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32. 1997 Economic Census

326. Children's Involvement in Home Literacy Activities

[In percent, except number of children (8,579 represents 8,579,000). For children 3 to 5 years old not yet enrolled in kindergarten who participated in activities with a family member. Based on theNational Education Household Survey; see source. See also Table 260]

Children Taught letters, Visited a
Characteristic (1,000) Read to 1 Told a story 1 words, or numbers 1 library 2
1993 1999 1993 1999 1993 1999 1993 1999 1993 1999
    Total 8,579 8,549 78 81 43 50 58 64 38 36
  3 years old 3,889 3,827 79 81 46 52 57 65 34 33
  4 years old 3,713 3,722 78 81 41 49 58 63 41 39
  5 years old 976 1,001 76 79 36 44 58 64 38 41
  Male 4,453 4,363 77 80 43 49 58 64 38 35
  Female 4,126 4,187 79 82 43 50 58 65 38 38
  White, non-Hispanic 5,902 5,296 85 89 44 53 58 65 42 39
  Black, non-Hispanic 1,271 1,258 66 71 39 45 63 68 29 35
  Hispanic 1,026 1,421 58 61 38 40 54 55 26 25
  Other 381 574 73 81 50 53 59 69 43 43
Mother's home language: 3
  English 7,805 7,599 81 84 44 52 58 66 39 39
  Not English 603 683 42 48 36 31 52 45 26 19
Mother's highest education: 3
  Less than high school 1,036 952 60 61 37 36 56 60 22 18
  High school 3,268 2,556 76 76 41 48 56 63 31 30
  Vocational ed or some college 2,624 2,586 83 85 45 52 60 67 44 40
  College degree 912 1,455 90 91 48 55 56 65 55 50
  Graduate/professional training or degree 569 734 90 93 50 54 60 62 59 48
Mother's employment status: 3
  Employed 4,486 5,058 79 81 44 50 57 65 39 36
  Unemployed 594 452 71 70 43 47 66 63 37 29
  Not in the labor force 3,328 2,773 79 84 43 50 58 64 37 40
Family type:
  Two parents 6,226 5,997 81 85 44 52 57 64 41 40
  None or one parent 2,353 2,553 71 72 41 44 59 65 30 29
Poverty status:
  Above threshold 6,323 6,575 82 85 44 52 57 66 41 40
  Below threshold 2,256 1,975 68 69 39 42 59 58 28 24

1 Three or more times in the past week.
2 At least once in the past month.
3 Excludes children with no mother in the household and no female gaurdian.

Source: U.S. National Center for Education Statistsics, Sttistical Brief, NCES 2000-026, November 1999.'s_involvement_in_home_literacy_activities.html

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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