.5 Part time 30,912 12.4 19.0
  50 weeks or more 13,012 17.6 24.8
Service workers 20,580 22.5 32.1 27 to 49 weeks 7,013 13.0 19.7
  Private households 1,071 1.3 7.3 26 weeks or fewer 10,888 5.9 11.6
  Other 19,510 23.6 33.5 EMPLOYER SIZE
  Under 25 persons 41,912 12.7 27.5
Farming, forestry and fishing 4,251 10.0 21.4 25 to 99 persons 17,427 33.0 52.4
  100 to 499 persons 18,935 48.4 63.0
Armed Forces 924 78.4 23.9 500 to 999 persons 7,915 56.3 67.1
  Over 1,000 persons 52,941 61.9 67.6
1995 1995
    Total 140,337 41.2 53.0 AGE
Executive, admin., managerial 18,171 54.2 68.2 Total 140,337 41.2 53.0
Professional specialty 19,289 59.5 67.5 15 to 24 years 23,572 11.6 22.8
  25 to 44 years old 72,066 45.6 57.6
Technical/related support 4,355 55.9 65.7 45 to 64 years 39,723 53.1 63.9
Sales workers 17,564 28.5 43.3 65 years and over 4,976 23.1 40.7
Admin. support, inc. clerical 20,227 46.4 56.1 WORK EXPERIENCE
  Worked 140,337 41.2 53.0
Precision prod., craft/repair 14,488 42.9 56.7 Full time 110,120 49.0 62.3
  50 weeks or more 88,177 54.5 68.2
Mach. operators, assemblers 1 8,951 43.3 60.1 27 to 49 weeks 12,973 34.3 48.2
Transportation/material moving 5,673 41.5 56.6 26 weeks or fewer 8,970 16.4 24.5
Handlers, equipment cleaners 2 6,080 27.4 40.5 Part time 30,218 12.8 19.0
  50 weeks or more 12,794 18.3 25.4
Service workers 20,441 22.5 32.4 27 to 49 weeks 6,883 13.9 20.0
  Private households 1,074 2.1 5.6 26 weeks or fewer 10,540 5.4 10.7
  Other 19,367 23.6 33.8 EMPLOYER SIZE
  Under 25 persons 42,833 12.4 28.1
Farming, forestry and fishing 4,294 9.6 22.8 25 to 99 persons 17,777 35.3 53.4
  100 to 499 persons 19,061 50.0 63.3
Armed Forces 806 71.5 28.7 500 to 999 persons 8,091 55.3 64.9
  Over 1,000 persons 52,575 61.3 67.5
1996 1996
    Total 142,909 41.9 53.0 AGE
Executive, admin., managerial 18,898 55.0 67.9 Total 142,909 41.9 53.0
Professional specialty 19,942 60.1 66.5 15 to 24 years 23,914 11.2 21.6
  25 to 44 years old 72,348 46.8 58.2
Technical/related support 4,460 57.7 67.0 45 to 64 years 41,677 53.4 63.3
Sales workers 17,665 29.9 43.0 65 years and over 4,970 22.5 41.2
Admin. support, inc. clerical 19,995 47.6 57.6 WORK EXPERIENCE
  Worked 142,909 41.9 53.0
Precision prod., craft/repair 15,351 42.8 57.0 Full time 112,387 50.0 62.4
  50 weeks or more 90,257 55.6 68.2
Mach. operators, assemblers 1 8,826 43.4 60.3 27 to 49 weeks 12,998 35.2 48.7
Transportation/material moving 5,812 41.1 57.1 26 weeks or fewer 9,132 16.2 24.6
Handlers, equipment cleaners 2 6,270 26.6 36.9 Part time 30,521 12.2 18.3
  50 weeks or more 13,465 17.4 23.7
Service workers 20,901 22.7 32.0 27 to 49 weeks 6,694 12.7 18.1
  Private households 935 1.4 7.4 26 weeks or fewer 10,362 5.1 11.3
  Other 19,967 23.7 33.2 EMPLOYER SIZE
  Under 25 persons 42,985 13.7 28.1
Farming, forestry and fishing 4,014 9.5 22.3 25 to 99 persons 18,139 35.4 53.7
