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    Costa Rica Index 2007

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    Costa Rica Chiefs of State - 2007
      President Oscar ARIAS Sanchez
      First Vice Pres. Laura CHINCHILLA
      Second Vice Pres. Kevin CASAS Zamora
      Min. of Culture, Youth, & SportsMaria Elena CARBALLO
      Min. of Education Leonardo GARNIER
      Min. of Environment & Energy Roberto DOBLES
      Min. of Finance Guillermo ZUNIGA
      Min. of Foreign Relations Bruno STAGNO Ugarte
      Min. of Foreign Trade Marco Vinicio RUIZ
      Min. of Health Maria Luisa AVILA
      Min. of Housing Fernando ZUMBADO
      Min. of Justice Laura CHINCHILLA
      Min. of Labor & Social Security Francisco MORALES
      Min. of Planning & Economic Policy Kevin CASAS Zamora
      Min. of the Presidency Rodrigo ARIAS
      Min. of Production Alfredo VOLIO Perez
      Min. of Public Security, Government, & Police Fernando BERROCAL
      Min. of Public Works & Transportation Karla GONZALES
      Min. of Science & Technology Eugenia FLORES
      Min. of Tourism Carlos Ricardo BENAVIDES
      Pres., Central Bank Francisco DE PAUL Gutierrez
      Ambassador to the US Tomas DUENAS
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Jorge URBINA Ortega

      NOTE: The information regarding Costa Rica on this page is re-published from the 2007 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Costa Rica Chiefs of State 2007 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Costa Rica Chiefs of State 2007 should be addressed to the CIA.

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    Revised 12-Mar-07
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