China Statistics Banner

1. Administrative Areas and
Natural Resources
2. General Survey
3. National Accounts
4. Population
5. Employment and Wages
6. Investment in Fixed Assets
7. Energy
8. Government Finance
9. Price Indices
10. People Livelihood
11. General Survey of Cities
12. Environment Protection
13. Agriculture
14. Industry
15. Construction
16. Transport, Post and
Telecommunication Services
17. Domestic Trade
18. Foreign Trade and Economic
19. Tourism
20. Financial Intermediation
21. Education , Science and
22. Culture, Sports and Public
23. Other Social Activities
24. Main Social and Economic
Indicators of Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region
25. Main Social and Economic
Indicators of Macao Special
Administrative Region
Main Social and Economic
Indicators of Taiwan Province
Comparison of Indicators
of China and Other Countries

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2-3 Principal Aggregate Indicators on National Economic and Social Development and Their Related Indices and Growth Rates

Item Aggregate Data Indices and Growth Rates (%)
1978 1989 1997 2003 2004 (2004 as percentage of the following years) Average Annual Growth Rate
1978 1989 1997 2003 1979- 1990- 1998-
2004 2004 2004
Population and Employment
Population                                             (10 000 persons)
Population at the Year-end 96259 112704 123626 129227 129988 135.0 115.3 105.1 100.6 1.2 1.0 0.7
Urban 17245 29540 39449 52376 54283 314.8 183.8 137.6 103.6 4.5 4.1 4.7
Rural 79014 83164 84177 76851 75705 95.8 91.0 89.9 98.5
Male 49567 58099 63131 66556 66976 135.1 115.3 106.1 100.6 1.2 1.0 0.8
Female 46692 54605 60495 62671 63012 135.0 115.4 104.2 100.5 1.2 1.0 0.6
Employment                                          (10 000 persons)
Employment 40152 55329 69820 74432 75200 187.3 135.9 107.7 101.0 2.4 2.1 1.1
Staff and Workers 9499 13742 14668 10492 10576 111.3 77.0 72.1 100.8 0.4
Urban Registeration Unemployment 530 378 577 800 827 156.0 218.8 143.4 103.4 1.7 5.4 5.3
Macro Economy
National Accounting                         (100 million yuan)
Gross National Income 3624.1 16917.8 73142.7 116741.2 136584.3 1032.2 380.2 177.1 109.9 9.4 9.3 8.5
Gross Domestic Product 3624.1 16909.2 74462.6 117390.2 136875.9 1031.3 380.1 174.1 109.5 9.4 9.3 8.2
Primary Industry 1018.4 4228.0 14211.2 16928.1 20768.1 319.3 179.8 125.6 106.3 4.6 4.0 3.3
Secondary Industry 1745.2 7278.0 37222.7 61274.1 72387.2 1611.7 546.7 192.0 111.1 11.3 12.0 9.8
Tertiary Industry 860.5 5403.2 23028.7 39188.0 43720.6 1191.9 335.9 173.5 108.3 10.0 8.4 8.2
Gross Domestic Expenditures 3605.6 16466.0 74894.2 121730.3 142394.2
Total Consumption 2239.1 10556.5 43579.4 67493.5 75439.7
Resident Consumption 1759.1 8523.5 34854.6 52685.5 58994.5
Public Consumption 480.0 2033.0 8724.8 14808.0 16445.2
Total Investment 1377.9 6095.0 28457.6 51554.7 62875.3
Fixed Assets 1073.9 4339.0 25154.2 51303.9 62351.4
Stock 304.0 1756.0 3303.4 250.8 523.9
Net Export of Good and Service -11.4 -185.5 2857.2 2682.1 4079.2
Investment in Fixed Assets             (100 million yuan)
Total Investment in Fixed Assets 4410.4 24941.1 55566.6 70477.4 1598.0 282.6 126.6 20.9 13.4
State-Owned Units 2808.1 13091.7 21661.0 25027.6 891.3 191.2 115.4 17.7 8.9
Collective-Owned Units 570.0 3850.9 8009.5 9965.7 1748.4 258.8 124.1 22.3 11.5
Individuals 1032.3 3429.4 7720.1 9880.6 957.1 288.1 127.4 15.3 14.1
Floor Space of Buildings under Construction(100 million sq.m) 23.0 34.4 37.6 163.5 109.3 7.3
Floor Space of Buildings Completed             (100 million sq.m) 16.6 20.3 20.7 124.7 102.0 3.2
Government Finance                       (100 million yuan)
Government Revenue 1132.3 2664.9 8651.1 21715.3 26396.5 2331.2 990.5 305.1 121.6 12.9 16.5 17.3
Central Government 175.8 822.5 4226.9 11865.3 14503.1 8249.8 1763.3 343.1 122.2 18.5 21.1 19.3
