Burkina (formerly Upper Volta) Economy - 1986


GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES  Spanish Simplified Chinese French German Russian Hindi Arabic Portuguese

GDP: $66 million (1984), $160 per capita (1984); real growth, -1.3% (1983)

Natural resources: manganese, limestone, marble, gold, antimony, copper, nickel bauxite, lead, phosphates

Agriculture: cash c rops—peanuts, shea nuts, sesame, cotton; food crops—sorghum, millet, corn, rice; livestock; food deficiency

Fishing-catch 7,000 metric tons (1983 est)

Major industries: agricultural processing plants, brewery, bottling, and brick plants; a few other light industries

Electric power-55,000 kW capacity (1985), 134 million kWh produced Ί985), 19 kWh per capita

Exports $110 million (f.o.b., 1983); livestock (on the hoof), peanuts, shea nut products, cotton, sesame

Imports. $230 million (f.o.b., 1983); textiles, food, and other consumer goods, transport equipment, machinery, fuels

Major trade partners: Ivory Coast and Ghana, overseas trade mainly with France and other EC countries: preferential tariff to EC and franc zone countries

Aid economic commitments—Western (non-US) countries. OD A and OOF (197(1-83), $1.6 billion; US authorized including Ex-lm (FY70-84) $196 million. Communist countries (1970-84), $62 million, OPEC ODA commitments (1974-83), $100 million

Budget: (1983) revenue $220 million current expenditures $148 million, development expenditures $161 million

Monetary conversion rate: about 475 Com-munaute Financiere Afrieaine (CFA) francs=US$l (1985)

Fiscal year: calendar year

NOTE: The information regarding Burkina (formerly Upper Volta) on this page is re-published from the 1986 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency and other sources. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Burkina (formerly Upper Volta) 1986 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Burkina (formerly Upper Volta) 1986 should be addressed to the CIA or the source cited on each page.

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