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6-1 Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country

Item 2003 2004 Increase Rate
in 2004
over 2003 (%)
Total Investment                (100 million yuan) 55566.6 70477.4 26.6
Grouped by Registration Status
State-owned Units 21661.0 25027.6 15.4
Collective-owned Units 8009.5 9965.7 24.1
Rural 6554.0 8086.6 23.4
Self-employed Units 7720.1 9880.6 27.4
Rural 3201.0 3362.7 5.1
Joint Ownership Units 188.0 217.5 15.9
Share Holding Units 12733.6 17697.9 38.7
Foreign Funded Units 2533.7 3854.0 52.5
Units with Funds from Hong Kong, 2375.1 3113.5 30.5
Macao and Taiwan
Others 345.7 720.6 111.9
Grouped by Urban and Rural Area
Urban 45811.7 59028.2 28.5
Real Estate Development 10153.8 13158.2 28.1
Rural 9754.9 11449.2 17.4
Rural Individuals 3201.0 3362.7 5.1
Grouped by Source of Funds
State Budgetary Appropriation 2687.8 3255.1 21.1
Domestic Loans 12044.4 13788.0 14.4
Foreign Investment 2599.4 3285.7 26.4
Self-raising Funds 31449.8 41902.9 33.2
Others 9834.9 12963.7 22.0
Grouped by Use of Funds
Construction and Installation 33447.2 42803.6 27.7
Purchase of Equipment and Instruments 12681.9 16527.0 30.3
Others 9437.5 11146.8 17.7
Floor Space of Buildings            (10 000 sq.m)
Floor Space under Construction 343741.6 376495.1 9.4
Residential Buildings 205286.7 217580.5 5.9
Floor Space Completed 202643.7 207019.1 2.1
Residential Buildings 130160.8 124881.1 -4.1

a) Total investment grouped by source of funds refers to financial appropriation, and the subentry figures do not
add up to the total.
b) The growth rates are calculated without removing the factor of price. The same as in the following tables.
c) Figures on total investment and investment in real estate development in value terms are not comparable with
previous years as a result of the First Economic Census, whereas increase rates are comparable.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the National Bureau Of Statistics of the The Peoples Republic Of China and are subject to revision by the National Bureau of Statistics of China.

Copyright © 2006 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates, all rights reserved.

Revised 26-April-2006