Local Governments 956.5 1842.4 4424.2 9850.0 11893.4 1243.4 645.5 268.8 120.7 10.2 13.2 15.2
Government Expenditures 1122.1 2823.8 9233.6 24650.0 28486.9 2538.7 1008.8 308.5 115.6 13.2 16.7 17.5
Central Government 532.1 888.8 2532.5 7420.1 7894.1 1483.6 888.2 311.7 106.4 10.9 15.7 17.6
Local Governments 590.0 1935.0 6701.1 17229.9 20592.8 3490.3 1064.2 307.3 119.5 14.6 17.1 17.4
Price Indices                                 (preceding year=100)
Consumer Price Index 118.0 102.8 101.2 103.9
Retail Price Index 100.7 117.8 100.8 99.9 102.8
General Price Index of Produce 104.4 113.1
Ex-Factory Price Indices of Industrial Products 118.6 99.7 102.3 106.1
Purchasing Price Indices of Raw Material, Fuel and Power 126.4 101.3 104.8 111.4
Price Indices of Investment in Fixed Assets 101.7 102.2 105.6
Production and Consumption of Energy (10 000 tons of SCE)
Total Energy Production 62770 101639 132410 159912 184600 294.1 181.6 139.4 115.4 4.2 4.1 4.9
Total Energy Consumption 57144 96934 137798 170943 197000 344.7 203.2 143.0 115.2 4.9 4.8 5.2
Employed Persons of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and 28455.6 32440.5 32677.9 31259.6 30596.0 107.5 94.3 93.6 97.9 0.3
Fishery                                                     (10 000 persons)
Gross Output Value of Farming Forestry, Animal Husbandry 1397.0 6534.7 23788.4 29691.8 36239.0 478.2 252.5 140.3 107.5 6.2 6.4 5.0
and Fishery                                            (100 million yuan)
Output of Major Farm Products                       (10 000 tons)
Grain 30476.5 40754.9 49417.1 43069.5 46946.9 154.0 115.2 95.0 109.0 1.7 0.9
Cotton 216.7 378.8 460.3 486.0 632.4 291.8 166.9 137.4 130.1 4.2 3.5 4.6
Oil-bearing Crops 521.8 1295.2 2157.4 2811.0 3065.9 587.6 236.7 142.1 109.1 7.0 5.9 5.1
Sugar Cane 2111.6 4879.5 7889.7 9023.5 8984.9 425.5 184.1 113.9 99.6 5.7 4.2 1.9
Beet Roots 270.2 924.3 1496.8 618.2 585.7 216.8 63.4 39.1 94.7 3.0
Tea 26.8 53.5 61.3 76.8 83.5 311.6 156.1 136.1 108.7 4.5 3.0 4.5
Fruits 657.0 1831.9 5089.3 14517.4 15340.9 2335.1 837.4 301.4 105.7 12.9 15.2 17.1
Meat 5268.8 6932.9 7244.8 137.5 104.5 4.7
Aquatic Products 465.4 1151.7 3601.8 4704.6 4901.8 1053.4 425.6 136.1 104.2 9.5 10.1 4.5
Output of Major Industrial Products
Cloth                                                     (100 million m) 110 189 249 354 420 380.8 222.0 168.8 118.8 5.3 5.5 7.8
Machine-Made Paper and Paperboards     (10 000 tons) 439 1333 2733 4849 4863 1107.7 364.8 177.9 100.3 9.7 9.0 8.6
Machine-made Sugar                                (10 000 tons) 227 501 703 1084 1018 448.5 203.2 144.9 93.9 5.9 4.8 5.4
Household Refrigerators                          (10 000 units) 2.80 671 1044 2243 3033 108321 452.2 290.4 135.2 30.8 10.6 16.5
Room Air-conditioning                            (10 000 units) 0.02 37 974 4821 6646 33230000 17736.9 682.3 137.9 63.1 41.2 31.6
Household Washing Machines                (10 000 units) 0.04 825 1254 1964 2349 5872500 284.6 187.2 119.6 52.6 7.2 9.4
Color Television Sets                               (10 000 units) 0.38 940 2711 6541 7329 1928684 779.7 270.3 112.0 46.2 14.7 15.3
Coal                                                    (100 million tons) 6.18 10.54 13.73 16.67 19.56 317 185.6 142.5 117.3 4.5 4.2 5.2
Crude Oil                                                   (10 000 tons) 10405 13764 16074 16960 17500 168.2 127.1 108.9 103.2 2.0 1.6 1.2
Electricity                                           (100 million kwh) 2566 5848 11356 19106 21870 852.3 374.0 192.6 114.5 8.6 9.2 9.8
Crude Steel                                                 (10 000 tons) 3178 6159 10894 22234 27280 858.4 442.9 250.4 122.7 8.6 10.4 14.0
Rolled Steel                                                (10 000 tons) 2208 4859 9979 24108 29723 1346.2 611.7 297.9 123.3 10.5 12.8 16.9
