Military expenditures: Military branches: Military service age and obligation:
3.15% of GDP (2016)
3.45% of GDP (2015)
3.38% of GDP (2014)
3.2% of GDP (2013)
3.21% of GDP (2012)
country comparison to the world: 27
[see also: Military expenditures country ranks ]
State Committee on Defense Affairs (GKDO): Ground Forces, Air Force (includes Air Defense Forces) (2015)
18-27 years of age for compulsory or voluntary male military service in the Armed Forces or Interior Ministry; 1-year service obligation, with optional fee-based 3-year service in the call-up mobilization reserve; women may volunteer at age 19; 16-17 years of age for military cadets, who cannot take part in military operations (2013)