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3-19 Intermediate Use Part of 2000 Input-Output Table

Data are calculated at producers' prices of 2000.

(10 000 yuan)
Output Agriculture Mining and Foodstuff Textile, Sewing Other Production and Coking, Gas Chemical Building Metal Machinery and Construction Trans- Commerce Public Banking and Other Total
Quarrying Leather and Manufacturing Supply of and Industry Materials and Products Equipment portation, and Utilities Insurance Services Intermediate
Furs Products Electric Petroleum Non-metal Post and Catering & Resident Use
Power, Steam Refining Mineral Telecommuni- Trade Services
Input and Hot Water Products cations
Total Input 264482670 80837464 146508103 170892098 89257895 85232150 83211417 215871883 62751302 157266045 416297688 221570467 105707979 169342750 110427373 51651590 144218958 2575527831
Intermediate Input 111522265 34038340 100399413 125946715 59293735 50622180 62494043 163668775 44195400 125877337 316494113 162139831 51245687 95807995 59819524 13224801 75268910 1652059065
Agriculture 40355500 422434 59862700 14297790 4191934 6456 342 7994920 216072 42590 101903 857150 126774 9102805 546504 1712843 139838717
Mining and Quarrying 439177 3231715 518939 387774 996271 11167802 44976992 5744500 4032530 10850059 1992402 2136107 388500 189162 469503 17183 795726 88334343
Foodstuff 15108300 20526 15770000 2431180 61861 2224590 59127 4396 128106 483231 14369000 2116972 6252 763199 53546741
Textile, Sewing, Leather and 797955 557094 334723 72946931 6249883 192046 115305 8013176 1071655 621704 2495449 695655 555077 2225673 2058057 85554 1446164 100462100
Furs Products
Other Manufacturing 818887 651831 3974829 1462123 19243383 543024 247168 3928271 4398649 6415187 5855303 3501516 1700366 5843087 4379128 1172750 7038734 71174236
Production and Supply of Electric 3065830 5895331 1527740 1470560 3885102 5640620 2064048 19396300 4900150 15079780 5646931 2426690 2520127 2063585 1518666 218178 2932270 80251908
Power, Steam and Hot Water
Coking, Gas and Petroleum Refining 3703100 2863437 394563 357705 582084 11573106 6404800 7456845 2753838 8784425 3606135 17254243 11542864 3664433 3557676 143604 1617664 86260522
Chemical Industry 24747300 3685135 4083860 14821590 7550987 530640 1248344 81222900 4673320 3660110 37294993 6216160 1426581 3358018 3325262 95516 10190589 208131306
Building Materials and Non-metal 509764 611922 734792 169959 579731 273304 243572 1201500 5542450 2414982 4514651 35053100 247507 871393 1488516 41455 1026294 55524892
Mineral Products
Metal Products 723666 2574132 947917 464741 3449912 352935 293547 2156161 3648620 52084702 60529836 31417450 526232 650553 734754 55396 1245461 161856014
Machinery and Equipment 4241720 6928553 1274015 2321166 2777540 9882520 2035874 4872407 3205812 7301837 161245585 21408658 17182136 13503216 11008763 1723641 9033471 279946914
Construction 569970 150563 82608 115378 93094 172100 61824 183998 57951 136175 409796 132635 2081578 733634 3887340 622106 4134665 13625413
Transportation, Post and 3689724 2207226 1982753 2610251 2025888 2655863 1635608 5297666 3396886 6854492 8072906 15390851 4130580 5328326 6130059 1525555 12442872 85377507
Commerce and Catering Trade 5026066 1829778 5867276 9104068 5319528 4677723 2024022 8106910 4371929 5664359 14260571 14412425 2097770 14618017 4252891 847051 6980000 109460384
Public Utilities and Resident 1405700 706874 1964982 1405785 1046135 869258 434936 2823798 670078 1788855 5040607 6592904 3845842 11503534 8649647 3959280 7668631 60376844
Banking and Insurance 1522460 1023784 901546 1407194 895595 1756350 587042 2573590 1063380 3673830 4320328 1656930 1617536 6974741 4615162 2474000 2243318 39306786
Other Services 4797146 678005 176170 172520 344808 328434 120621 471243 132953 504249 1102320 2859251 772985 808820 1080624 237280 3997009 18584438
Total Value-added 152960405 46799124 46108690 44945383 29964160 34609970 20717374 52203108 18555902 31388708 99803575 59430636 54462291 73534755 50607849 38426789 68950047 923468767
Depreciation of Fixed Assets 5968377 9589377 7041765 8593985 4006315 10595008 3800949 9979577 3659215 6612112 17599117 4498838 19920752 5441584 16125731 3208592 9413798 146055093
Compensation for Laborers 134431208 16610584 18150701 20351218 11742337 8405425 5991479 20160948 9726873 13739275 44696374 39053239 22579368 40165853 23663282 15506897 54220863 499195924
Net Taxes on Production 4150516 6777065 11616866 8570928 3379951 7609706 6274443 12663820 3261846 7027359 16238911 5471364 3381509 18537801 4716820 12413825 2031553 134124281
Operating Surplus 8410304 13822098 9299359 7429253 10835556 7999831 4650504 9398762 1907968 4009962 21269173 10407195 8580662 9389516 6102016 7297475 3283833 144093468

These tables are based on figures supplied by the National Bureau Of Statistics of the The Peoples Republic Of China and are subject to revision by the National Bureau of Statistics of China.

Copyright © 2006 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates, all rights reserved.

Revised 26-April-2006