Cement                                                       (10 000 tons) 6524 21029 51174 86208 97000 1486.8 461.3 189.6 112.5 10.9 10.7 9.6
Principal Indicators of Industrial Enterprises of State Ownership
and Non-state-owned Above Designated Size
Gross industrial Output Value             (100 million yuan) 41990 54805 116.7
Original Value of Fixed Assets            (100 million yuan) 168808 195262 115.7
Annual Average Balance of Net Value of Fixed Assets (100 million yuan) 66068 73849 111.8
Profits                                               (100 million yuan) 8337 11342 136.0
Number of Employed Persons               (10 000 persons) 1005 2102 2414 2558 254.6 121.7 106.0 6.4 2.8
Gross Output Value                            (100 million yuan) 1283 9126 23084 27745 2162.5 304.0 120.2 22.7 17.2
Passenger Traffic                                 (10 000  persons) 253993 791376 1326094 1587497 1767453 695.9 223.3 133.3 111.3 7.7 5.5 4.2
Railways 81491 113807 93308 97260 111764 137.1 98.2 119.8 114.9 1.2 2.6
Highways 149229 644508 1204583 1464335 1624526 1088.6 252.1 134.9 110.9 9.6 6.4 4.4
Waterways 23042 31778 22573 17142 19040 82.6 59.9 84.3 111.1
Civil Aviation 231 1283 5630 8759 12123 5248.1 944.9 215.3 138.4 16.5 16.2 11.6
Freight Traffic                                             (10 000 tons) 248946 988435 1278218 1561422 1706412 685.5 172.6 133.5 109.3 7.7 3.7 4.2
Railways 110119 151489 172149 221178 249017 226.1 164.4 144.7 112.6 3.2 3.4 5.4
Highways 85182 733781 976536 1159957 1244990 1461.6 169.7 127.5 107.3 10.9 3.6 3.5
Waterways 43292 87493 113406 158070 187394 432.9 214.2 165.2 118.6 5.8 5.2 7.4
Pipelines 10347 15641 16002 21997 24734 239.0 158.1 154.6 112.4 3.4 3.1 6.4
Civil Aviation 6 31 125 219 277 4328.1 893.5 222.1 126.5 15.6 15.7 12.1
Volume of Freight Handled at Major Coastal Ports(10 000 tons) 19834 49025 90822 201126 246074 1240.7 501.9 270.9 122.3 10.2 11.4 15.3
Post and Telecommunications
Total Business Revenue                              (100 million yuan) 34.1 123.5 1773.3 7019.8 9712.3 40745.5 11250.7 783.3 139.5 26.0 37.0 34.2
Number of Letters Delivered                            (10 000 pieces) 28.4 57.3 68.6 103.8 82.8 291.5 144.6 120.7 79.8 4.2 2.5 2.7
Number of Newspapers and Magazines Distributed(10 000 copies) 11250 17704 21875 16594 14789 131.5 83.5 67.6 89.1 1.1
Capacity of Local Office Telephone Exchanges (10 000 lines) 406 1035 11269 35083 42347 10432.9 4092.7 375.8 120.7 19.6 28.1 20.8
Number of  Subscribers of Local  Telephone  at Year-end  (10 000 subscriber) 192 568 7031 26275 31176 16195 5488.3 443.4 118.7 21.6 30.6 23.7
Urban Telephone Subscribers 119 440 5244 17110 21025 17638 4782.5 400.9 122.9 22.0 29.4 21.9
Rural Telephone Subscribers 73 128 1787 9165 10151 13830 7904.5 568.2 110.8 20.9 33.8 28.2
Public Telephone                                     (10 000  Subscribers) 1.2 4.0 193.9 1561.4 2215.0 184583 55513.8 1142.3 141.9 33.5 52.4 41.6
Number of Mobile Telephone Subscribers(10 000 subscribers) 1.0 1323.3 26995.3 33482.4 3416571 2530.2 124.0 100.6 58.7
Domestic Trade
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods         (100 million yuan) 1559 8101 27299 45842 53950 3461.4 665.9 197.6 113.3 15.5 14.5 10.2
Foreign Trade
Total Value of Exports and Imports             (USD 100 million) 206.4 1116.8 3251.6 8509.9 11545.5 5593.8 1033.8 355.1 135.7 16.7 16.9 19.8
Exports 97.5 525.4 1827.9 4382.3 5933.2 6085.3 1129.3 324.6 135.4 17.1 17.5 18.3
Imports 108.9 591.4 1423.7 4127.6 5612.3 5153.6 949.0 394.2 136.0 16.4 16.2 21.6
Utilization of Foreign Capital         (USD 100 million)
Foreign Direct Investments 33.9 452.6 535.0 606.3 1787.4 134.0 113.3 21.2 4.3
Other Foreign Investments 3.8 71.3 26.4 34.4 902.9 48.2 130.6 15.8
International Tourism
