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7-3 Overall Energy Balance Sheet

(10 000 tons of SCE)
Item 1990 1995 2000 2002 2003
Total Energy Available for Consumption 96138 129535 115150 144319 168487
Primary Energy Output 103922 129034 106988 138369 159912
Recovery of Energy 2312 1760 1908 2043
Imports 1310 5456 14331 15769 20048
Exports (-) 5875 6776 9026 11017 12701
Stock Changes in the Year -3219 -491 1097 -710 -814
Total Energy Consumption 98703 131176 130297 148222 170943
Consumption by Sector
1.Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry,
Fishery and Water Conservancy 4852 5505 5787 6514 6603
2.Industry 67578 96191 89634 102181 119627
3.Construction 1213 1335 1433 1610 1772
4.Transport, Storage and Post
  4541 5863 9916 11087 12740
5.Wholesale, Retail Trade and Hotel,
Restaurants 1247 2018 2893 3464 4116
6.Others 3473 4519 5722 6333 6816
7.Residential Consumption 15799 15745 14912 17033 19268
Consumption by Usage
(I) Final Consumption 94289 124252 124032 140847 162882
Industry 63239 89473 83707 95143 111873
(II) Losses in Processing and Transformation 2264 3634 2372 2612 3090
Coking 905 487 322 495
Petroleum Refining 326 781 1015 1092
(III) Other Losses 2150 3289 3893 4763 4971
Balance -2565 -1641 -15147 -3903 -2455

a) Electric power and heat are converted on the basic of equal caloric value. Therefore, losses in processing and transformation exclude losses in
power generation and heating. Energy consumption of industry include that of village industry. The same as in the following tables.
b) Data on imports include the petroleum consumed by the Chinese airplanes and ships in refueling abroad. Data on exports include the petroleum
consumed by the foreign airplanes and ships in refueling in China.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the National Bureau Of Statistics of the The Peoples Republic Of China and are subject to revision by the National Bureau of Statistics of China.

Copyright © 2006 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates, all rights reserved.

Revised 26-April-2006