Norway Economy - 1986


GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES  Spanish Simplified Chinese French German Russian Hindi Arabic Portuguese

GNP: $53.15 billion in 1984, $12,838 per capita, 48.0% private consumption; 19.4% government consumption; 26.4% gross fixed investment; —0.7% change in stockbuilding; net exports of goods and services 10.0%; 1981 growth rate 3.8%, in 1980 prices

Natural resources: oil, copper, gas, pyrites, nickel, iron, zinc, lead, fish, timber, hydroelectric power

Agriculture: animal husbandry predominates, main crops- feed grains, potatoes, fruits, vegetables; 40% self-sufficient; food shortages—food grains, sugar

Ftshing: catch 2.48 million metric tons (1984); exports $766 million (1984)

Major industries: oil and gas, food processing, shipbuilding, wood pulp, paper products, metals, chemicals

Shortages: most raw materials except timber, petroleum, iron, copper, and ilmenite ore; dairy products and fish

Crude petroleum: 35.0 million metric tons produced (1984), exports $6.3 billion (1984)

Crude steel. 915,000 metric tons produced (1984), 228 kg per capita

Electric power: 23,035,000 kW capacity (1985); 119.082 billion kWh produced (1985), 28,626 kWh per capita

Exports. $18.9 billion (f.o.b., 1984); principal items—oil, natural gas, metals, chemicals, machinery, fish and fish products, pulp and paper, ships

Imports: $13.9 million (c.i.f., 1984); principal items—machinery, fuels and lubricants, transport equipment, chemicals, foodstuffs, clothing, ships

Major trade partners: 59.4% EC (25.3% UK, 16.2% FRG, 12.9% Sweden), 6.7% US (1984)

Aid: donor—ODA and OOF economic commitments (1970-83), $2.1 billion

Budget: revenues, $29.0 billion; expenditures, $25.7 billion

Monetary conversion rate: 7.69 kroner= US$1 (23 December 1985)

Fiscal year: calendar year

NOTE: The information regarding Norway on this page is re-published from the 1986 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency and other sources. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Norway 1986 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Norway 1986 should be addressed to the CIA or the source cited on each page.

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