Number of Tourists (Overnight Visitors)  (10 000 person-times) 72 936 2377 3297 4176 5832.4 446.1 175.7 126.7 16.9 10.5 8.4
Foreign Exchange Earnings from Tourism     (USD 100 million) 2.6 18.6 120.7 174.1 257.4 9787.1 1383.9 213.2 147.8 19.3 19.1 11.4
Finanical Intermediation
Deposits of National Banking System           (100 million yuan) 1134 10786 82390 208056 241424 21280.2 2238.3 293.0 116.0 22.9 23.0 16.6
Loans of National Banking System               (100 million yuan) 1850 14360 74914 158996 178198 9632.3 1240.9 237.9 112.1 19.2 18.3 13.2
Raised Capital                                               (100 million yuan) 1294 1358 1511 116.8 111.3 2.2
Insurance Premium of Insurance Companie  (100 million yuan) 139 773 3880 4318 3111.8 558.8 111.3 25.8 27.9
Indemnity Expenditure and Payment of Insurance Companies 55 247 841 1004 1838.2 406.2 119.4 21.4 22.2
(100 million yuan)
Education, Science and Technology and Culture
Full-time Teachers                                           (10 000 persons)
Institutions of Higher Education 20.6 39.7 40.5 72.5 85.8 416.5 216.1 211.9 118.3 5.6 5.3 11.3
Secondary Schools 318.2 298.0 358.7 453.7 466.8 146.7 156.6 130.1 102.9 1.5 3.0 3.8
Primary Schools 522.6 554.4 579.4 570.3 562.9 107.7 101.5 97.2 98.7 0.3 0.1
Students Enrollment                                        (10 000 persons)
Institutions of Higher Education 85.6 208.2 317.4 1108.6 1333.5 1557.8 640.5 420.1 120.3 11.1 13.2 22.8
Secondary Schools 6548.3 4554.0 6017.9 8583.2 8695.4 132.8 190.9 144.5 101.3 1.1 4.4 5.4
Primary Schools 14624.0 12373.1 13995.4 11689.7 11246.2 76.9 90.9 80.4 96.2
Government Expenditures on Education        (100 million yuan) 2531.7 6208.3
Science and Technology
Number of Scientists and Engineers                  (10 000 persons) 166.8 225.5 225.2 135.0 99.9 4.4
Expenditures on Research and Development(100 million yuan) 509.2 1539.6 1966.6 386.2 127.7 21.3
Volume of Transaction in Technical Markets (100 million yuan) 351.4 1084.7 1334.4 379.8 123.0 21.0
Number of Books Published                         (100 million copies) 37.7 58.6 73.1 66.7 64.1 170.0 109.4 87.7 96.1 2.1 0.6
Production of Feature Films                                                (film) 46 136 88 140 212 460.9 155.9 240.9 151.4 6.1 3.0 13.4
Time for TV Programs Production                       (10 000  hours) 61.6 118.6 211.7 343.4 178.6 19.3
Family, People's Livelihood and Environment
Total Number of Households                         (10 000 households) 20641 27078 32890 36198 36628 177.5 135.3 111.4 101.2 2.2 2.0 1.5
Average Household Size in Urban Areas                           (person) 3.55 3.19 3.01 2.98 83.9 93.4 99.0
Average Household Size in Rural Areas                            (person) 4.86 4.35 4.10 4.08 84.0 93.8 99.5
Marriages and Divorces
Register Number of Marriages                            (10 000 couples) 597.8 937.2 914.1 811.4 867.1 145.0 92.5 94.9 106.9 1.4
Number of Divorces                                            (10 000 couples) 28.5 75.3 119.8 133.1 166.5 584.2 221.1 139.0 125.1 7.0 5.4 4.8
Per Capita Gross Living Space in Cities                              (sq.m) 6.7 13.5 17.8 23.7 25.0 373.1 185.2 140.4 105.5 5.2 4.2 5.0
Per Capita Net Floor Space of Rural Residents                   (sq.m) 8.1 17.2 22.5 27.2 27.9 344.4 162.2 124.0 102.6 4.9 3.3 3.1
People's Livelihood
Per Capita Annual Disposable Income of Urban Households (yuan) 343 1374 5160 8472 9422 554.2 303.7 177.7 107.7 6.8 7.7 8.6
Per Capita Net Income of Rural Residents                             (yuan) 134 602 2090 2622 2936 588.1 192.4 134.5 106.8 7.1 4.5 4.3
Outstanding Amount of Saving Deposits in Urban and Rural 211 5196 46280 103617 119555 56768.8 2300.7 258.3 115.4 27.6 23.3 14.5
Areas                                                               (100 million yuan)
Wages and Welfare
