Military expenditures: Military branches: Military service age and obligation: Military - note:
3.08% of GDP (2015)
3.54% of GDP (2014)
3.51% of GDP (2013)
3.94% of GDP (2012)
3.08% of GDP (2011)
country comparison to the world: 28
[see also: Military expenditures country ranks ]
Revolutionary Armed Forces (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias, FAR): Revolutionary Army (Ejercito Revolucionario, ER, includes Territorial Militia Troops (Milicia de Tropas de Territoriales, MTT)), Revolutionary Navy (Marina de Guerra Revolucionaria, MGR, includes Marine Corps), Revolutionary Air and Air Defense Forces (Defensas Anti-Aereas y Fuerza Aerea Revolucionaria, DAAFAR); Youth Labor Army (Ejercito Juvenil del Trabajo, EJT) (2013)
17-28 years of age for compulsory military service; 2-year service obligation for males, optional for females (2017)
the collapse of the Soviet Union deprived the Cuban military of its major economic and logistic support and had a significant impact on the state of Cuban equipment; the army remains well trained and professional in nature; the lack of replacement parts for its existing equipment has increasingly affected operational capabilities (2013)