1. Administrative Areas and
Natural Resources
2. General Survey
3. National Accounts
4. Population
5. Employment and Wages
6. Investment in Fixed Assets
7. Energy
8. Government Finance
9. Price Indices
10. People Livelihood
11. General Survey of Cities
12. Environment Protection
13. Agriculture
14. Industry
15. Construction
16. Transport, Post and
Telecommunication Services
17. Domestic Trade
18. Foreign Trade and Economic
19. Tourism
20. Financial Intermediation
21. Education , Science and
22. Culture, Sports and Public
23. Other Social Activities
24. Main Social and Economic
Indicators of Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region
25. Main Social and Economic
Indicators of Macao Special
Main Social and Economic
Indicators of Taiwan Province
Comparison of Indicators
of China and Other Countries
13-1 Basic Conditions of Rural Grassroots Units and Agriculture
13-2 Output of Farming, Animal Husbandry and Fishery
13-3 Basic Conditions of Rural Grassroot Unit
13-4 Rural Laborers at the Year-end
13-5 Area of Cultivated Land by Region
13-6 Gross Output Value of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandryand Fishery and Related Indices
13-7 Agricultural Machinery and MachineryFor Processing Farm Products at the Year-end
13-8 Irrigated Area, Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers,
13-9 Rural Hydropower Construction and Amount of Electric Power Generation
13-10 Irrigation, Reservoirs, Flood Prevention, Waterand Soil Conservation and Improvement of Saline-Alkaline Land
13-11 Water Conservancy Facilities and Area with Flood PreventionMeasures and Improved
13-12 Original Value of Productive Fixed Assetsof Rural Household at the Year-end
13-13 Number of Major Productive Fixed Assets Per 100 Rural Households at the Year-end
13-14 Area of Land Managed by Rural Households at the Year-end by Region (2004)
13-15 Total Sown Areas of Farm Crops
13-16 Planting Structure of Major Farm Crops
13-17 Yield of Major Farm Crops
13-18 Yield of Major Farm Crops Per Hectare
13-19 Output of Major Forest Products
13-20 Number of Livestock
13-21 Output of Livestock Products
13-22 Output of Aquatic Products
13-23 Output of Major Farm Corps Per Capita
13-24 Output of Major Farm Corps Per Agricultural Laborer
13-25 Per Capita Main Farm Produce Sold by Rural Households by Region
13-26 Sales of Livestock, Poultry, Small Animals and Fishery Per Capita Rural Household
13-27 Output of Major Agricultural Products inComparison with Peak Year Prior to 1949
13-28 Areas Covered and Affected by Natural Disaster
13-29 Basic Statistics on State Farms
These tables are based on figures supplied by the National Bureau Of Statistics of the The Peoples Republic Of China and are subject to revision by the National Bureau of Statistics of China.
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