Total Wages                                                      (100 million yuan) 569 2618 9405 14744 16900 2970.6 645.4 179.7 114.6 13.9 13.2 8.7
Average Wage of Staff and Workers                                     (yuan) 615 1935 6470 14040 16024 484.8 337.8 222.1 110.5 6.3 8.5 12.1
Pensions for Retired Staff and Workers            (100 million yuan) 17 319 1791 4149 4511 26535.0 1414.1 251.9 108.7 23.9 19.3 14.1
Health Care
Number of Hospitals 64309 61613 67479 62968 60867 94.6 98.8 90.2 96.7
Number of Doctors                                             (10 000 persons) 103.3 171.8 198.5 186.8 190.5 184.4 110.9 96.0 102.0 2.4 0.7
Number of Hospital Beds                                         (10 000 units) 184.7 253.8 286.9 295.5 304.7 165.0 120.1 106.2 103.1 1.9 1.2 0.9
City Construction
Volume of Tap Water Supply                            (100 million tons) 78.8 393.7 476.8 475.3 490.3 622.2 124.5 102.8 103.2 7.3 1.5 0.4
Volume of Coal Gas and Natural Gas Supply in Urban Areas (10 000 cu.m) 19.5 143.2 193.2 343.7 383.0 1964.1 267.5 198.2 111.4 12.1 6.8 10.3
Length of Sewer Pipelines                                          (10 000 km) 2.0 5.5 12.0 19.9 21.9 1119.9 401.8 182.9 110.2 9.7 9.7 9.0
Length of Paved Roads                                              (10 000 km) 2.7 9.6 13.9 20.8 22.3 827.0 232.1 160.9 107.2 8.5 5.8 7.0
Total Number of Public Buses and Trolley Buses  (unit) 25839 59671 169121 264338 281516 1089.5 471.8 166.5 106.5 9.6 10.9 7.6
Areas of Green Land                                            (10 000 hectare) 8 38 68 121 132 1615.0 346.3 193.5 109.1 11.3 8.6 9.9
Environment and Disaster
Actual Investment in Implementation of the Project for 502.4 1627.7 1909.8 380.1 117.3 21.0
Pollution Treatment in the Year                    (100 million yuan)
Number of Pollution Accidents                                          (times) 3332 1992 1843 1441 43.2 72.3 78.2
Losses Converted into Cash                                    (10 000 yuan) 8366 3375 36366 434.7 1077.5 23.4
Amount of Reparations and Fines                           (10 000 yuan) 3050 2392 3964 130.0 165.8 3.8
Number of Fire Disasters 140280 253932 252704 180.1 99.5 8.8
Fire Loss                                                                 (10 000 yuan) 154141 159089 167197 108.5 105.1 1.2
Number of Traffic Accidents 304217 667507 517889 170.2 77.6 7.9
Loss of Traffic Accidents                                        (10 000 yuan) 184616 336915 239141 129.5 71.0 3.8

a) Figures in value terms in this table are at current prices, except that on the business transaction of post and telecommunications service which is at
1990 constant prices before 2000 and at 2000 constant prices since 2000.
b) The indices and growth rates of the follow indicators are calculated at comparable prices: gross national income, gross domestic product,
value-added of the tertiary industry, price indices, gross output value of farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, gross output value of
industry, business volume of post and telecommunications, per capita income of urban and rural residents, average wages and welfare. The
average annual growth rate of total investment in fixed assets are calculated at the accumulate method.
c) Figures before 1998 on workers and staff refer to all workers and staff, while figures since 1998 refer to fully employed workers and
staff. So, the data are not comparable.
d) Insurance business include foreign insurance company since 2000.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the National Bureau Of Statistics of the The Peoples Republic Of China and are subject to revision by the National Bureau of Statistics of China.

Copyright © 2006 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates, all rights reserved.

Revised 26-April-2006