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    Mauritania Chiefs of State - 2007
      Chmn., Military Council for Democracy & Justice Ely Ould Mohamed VALL, Col.
      Prime Minister Sidi Mohamed Ould BOUBAKAR
      Min. of Commerce, Artisanal Manufacturing, & Tourism Ba ABDERRAHMANE
      Min. of Communication Cheikh Ould EBBE
      Min. of Culture, Youth, & Sport Mehle Mint AHMED
      Min. of Defense Ely Ould Mohamed VALL, Col.
      Min. of Economic Affairs & Development Mohamed Ould ABED
      Min. of Equipment & Transportation Ibrahima Demba BA
      Min. of Finance Abdellahi Ould Souleymane Ould Cheikh SIDIYA
      Min. of Fishing & Marine Economy Sidi Mohamed Ould SIDINA
      Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation Mohamed Moctar Ould NAHAH
      Min. of Health & Social Affairs Saadna Ould BAHAIDA
      Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research Naji Ould Mohamed MAHMOUD
      Min. of Interior, Post, & Telecommunications Mohamed Lemine Ould MOHAMED AHMED
      Min. of Justice Mahfoud BETTAH
      Min. of Literacy, Islamic Affairs, & Original Education Yahya Ould Sid'el MOUSTAPH
      Min. of Mines & Industry Mohamed Ould Ismael Ould ABEIDNA
      Min. of Petroleum & Energy Mohamed Ould Sidi Mohamed ALY
      Min. of Primary & Secondary Education Cheikh Ahmed Ould SID'AHMED
      Min. of Public Function (Civil Service) Mohamed Ould DJEGUE
      Min. of Rural Development & Environment Sylli GANDEGA
      Min. of Water Ely Ould AHMEDOU
      Min. of Women's Affairs Nebghouha Mint TLAMID
      Sec. of State for Civil Registry Abdi Ould HORMA
      Sec. of State for the Maghreb Arab Union Bissmillah Elih Ould AHMED
      Sec. of State to the Prime Min. for New Technologies Manyana SOW DEINA
      Sec. Gen. of Govt. Saidou Moussa BA
      Sec. Gen. to the Presidency Habib Ould HEMMET
      Ambassador to the US Tijani Ould Mohamed EL KERIM
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Mohamed Ould TOLBA

      NOTE: The information regarding Mauritania on this page is re-published from the 2007 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Mauritania Chiefs of State 2007 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Mauritania Chiefs of State 2007 should be addressed to the CIA.

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