Military expenditures: Military branches: Military service age and obligation:
0.34% of GDP (2016)
0.35% of GDP (2015)
0.47% of GDP (2014)
0.5% of GDP (2013)
0.51% of GDP (2012)
country comparison to the world: 149
[see also: Military expenditures country ranks ]
Irish Defence Forces (Oglaigh na h-Eireannn), Permanent Defence Forces (PDF): Army, Naval Service, Air Corps; Reserve Defence Forces (RDF): Army, Naval Service Reserves (2014)
18-25 years of age for male and female voluntary military service recruits to the Permanent Defence Forces (PDF; 18-27 years of age for the Naval Service); 18-28 for cadetship (officer) applicants; 18-35 years of age for the Reserve Defence Forces (RDF); maximum obligation 12 years (PDF officers), 5 years (PDF enlisted), 3 years RDF (4 years for Naval Service Reserves); EU citizenship, refugee status, or 5-year residence in Ireland required (2014)