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Gabon Chiefs of State - 2007
President | Bongo Odimba, El Hadj Omar |
Vice President | Di Ndinge, Didjob Divungi |
Prime Minister | Ntoutoume-Emane, Jean-Francois |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Town and Country Planning | Metogho, Emmanuel Ondo |
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the City | Miyakou, Antoine de Padoue Mboumbou |
Min. of State for Agriculture, Livestock, & Rural Development | Moussavou, Pierre claver Maganga |
Min. of State for Commerce and Industial Development | Pendy-Bouyiki, Jean-Remy |
Min. of State for Economy, Finance, Budget, & Privatization | Toungui, Paul |
Min. of State for Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, & Francophonie Affairs | Ping, Jean |
Min. of State for Housing, Town Planning and Land Register | Adiahenot, Jacques |
Min. of State for Human Rights | Abessole, Paul Mba |
Min. of State for Planning and Development Programs | Oye Mba, Casimir |
Min. of State for Transportation and Civil Aviation | Missambo, Paulette |
Min. of Civil Service, Administrative Reform, and State Modernization | Missongo, Desire Pascal |
Min. of Communication, Postal Services, and Information Technologies | Berre, Andre Dieudonne |
Min. of Culture and Arts | Amoughe Mba, Pierre |
Min. of Defense | Bongo, Ali-Ben |
Min. of Family, Child Welfare, and Women's Affairs | Ngoma, Angelique |
Min. of Forest Economy, Water, Fishing, in charge of the Environment | Doumba, Emile |
Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research | Boukossou, Vincent Moulengui |
Min. of Interior, Public Security, and Decentralization | Ngari, Idriss |
Min. of Justice | Naki, Honorine Dossou |
Min. of Labor & Employment | Ivala, Clotaire Christian |
Min. of Merchant Navy | Siby, Felix |
Min. of Mines, Energy, Oil, and Hydraulic Resources | Onouviet, Richard |
Min. of National Education | Ono, Daniel Ona |
Min. in Charge of Relations with Parliament and Government Spokesperson | Obiang, Rene Ndemezo |
Min. of Public Health | Boukoubi, Faustin |
Min. of Public Works, Equipment, and Construction | Boundono, Egide |
Min. of Small Enterprises | Biyoghe-Mba, Paul |
Min. of Social Affairs & National Solidarity | Obame, Andre Mba |
Min. of Tourism and Handicrafts | Massima, Jean |
Min. of Vocational Training and Social Rehabilitation | Ndaki, Barnabe |
Min. of Youth and Sports | Mabika, Alfred |
Dep. Min. of Public Works, Construction, and Equipment | Maboumba, Frederoc Massavala |
Dep. Min. of Economy, Finance, Budget, and Privatization | Madoungou, Senturel Ngoma and | Ndong, Jean Eyeghe |
Min. Del. of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, & Francophonie Affairs | Ndongou, Jean-Francois |
Dep. Min. of Planning and Development Programs | Assele-Ebinda, Yolanda |
Dep. Min. to the Prime Minister for State Controls, Inspections, and Fight Against Poverty and Corruption | Mabala, Martin |
Dir., Central Bank | Leyimangoye, Jean-Paul |
Ambassador to the US | Boundoukou-Latha, Paul |
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York | Dangue-Rewaka, Denis
NOTE: The information regarding Gabon on this page is re-published from the 2007 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Gabon Chiefs of State 2007 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Gabon Chiefs of State 2007 should be addressed to the CIA.