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3-21 Direct Input Coefficient of Input-Output Table (2000)

Output Production and Coking, Gas Chemical Building Metal Machinery and Construction
Agriculture Mining and Foodstuff Textile, Sewing Other Supply of and Industry Materials and Products Equipment Transportation, Commerce Public Banking and Other
Quarrying Leather and Manufacturing Electric Petroleum Non-metal Post and and Utilities Insurance Services
Input Furs Products Power, Steam Refining Mineral Telecommuni- Catering & Resident
and Hot Water Products cations Trade Services
Total Input 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
Intermediate Input 0.4216619 0.4210713 0.6852823 0.7369955 0.6642968 0.5939329 0.7510273 0.7581755 0.7042946 0.8004101 0.7602591 0.7317755 0.4847854 0.5657638 0.5417092 0.2560386 0.5219072
Agriculture 0.1525828 0.0052257 0.4085965 0.0836656 0.0469643 0.0000757 0.0000041 0.0370355 0.0034433 0.0002708 0.0002448 0.0038685 0.0011993 0.0537537 0.0049490 0.0000000 0.0118767
Mining and Quarrying 0.0016605 0.0399779 0.0035421 0.0022691 0.0111617 0.1310280 0.5405147 0.0266107 0.0642621 0.0689917 0.0047860 0.0096408 0.0036752 0.0011170 0.0042517 0.0003327 0.0055175
Foodstuff 0.0571240 0.0002539 0.1076391 0.0142264 0.0006931 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0103051 0.0009422 0.0000000 0.0000106 0.0005782 0.0045714 0.0848516 0.0191707 0.0001210 0.0052919
Textile, Sewing, Leather and 0.0030170 0.0068915 0.0022847 0.4268596 0.0700205 0.0022532 0.0013857 0.0371201 0.0170778 0.0039532 0.0059944 0.0031397 0.0052510 0.0131430 0.0186372 0.0016564 0.0100276
Furs Products
Other Manufacturing 0.0030962 0.0080635 0.0271304 0.0085558 0.2155931 0.0063711 0.0029704 0.0181972 0.0700965 0.0407919 0.0140652 0.0158032 0.0160855 0.0345045 0.0396562 0.0227050 0.0488059
Production and Supply of Electric 0.0115918 0.0729282 0.0104277 0.0086052 0.0435267 0.0661795 0.0248049 0.0898510 0.0780884 0.0958871 0.0135646 0.0109522 0.0238405 0.0121858 0.0137526 0.0042240 0.0203321
Power, Steam and Hot Water
Coking, Gas and Petroleum Refining 0.0140013 0.0354222 0.0026931 0.0020932 0.0065214 0.1357833 0.0769702 0.0345429 0.0438850 0.0558571 0.0086624 0.0778725 0.1091958 0.0216391 0.0322173 0.0027803 0.0112167
Chemical Industry 0.0935687 0.0455870 0.0278746 0.0867307 0.0845974 0.0062258 0.0150021 0.3762551 0.0744737 0.0232734 0.0895873 0.0280550 0.0134955 0.0198297 0.0301127 0.0018492 0.0706605
Building Materials and Non-metal 0.0019274 0.0075698 0.0050154 0.0009945 0.0064950 0.0032066 0.0029271 0.0055658 0.0883241 0.0153560 0.0108448 0.1582029 0.0023414 0.0051457 0.0134796 0.0008026 0.0071162
Mineral Products
Metal Products 0.0027362 0.0318433 0.0064701 0.0027195 0.0386511 0.0041409 0.0035277 0.0099882 0.0581441 0.3311885 0.1454004 0.1417944 0.0049782 0.0038416 0.0066537 0.0010725 0.0086359
Machinery and Equipment 0.0160378 0.0857097 0.0086959 0.0135826 0.0311181 0.1159483 0.0244663 0.0225708 0.0510876 0.0464298 0.3873324 0.0966223 0.1625434 0.0797390 0.0996923 0.0333705 0.0626372
Construction 0.0021550 0.0018625 0.0005638 0.0006751 0.0010430 0.0020192 0.0007430 0.0008523 0.0009235 0.0008659 0.0009844 0.0005986 0.0196918 0.0043322 0.0352027 0.0120443 0.0286694
Transportation, Post and 0.0139507 0.0273045 0.0135334 0.0152743 0.0226970 0.0311603 0.0196561 0.0245408 0.0541325 0.0435853 0.0193921 0.0694626 0.0390754 0.0314647 0.0555121 0.0295355 0.0862776
Commerce and Catering Trade 0.0190034 0.0226353 0.0400475 0.0532738 0.0595973 0.0548821 0.0243239 0.0375543 0.0696707 0.0360177 0.0342557 0.0650467 0.0198450 0.0863221 0.0385130 0.0163993 0.0483986
Public Utilities and Resident 0.0053149 0.0087444 0.0134121 0.0082262 0.0117204 0.0101987 0.0052269 0.0130809 0.0106783 0.0113747 0.0121082 0.0297553 0.0363818 0.0679305 0.0783288 0.0766536 0.0531735
Banking and Insurance 0.0057564 0.0126647 0.0061536 0.0082344 0.0100338 0.0206067 0.0070548 0.0119218 0.0169459 0.0233606 0.0103780 0.0074781 0.0153019 0.0411871 0.0417936 0.0478978 0.0155549
Other Services 0.0181378 0.0083873 0.0012025 0.0010095 0.0038631 0.0038534 0.0014496 0.0021830 0.0021187 0.0032063 0.0026479 0.0129045 0.0073125 0.0047762 0.0097858 0.0045938 0.0277149
Total Value-added 0.5783381 0.5789287 0.3147177 0.2630045 0.3357032 0.4060671 0.2489727 0.2418245 0.2957054 0.1995899 0.2397409 0.2682245 0.5152146 0.4342362 0.4582908 0.7439614 0.4780928
Depreciation of Fixed Assets 0.0225662 0.1186254 0.0480640 0.0502890 0.0448847 0.1243076 0.0456782 0.0462292 0.0583130 0.0420441 0.0422753 0.0203043 0.1884508 0.0321336 0.1460302 0.0621199 0.0652743
Compensation for Laborers 0.5082798 0.2054813 0.1238887 0.1190881 0.1315552 0.0986180 0.0720031 0.0933931 0.1550067 0.0873633 0.1073664 0.1762565 0.2136014 0.2371867 0.2142882 0.3002211 0.3759621
Net Taxes on Production 0.0156930 0.0838357 0.0792916 0.0501540 0.0378672 0.0892821 0.0754036 0.0586636 0.0519805 0.0446845 0.0390079 0.0246936 0.0319892 0.1094691 0.0427142 0.2403377 0.0140866
Operating Surplus 0.0317991 0.1709863 0.0634733 0.0434734 0.1213961 0.0938593 0.0558878 0.0435386 0.0304052 0.0254980 0.0510913 0.0469701 0.0811733 0.0554468 0.0552582 0.1412827 0.0227698

These tables are based on figures supplied by the National Bureau Of Statistics of the The Peoples Republic Of China and are subject to revision by the National Bureau of Statistics of China.

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Revised 26-April-2006