  100 to 499 persons 19,504 50.4 62.9
Armed Forces 775 74.6 30.7 500 to 999 persons 8,059 56.6 65.8
  Over 1,000 persons 54,222 61.3 67.0
1997 1997
    Total 144,582 42.0 52.8 AGE
Executive, admin., managerial 19,313 55.3 67.2 Total 144,582 42.0 52.8
Professional specialty 20,819 59.6 66.8 15 to 24 years 24,049 12.0 21.6
  25 to 44 years old 72,442 46.2 57.8
Technical/related support 4,656 55.2 65.4 45 to 64 years 43,155 53.8 63.1
Sales workers 17,824 30.2 42.8 65 years and over 4,937 23.3 40.8
Admin. support, inc. clerical 20,565 47.1 56.3 WORK EXPERIENCE
  Worked 144,582 42.0 52.8
Precision prod., craft/repair 15,544 41.8 56.0 Full time 113,977 49.8 62.1
  50 weeks or more 92,648 55.1 67.5
Mach. operators, assemblers 1 8,601 44.3 61.4 27 to 49 weeks 12,513 33.6 47.9
Transportation/material moving 5,809 40.8 55.2 26 weeks or fewer 8,816 16.2 25.1
Handlers, equipment cleaners 2 5,968 25.6 36.5 Part time 30,605 13.0 18.4
  50 weeks or more 13,880 17.9 24.2
Service workers 20,879 23.1 32.5 27 to 49 weeks 6,624 14.7 18.3
  Private households 1,019 1.2 8.7 26 weeks or fewer 10,101 5.2 10.3
  Other 19,860 24.2 33.7 EMPLOYER SIZE
  Under 25 persons 42,394 14.2 28.2
Farming, forestry and fishing 3,776 9.2 20.9 25 to 99 persons 18,374 35.8 52.3
  100 to 499 persons 19,051 49.0 61.7
Armed Forces 828 70.0 32.7 500 to 999 persons 8,091 57.8 66.5
  Over 1,000 persons 56,671 60.2 66.4
1998 1998
    Total 146,273 43.8 53.3 AGE
Executive, admin., managerial 20,074 58.2 68.8 Total 146,273 43.8 53.3
Professional specialty 21,375 61.5 67.4 15 to 24 years 24,596 12.9 20.8
  25 to 44 years old 71,948 48.2 58.7
Technical/related support 4,530 56.4 66.8 45 to 64 years 44,560 55.9 64.0
Sales workers 18,071 32.1 42.9 65 years and over 5,168 24.9 39.8
Admin. support, inc. clerical 20,342 48.5 55.7 WORK EXPERIENCE
  Worked 146,273 43.8 53.3
Precision prod., craft/repair 15,572 45.3 57.8 Full time 116,489 51.4 62.3
  50 weeks or more 95,776 56.4 67.4
Mach. operators, assemblers 1 8,266 46.6 60.1 27 to 49 weeks 12,156 36.0 49.2
Transportation/material moving 5,722 40.8 56.0 26 weeks or fewer 8,558 18.1 24.7
Handlers, equipment cleaners 2 6,337 26.6 38.2 Part time 29,783 13.8 17.8
  50 weeks or more 13,609 19.3 23.9
Service workers 21,194 23.5 32.0 27 to 49 weeks 6,538 14.0 18.1
  Private households 990 2.8 7.4 26 weeks or fewer 9,636 6.0 9.0
  Other 20,204 24.5 33.2 EMPLOYER SIZE
  Under 25 persons 42,707 16.1 29.3
Farming, forestry and fishing 3,984 11.7 22.3 25 to 99 persons 18,431 37.0 52.9
  100 to 499 persons 20,304 51.3 62.6
Armed Forces 804 73.2 40.6 500 to 999 persons 8,174 59.0 66.9
  Over 1,000 persons 56,657 61.9 66.2

1 Includes inspectors.
2 Includes helpers and laborers.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, unpublished data.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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