Congo People - 1986


GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES  Spanish Simplified Chinese French German Russian Hindi Arabic Portuguese

Population: 1,853,000 (July 1986), average annual growth rate 3.0%

Nationality: noun—Congolese (sing., pl.); adjective—Congolese or Congo

Ethnic divisions: about 15 ethnic groups divided into some 75 tribes, almost all Bantu; most important ethnic groups are Kongo (48%) in the south, Sangha (20%) and M’Bochi (12%) in the north, Teke (17%) in the center; about 8,500 Europeans, mostly French

Religion: 48% animist, 47% Christian, 2% Muslim

Language: French (official); many African languages with Lingala and Kikongo most widely used

Infant mortality rate· 200/1,000(1983)

Life expe men 63

Literacy: over 50%

Labor force alout 40% of population economically active (1983); 75% agriculture, 25% commerce, industry, government;

79,100 wage earners; 40,000-60.000 unemployed

Organized labor: 20% of total labor force (1979 est.)

NOTE: The information regarding Congo on this page is re-published from the 1986 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency and other sources. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Congo 1986 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Congo 1986 should be addressed to the CIA or the source cited on each page.

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