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6-32 Actually Completed Investment of Enterprises for Real Estate Development by Use

(10 000 yuan)
Year Completed Residential Office Houses for Other
This Year Buildings Economically Buildings Business Use
Region Investment Affordable Houses
1997 31783702 15393805 1854959 3889819 4258452 8241626
1998 36142292 20815647 2708523 4337956 4758297 6230392
1999 41032024 26384794 4370211 3385973 4843349 6417908
2000 49840529 33119839 5424365 2978511 5799927 7942252
2001 63441107 42166760 5996464 3079470 7553018 10641859
2002 77909223 52277560 5890445 3810018 9336107 12485538
2003 101538009 67766861 6219833 5083372 13023473 15664303
2004 131582516 88369532 6063880 6521963 17237192 19453829
Beijing 14732859 7759890 725690 1878924 947604 4146441
Tianjin 2639165 1752377 341183 157504 282388 446896
Hebei 3158980 2235263 361155 78672 360778 484267
Shanxi 1257891 721492 178253 81391 292859 162149
Inner Mongolia 1113775 688362 96761 50520 311122 63771
Liaoning 7011192 4805953 223165 181866 1198753 824620
Jilin 1599314 1127218 148646 64259 319339 88498
Heilongjiang 2140702 1397332 251740 85409 403541 254420
Shanghai 11754647 9006660 832433 789321 1126233
Jiangsu 12697793 9609373 504834 441332 1739884 907204
Zhejiang 12952409 9780058 439043 600824 1681506 890021
Anhui 3502733 2422492 118657 103166 559787 417288
Fujian 4777941 3084475 73714 91476 439281 1162709
Jiangxi 2428351 1519366 123784 60061 407609 441315
Shandong 7647864 5499000 468083 205920 1076599 866345
Henan 2588214 1750223 206910 59299 424303 354389
Hubei 3372808 2282551 129789 77635 374470 638152
Hunan 3348655 2070314 308452 102742 632844 542755
Guangdong 13558422 8894210 89492 670010 1615084 2379118
Guangxi 1923476 1127413 11344 25953 350986 419124
Hainan 559917 469841 53699 7468 48100 34508
Chongqing 3930919 2086851 107489 109706 598537 1135825
Sichuan 5100803 3381974 171633 141174 1035102 542553
Guizhou 1216603 709741 108404 54512 169815 282535
Yunnan 1499305 1003094 169519 21885 187613 286713
Tibet 53934 52734 26550 1200
Shaanxi 2311719 1503766 236311 191243 345785 270925
Gansu 720818 469005 107852 16176 93012 142625
Qinghai 262394 165598 37770 27959 35841 32996
Ningxia 671912 418136 48958 37020 169218 47538
Xinjiang 1047001 574770 195000 65424 344911 61896

These tables are based on figures supplied by the National Bureau Of Statistics of the The Peoples Republic Of China and are subject to revision by the National Bureau of Statistics of China.

Copyright © 2006 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates, all rights reserved.

Revised 26-April-2006