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13-1 Basic Conditions of Rural Grassroots Units and Agriculture

Item 1999 2000 2003 2004
Number of Township and Town Governments         (unit) 44741 43735 38028 36952
Number of Town Governments 19184 19692 19588 19171
Number of Villagers' Committees (unit) 737429 734715 678589 652718
Number of Rural Households (10 000 units) 23810.5 24148.7 24793.1 24971.4
Number of Rural Laborers (10 000 persons) 46896.5 47962.1 48971.0 49695.3
Male 24995.7 25517.8 26121.0 26525.8
Female 21900.8 22444.3 22850.0 23169.5
Number of Rural Laborers by Sector (10 000 persons) 46896.5 47962.1 48971.0 49695.3
Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry & Fishery 32911.8 32797.5 31259.6 30596.0
Industry 3953.0 4108.6 4937.1 5438.9
Construction 2531.9 2691.7 3201.1 3380.5
Transport, Storage, Post and 1115.8 1170.6 1328.2 1475.9
Telecommunication Services
Wholesale, Retail Trade and Catering Services 1584.6 1751.8 2059.2 2701.6
Other Non-agricultural Trades 4799.4 5441.9 6185.9 6102.4
Total Agricultural Machinery Power (10 000 kw) 48996.1 52573.6 60386.5 64027.9
Number of Large and Medium Agricultural 784216 974547 980560 1118636
Tractors (unit)
Capacity of Large and Medium Agricultural 2772.8 3161.1 3229.8 3713.1
Tractors (10 000 kw)
Number of Mini-tractors (10 000 unit) 1200.3 1264.4 1377.7 1454.9
Capacity of Mini-tractors (10 000 kw) 11008.9 11663.9 13060.2 13855.4
Number of Large and Medium Tractor Towing 132.0 140.0 169.8 188.7
Farm Machinery (10 000 unit)
Mini-Tractor Towing Farm Machinery (10 000 unit) 1621.0 1788.8 2117.2 2309.7
Number of Diesel Engines (10 000 unit) 645.0 688.1 749.6 777.5
Capacity of Diesel Engines (10 000 kw) 4934.6 5232.6 5592.8 5804.2
Number of Motorized Fishing Boats (unit) 417379 459888 478123 486878
Capacity of Motorized Fishing Boats (10 000 kw) 1253.1 1338.7 1425.9 1384.2
Irrigated Area (1 000 hectares) 53158 53820 54014 54478
Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers (10 000 tons) 4124.3 4146.4 4411.6 4636.6
Number of Hydropower Stations in Rural Areas      (unit) 31678 29962 26696 27115
Generating Capacity of Hydropower Station 664.1 698.5 862.3 993.8
in Rural Areas (10 000 kw)
Electricity Consumed in Rural Areas    (100 million kwh) 2173.4 2421.3 3432.9 3933.0
Total Sown Area (1 000 hectares) 156373 156300 152415 153553
Grain Crops 113161 108463 99410 101606
Cereal 91617 85264 76810 79350
Rice 31284 29962 26508 28379
Wheat 28855 26653 21997 21626
Corn 25904 23056 24068 25446
Beans 11190 12660 12898 12799
Tubers 10355 10538 9702 9457
Oil-bearing Crops 13906 15400 14990 14431
Cotton 3726 4041 5110 5693
Fiber Crops 205 262 337 332
Sugar Crops 1644 1514 1657 1568
Tobacco 1374 1437 1264 1266
Vegetables 13347 15237 17954 17560
Area of Tea Plantations (1 000 hectares) 1130 1089 1207 1262
Area of Orchards (1 000 hectares) 8667 8932 9436 9768

a) Number of large and medium agricultural tractors excluded the transfiguration tractors since 2002. The data in 2001 were adjusted accordingly.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the National Bureau Of Statistics of the The Peoples Republic Of China and are subject to revision by the National Bureau of Statistics of China.

Copyright © 2006 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates, all rights reserved.

Revised 26-April-2006